Don't Think
Posted 28 January 2012 - 2:15 AM
From Ed's twit page...
In celebration of the upcoming one night only screenings of The Chemical Brothers new live concert experience, "Don't Think", director Adam Smith and The Chemical Brothers present a selection of their favorite videos, plus a few Chemical faves and Smith directed clips for good measure..Go to http://goo.gl/o0NP9 for more info on "Don't Think" and http://goo.gl/KVbux to locate the screening nearest you.
They updated their Youtube page!

Posted 28 January 2012 - 3:44 AM
Champiness, on 27 January 2012 - 6:13 PM, said:
Nah. No drugs. I'm talking about the 'Chemical Afterglow'. I'm pretty sure it's known as Glint, here on the forum (as in Got Glint? or in a lesser way In Glint)
Big old review post coming very soon...
stumpbone, on 27 January 2012 - 12:03 PM, said:
Blu-Ray comes with the encore.
Tom and Ed love easter eggs, and that will be an ultimate one.
Would have to be from another show. No encore at Fuji Rock.
Posted 28 January 2012 - 7:07 AM
The Chemical Afterglow comes post-gig and in my experience, can last several days!
Welcome to the Brotherhood!

This thread is great! I am loving the reviews and the hey-I-saw-you-wrestling-the-garbage-can banter. Classic, hahahaha!!. I love how we all have experienced the same show, but have had our personal moments that make the show feel intimate and personal.
I am really hoping for a DVD release.. If people can't see this in cinemas then it would be cool for people to hold their own screenings in their living rooms.
It was so awesome to relive the Goliath that is Horsepower, and to feel Don't Think's evil churning growl pulled up from the depths of hell again. The Japanese audience, their faces, their enthusiasm, their love for the music. After the tragic year Japan had, it was awesome to see so many people celebrating and just being..happy.
So... Superflash.. That was brilliant and the cinemtatic treatment of the song was great with the flashes quickly freeze framing on individual faces in the audience.
There were so many highlights and wonderful scenes. I could go on and on like a rambling fuckwit. What areveryones highlights so far?
Posted 28 January 2012 - 8:27 AM

Posted 28 January 2012 - 8:39 AM
**counting sheep**
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
Posted 28 January 2012 - 10:55 AM
Yesterday I was reading an article on the NME website about the Don't Think movie and it ends with this sentence: The Chemical Brothers also revealed that they have been working on music "connected to the cycling" for the 2012 Olympics." Is this really true or is this old news? It's the first time that I here about it.
Posted 28 January 2012 - 4:47 PM
stumpbone, on 27 January 2012 - 6:03 PM, said:
Blu-Ray comes with the encore.
Tom and Ed love easter eggs, and that will be an ultimate one.
I would love this. I hate it when a Blu-ray only has 85 mins of material on it. What a waste of all that lovely, free space.

Posted 28 January 2012 - 6:21 PM
whirlygirl, on 27 January 2012 - 11:07 PM, said:
HBHG! It was the trigger, or in a sense a momentum that shfited upward in the film for me! Also Superflash and Believe was blinding!
whirlygirl, on 27 January 2012 - 11:14 PM, said:
I feel mushy inside!

Let's keep the ball rollin!
Chemical86, on 28 January 2012 - 2:55 AM, said:
I knew it! The pic of the cycling arena and the tweet from that cyclist come full circle!
Mumbo, on 28 January 2012 - 8:47 AM, said:
True! Add a encore, some outakes/deleted scenes/ bloopers, making of, commentary, interactive discography! And that's only the first disc!
The second disc is the one that Pum mentioned!

Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:10 PM
@makeskidskill, love the commentary on your clip.
@whirls, even better commentary. never tought I would hear that being said about a movie. At least in terms of in a cinema, not at an actual party.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 29 January 2012 - 2:42 AM
By the way, Mia and Jim, did you take Connor with you to the premiere ?
As for the encore in a DVD/Blu Ray, I don't think they did the encore at Fuji. I can't find any video on youtube anyway. A video of the end of Block Rockin Beats with the Kitten solo would confirm that
Posted 29 January 2012 - 4:41 AM
Now that i'm well rested, i can recollect memories of the events that unfolded last Thursday night.

**First off, I want to apologize to Whirls and fam. for not saying Hi to you guys, I wasn't reading the boards once i left my house and by the time we made it to the seats,I felt like i was not in a 'presentable state' to go and say hi. I was a lil embarrased.

