Posted 11 June 2010 - 8:43 PM
I just had my first really intense experience with Further. I have officially fallen madly in love with the whole album, every bit, it's like I get it finally. Honestly, I was a bit overwhelmed the last weekend when I got the album and played it some 10 times back to back. Fortunately my work week was loaded and I finally got to hear Further in entirety tonight after 6 days - it blew me away. I liked it a lot till tonight, but now I think it's just too fucking brilliant. It's the album of the next decade! It is FURTHER!
People who downloaded like me, will have their heads explode positively when we get the cd. The VBR mp3 up as torrents is very shitty actually. The volume n sound is very compressed. I saw mad visions and a full film of my own through every second of this listening. This album will just explode on full quality - the Chemical Brothers are Gods. They have delivered a mastermasterpiece! yet yet again!
There are SO MANY sounds and effects from the Chems entire discography upto Come With Us almost pasted ditto on this album - all over. I love this mad experiment of mixing new and old!
I have a dilemma also now. I saw some really crazy stuff while lying in my bed tired from the whole week's work and hearing Further - It was brilliant stuff - the only problem was during Swoon I kept seeing the stuff I have already seen from the film. I'm confused if I should see the film when I get it, or wait a month and absorb Further completely, form my connections and then watch the video. I'm worried the visuals will be so good that the entire album will embed in my head with visuals pre-loaded. Any thoughts people who've seen the film already? Also is it a story?
<The C, the H, the E, the M, the I, the C, the A, the L, the brothers! THE BROTHERS!>