General Bullshit Chat
Posted 08 December 2005 - 7:26 AM
Posted 08 December 2005 - 9:56 AM

im gonna need your address to send these babies out darkstar, might as well just send me your tickets rather then me going up to the "PEG" to retrieve them.....ill PM you with the info ;-) :P
now starting homework........current time= almost 3 AM........(good thing my class isnt till 12:30 ;-) :) )
Posted 08 December 2005 - 10:18 AM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Well, how 'bout you send the booze out here first and I'll tell my parents to ship you the tickets if I die? :D
um.............some how i feel like i would be cheated it i agreed with that :P
but im a gambling man......first, whats your odds for death on this particualr night after your finals? X-D
Posted 08 December 2005 - 10:20 AM
Bosco Escribi�:
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Well, how 'bout you send the booze out here first and I'll tell my parents to ship you the tickets if I die? :D
um.............some how i feel like i would be cheated it i agreed with that :P
but im a gambling man......first, whats your odds for death on this particualr night after your finals? X-D
*shrug* Probably better odds than a normal night, I suppose. :D
Posted 08 December 2005 - 10:24 AM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Bosco Escribi�:
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Well, how 'bout you send the booze out here first and I'll tell my parents to ship you the tickets if I die? :D
um.............some how i feel like i would be cheated it i agreed with that :P
but im a gambling man......first, whats your odds for death on this particualr night after your finals? X-D
*shrug* Probably better odds than a normal night, I suppose. :D
ha ha thats good enough for me :P
Posted 09 December 2005 - 6:18 AM
The girl reported him to the professor and the prof brushed it off saying that it's hard to prove, etc. My friend heard of this, went to the girl and apologized to her. She then went to the dean and got him kicked out.
The worst part is that my friend couldn't possibly be a classier guy and I know this was just an aberration for him. He finished with a 98% average at the toughest boys high school in the province, nearly perfect grades through 3 years of university, is a good guy who isn't too into drinking, drugs, etc. He's athletic, funny, even goes to church. I've known him for over 5 years and worked with him for 4 of those and I know he is such a hard-worker. His family, an upper-class French-Canadian family, is going to murder him.
I understand that cheating is wrong, but you don't just sell-out your fellow classmates like this. Pull him aside and tell him it's wrong and if it happens again you'll have to report it. He made a mistake. But don't stick the knife in.
Posted 09 December 2005 - 7:24 AM
Cheating isn't cool, it's wrong, but what happened to your friend is devastating. It's one thing to bring cheating to a teacher's attention, it's another to go to the dean. It's not like he was constantly cheating off her and he's just cruising along cheating off people. You'd think given the kid's academic track record the school could've been a bit more lenient considering.
At the very least even though it's not a great situation, is at least he isn't expelled. The school will be waiting for him in 18 months.
Posted 09 December 2005 - 7:30 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
^^ That SUCKS!
Cheating isn't cool, it's wrong, but what happened to your friend is devastating. It's one thing to bring cheating to a teacher's attention, it's another to go to the dean. It's not like he was constantly cheating off her and he's just cruising along cheating off people. You'd think given the kid's academic track record the school could've been a bit more lenient considering.
At the very least even though it's not a great situation, is at least he isn't expelled. The school will be waiting for him in 18 months.
I just don't think it's appropriate to sell him out without confronting him first.
Honestly, I'm shocked at the degree to which ppl cheat in my faculty. It's ridiculous. In my class I would estimate that no fewer than 40% cheat on exams, and over 75% have, at least once, used old assignments as the basis for new assignments. I can't say that I haven't done the same this year, myself, to a very limited extent. Never really had to before, but it's so widespread and the course load is so high this year it's nigh impossible to get by without help. Not that that excuses cheating, of course, but if everyone who did it got caught......
Posted 09 December 2005 - 9:45 PM
#2199 toomuchstash
Posted 09 December 2005 - 10:05 PM
Posted 09 December 2005 - 11:38 PM
I thought as you finished exams you were supposed to feel better. *shrug* I passed this one, but it should have been a much better showing.
5 down, 5 to go, but I'm sliding dangerously close to depression vis-a-vis schoolwork. I can't focus at all. I'm working far too much to actually study. Next exam is Monday, it's one of the two I fear most and I work tomorrow and Sunday. Having one of those crisis days that I seem to have every month and a half or so.
Bosco, the odds of alcohol induced death on the 20th (or sooner!) probably just got shorter.
I'll get through it, I know. But I'm feeling pretty rattled. Thank god NYE is only 22 days away.