Well, I took my long time h.s friend, Leo( who i also took to the Hollywood bowl show), his brother Juan( clueless about what he was getting himself into.) We got there around 8:30, the place looked pretty empty, when we got there compared to when i went to see Black Swan at the same place. So we walk in and look at the time board to see what theater number 'dont think' was gonna play in. At first I got kinda scared because i couldnt find it, lol. Thats when i heard my name called out, i turn and it was inchem. Shook his hand and introduced him to my friends and chit-chatted as we had drinks at the bar inside the theater lobby. We talked about the Coachella show, and how loud the movie would be played and if people would be dancing. The waiting time went by quite fast and before we knew it, it was few minutes to show time. Inchem headed in, and we went to redeem a free soda from a scratcher handed out to leo at the lower section. Afterwards we made it inside, took our seats and waited.

We get a nice introduction to the flick by the staff and looked behind me to see the rest of the attendance and spotted Inchem, whirls, Stash and Connor sitting three rows back in the center

Lights dim and TNK starts to play. I was in a real clappy mood, lol.
My Key parts:
Another world sounds so amazing, had me thinking how much better would it be hearing it full blast! Those camera shots from inside the star-gate were trippy, and the in-crowd shots and full screen visual shots made it seem like i was really there!
The build up going into to do it again is insane! Loved the shot of the crowd jumping to Horse Power, I also think Coachella had the best version of Horse Power!, minus the Lasers.( i still dont know why they were projected from the corners.)
Swoon had Everyone clapping and cheering, and that mix into star guitar gave me goosebumps!
Three little Birdies played when my friend Leo ran out to the restroom. I told him not to, but the guy couldnt hold it in. He had told me earlier that if no one would start to dance, he would start dancing in the middle aisle once HBHG started. Well he missed his chance and thats when i saw the HBHG key get pressed, Nice. saw a few fist pumps and Cheering, and seen Leo fist pump as well on his way back to the seat near the end of the song. He felt a little down missing his chance, but forgot about it once the galactic phase shift interlude came about, and into dont think! Wow! I Got flash backs from coachella on this one. Dont think pops out on the screen then out of no where we see a guy with a hoodie on, standing up, running to and dance in front of the screen! We cheered him on and Leo decided to join in along with others, it seemed kind of odd to me at first but sitting alone felt weird. (yea that was me inchem!

People were dancing jumping, you can literally feel the floor shake! the dance party continued on to about the beginning of saturate, i believe(lol),when we see guards with lil flashlights telling us to go back to our seats, some refused by sitting on the floor and yelling out "these are our seats" others yelled "coachella" and the rest just kept dancing and taking pictures.

Movie resumed and we clapped through saturate, and lost myself through believe! wow! still powerful even inside a theater. The fan's reaction at the end of believe is priceless!
EV starts and crowd cheers again, and I'm telling myself "this is what we missed at coachella!"

Loved the Golden path vocals and Superflash!, wow! can u feel the bass on this one. visuals are crazy and i heard so many sounds that i couldn't hear from video clips. Instant Fave!
Next comes our fellow Acid father!!! hrrm, I wanted the speakers to blow at this point, hehe. I need to hear this live!
Lastly Galvanize/Leave Home => Block Rocking Beats! Everyone cheered, and me and leo rapped along to Q-tip. Don't Hold Back! It all went by so fast, BRB had everyone moving again and tom begins his solo, video begins to warp and everyone cheers as the show comes to an end.
Wow! Wow! Wow!
We were all mind-blown at how well the movie came out! amazed to see everyone dancing upfront and leaving us waiting for the next show! Thanks T&E!!! for making this happen and for making my friend juan a new fan, he cant wait to experience this Live!
It was nice to Meet up with u again inchem, liked that vintage chem shirt u sported! and sorry again whirls, hope you dont give me the royal chem boot. Wont let it happen come next showtime!

here's my five second video inside the madness!( Had to cut it since i was running low on batt

Now wheres that Blueray?
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
Posted 29 January 2012 - 10:14 AM
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
So we walk in and look at the time board to see what theater number 'dont think' was gonna play in. At first I got kinda scared because i couldnt find it, lol.
Yeah! I was like 'what the hell!'
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
Another world sounds so amazing, had me thinking how much better would it be hearing it full blast! Those camera shots from inside the star-gate were trippy,
When I saw that, I kind of said to myself 'Ok...this is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
my friend Leo ran out to the restroom. I told him not to, but the guy couldnt hold it in.
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
but sitting alone felt weird. (yea that was me inchem!

good decision!
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
People were dancing jumping, you can literally feel the floor shake! the dance party continued on to about the beginning of saturate, i believe(lol),when we see guards with lil flashlights telling us to go back to our seats, some refused by sitting on the floor and yelling out "these are our seats" others yelled "coachella" and the rest just kept dancing and taking pictures.

Were having the best moment of the entire film, but nooooooooooo......the theater popo's are haven't it! kind of sucked for them to crash the party, but it came down to theater policy (actually fire dept issue! Blocking exits!) Was fun while it lasted!
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:

In a sense, I felt that I got my Coachella show back!
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
Wow! Wow! Wow!
We were all mind-blown at how well the movie came out! amazed to see everyone dancing upfront and leaving us waiting for the next show! Thanks T&E!!! for making this happen and for making my friend juan a new fan, he cant wait to experience this Live!
Good to meet you again KNE and your friends at the show! Your the new blood that's gotta keep this boat going for the years to come! That night ranks up as one of the best meetups I've been too! Tell Juan to give his 2 cents here as well!

Posted 29 January 2012 - 1:57 PM
First ever post on here tho I've been a fan since the first album came out. Can anyone suggest what will be the best cinema in London to see this in on Friday? I'm thinking in terms of screen size/room size and soundsystem.<br>...Oh and chances of a full on rave. More LA than Paris please!<br>
Posted 29 January 2012 - 4:32 PM
skyscraper, on 29 January 2012 - 2:57 PM, said:
First ever post on here tho I've been a fan since the first album came out. Can anyone suggest what will be the best cinema in London to see this in on Friday? I'm thinking in terms of screen size/room size and soundsystem.<br>...Oh and chances of a full on rave. More LA than Paris please!<br>
The more modern theatres will have the best sound and screen. Its showing at Edinburgh's Cameo cinema next friday which is a privately owned art house cinema which I always like to support but I'm going to see it in the bigger Odeon cinema here simply because I know the sound quality will be superb.
Posted 29 January 2012 - 7:33 PM
Rynostar, on 28 January 2012 - 3:10 PM, said:
You uploaded it!
THIS IS SO MINDBLOWING ON EVERY LEVEL! We were all in disbelief and laughter in what was enfolding before our eyes! I want to relive this again! Probably my biggest WTF moment in a grand scale so far!
Rynostar, on 28 January 2012 - 3:10 PM, said:
Priceless Whirls...just priceless!
Ha! Your guys footage should be put in the bonus features in the Don't Think BluRay!
I admit Ryno, I had my doubts about the peeps in LA dancing in the theater because we're so casual and laidback, but look what happens when one song and one guy can make a difference!

Posted 30 January 2012 - 6:28 AM
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
Now that i'm well rested, i can recollect memories of the events that unfolded last Thursday night.

**First off, I want to apologize to Whirls and fam. for not saying Hi to you guys, I wasn't reading the boards once i left my house and by the time we made it to the seats,I felt like i was not in a 'presentable state' to go and say hi. I was a lil embarrased.

Hey KNE, no need to apologize! It's all good.
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
Seriously. Inchem is the ultimate people spotter. One time out of the blue at random he managed to spot me and the family outside of Amoeba records (and we aren't often up in Los Angeles so that was weird!) Then he spotted us again across a field, at Coachell, amidst festival goers. How he does it, I don't know.
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
We get a nice introduction to the flick by the staff and looked behind me to see the rest of the attendance and spotted Inchem, whirls, Stash and Connor sitting three rows back in the center

Lights dim and TNK starts to play. I was in a real clappy mood, lol.
My Key parts:
Another world sounds so amazing, had me thinking how much better would it be hearing it full blast! Those camera shots from inside the star-gate were trippy, and the in-crowd shots and full screen visual shots made it seem like i was really there!
The build up going into to do it again is insane! Loved the shot of the crowd jumping to Horse Power, I also think Coachella had the best version of Horse Power!, minus the Lasers.( i still dont know why they were projected from the corners.)
Ooo yes, the overhead view from the stargate was awesome. I loved that. Not so much because I am a gear geek. I mean, seeing the gear and seeing Tom and Ed at work is fascinating. But the way that was captured - looking down through the stargate - had visually hypnotic effect as the pulses of light bursting outward fell right in time with the music. Loved it!
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
Swoon had Everyone clapping and cheering, and that mix into star guitar gave me goosebumps!
Three little Birdies played when my friend Leo ran out to the restroom. I told him not to, but the guy couldnt hold it in. He had told me earlier that if no one would start to dance, he would start dancing in the middle aisle once HBHG started. Well he missed his chance and thats when i saw the HBHG key get pressed, Nice. saw a few fist pumps and Cheering, and seen Leo fist pump as well on his way back to the seat near the end of the song. He felt a little down missing his chance, but forgot about it once the galactic phase shift interlude came about, and into dont think! Wow! I Got flash backs from coachella on this one. Dont think pops out on the screen then out of no where we see a guy with a hoodie on, standing up, running to and dance in front of the screen! We cheered him on and Leo decided to join in along with others, it seemed kind of odd to me at first but sitting alone felt weird. (yea that was me inchem!

Hahaha, yeah, it all started with that guy in the hoodie! When he got up in front of the screen and started dancing, I thought "huh?? No way, he's not really doing that is he?"... then a few other people joined in and I turned to Jim and said "oh my god, is this some kind of flash mob??" There was a moment of disbelief. Then a ton of people started swarming to the front, some armed with glowsticks. We had Connor with us so we stayed put, laughing clapping and cheering on. It really turned into a concert experience at that point.
I've been to some pretty crazy opening day and opening night movies and the blockbuster ones can attract a packed house and wild, boisterous audience. Until last Thursday, I've never been to a movie where people rushed the screen like a crowd rushes a stage at a concert. But it was a Chems movie, and people behaved like they normally do at a Chems concert in California. I didn't sense any aggression or hostility at all. It was just people dancing to the Chems on a Thursday night and having a good time. It was... fun to watch everyone enjoying themselves. It's like what was happening on screen and in the speakers bled out into atmosphere in the theater.
Yet as great as that interlude was, I didn't think it detracted from the film. My husband's youtube clip that Ryno posted showed the reaction to what was happening on screen when we followed the Japanese hostess on her interlude away from the concert and onto the festival grounds. Like when she freaks out a bit, which was funny. What a brilliantly intimate scene that interlude was.
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:

People were dancing jumping, you can literally feel the floor shake! the dance party continued on to about the beginning of saturate, i believe(lol),when we see guards with lil flashlights telling us to go back to our seats, some refused by sitting on the floor and yelling out "these are our seats" others yelled "coachella" and the rest just kept dancing and taking pictures.

My family and I took off on Thursday night and were on a mini vacation this weekend, and we kept talking about how much fun we had at this movie and how great the crowd were. We also talked about how curious it was the theater was on the 2nd foor. I believe there was a theater beneath us... Imagine watching a movie and you hear a little rumbling overhead, and some dust starts trickling from the ceiling. No it's not an earthquake. It's just some crazy people raving upstairs to a Chemical Brothers movie!!
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
I was starting to worry. Like, Coachella 2011 pt 2. As in, we were going to have the show cut short. I think there would have been rioting and possible demands of refunds if cinema management kicked everyone out!
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
EV starts and crowd cheers again, and I'm telling myself "this is what we missed at coachella!"

Loved the Golden path vocals and Superflash!, wow! can u feel the bass on this one. visuals are crazy and i heard so many sounds that i couldn't hear from video clips. Instant Fave!
I liked the Golden Path vocals and how it left off at "some kind of hell" and Tom mouthing the Golden Path vocals, totally into it.
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
Next comes our fellow Acid father!!! hrrm, I wanted the speakers to blow at this point, hehe. I need to hear this live!
Lastly Galvanize/Leave Home => Block Rocking Beats! Everyone cheered, and me and leo rapped along to Q-tip. Don't Hold Back! It all went by so fast, BRB had everyone moving again and tom begins his solo, video begins to warp and everyone cheers as the show comes to an end.
We stuck around for the credits and quite a few other people did too. I loved how the credits showed shots of the Fujirock audience. The looks on their faces. What a beautiful crowd they were! They were so captivated. I loved that. I loved watching how the music made them feel and I loved feeling like I was caught up in what they were feeling. Lots of people cheered when the Fuji girl was shown in the credits. That was cute.
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:

Oh you. Don't be silly!!
Posted 30 January 2012 - 6:29 AM
KNE, on 28 January 2012 - 8:41 PM, said:
Now wheres that Blueray?
Yes, please.
inchemwetrust, on 29 January 2012 - 2:14 AM, said:
When I saw that, I kind of said to myself 'Ok...this is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
good decision!
Were having the best moment of the entire film, but nooooooooooo......the theater popo's are haven't it! kind of sucked for them to crash the party, but it came down to theater policy (actually fire dept issue! Blocking exits!) Was fun while it lasted!
Yeah, we were not happy with the party crashers! I don't want to badmouth them. I'm sure they had their reasons... And I'm actually surprised the crowd were allowed to party in front of the screen for as long as they were.
There was a little discussion on the Chems Facebook thread when they posted a clip from the Arclight. Someone mentioned something about an injury, and that's why security broke up the party and turned off the film. We were fairly close to where the action was but at a safe distance to see what was going down. I didn't see any hostility or panic at all. I didn't notice anyone injured and having to be ushered out of the theater. So I don't know happened, exactly...?
inchemwetrust, on 29 January 2012 - 2:14 AM, said:
Yes, I feel this way too. I am so grateful to have seen the show past Believe, now!
skyscraper, on 29 January 2012 - 5:57 AM, said:
First ever post on here tho I've been a fan since the first album came out. Can anyone suggest what will be the best cinema in London to see this in on Friday? I'm thinking in terms of screen size/room size and soundsystem.<br>...Oh and chances of a full on rave. More LA than Paris please!<br>
Can't help you out with cinema suggestions, but welcome aboard!