yo my email is takesumtime@hotmail.com
thats good. i was worried the venue might suck. i never even heard of the pool till now. cant fucking wait this will be the first vacation days i have had since april. i took two days off before and after the show.

Chems in Brooklyn, NY
#36 mario
Posted 23 September 2007 - 4:20 PM
Hammerstein was awesome! I don't know about everyone else, but it was TOO LOUD for me (I was all the way up front by the stage/crowd barrier)
The pool was a lot more fun, it had that hippy outdoor music fest feel, the sound was amazing, there was tons of space to dance and wonder around, food, drinks and fresh air :)
#37 whirly
Posted 23 September 2007 - 5:05 PM
I've never seen the Chems play a live set indoors - it's been festival all the way. Ah - the Chems in the great outdoors! Last time I saw them I was very close to the front and my ears didn't ring at all afterward. I was really worried about that especially since the artist's set before the Chems was off balance and loud enough to have caused some ear trauma had it gone on a second longer. But The Chems... The Chems sound was pristine, crystal clear - so their crew and equipment and all the stuff behind-the-scenes gets much respect for putting it all together and knowing what they're doing.
Maybe the loudness was due to the show being indoors, you know, the acoustics and all? But hey, it sounds like the Chems nearly tore the roof off. I suppose that's a sure sign of a good night. :lol:
#38 mario
Posted 23 September 2007 - 5:14 PM
yep, maybe I was way too close and/or could of been the acoustics in the venue...
OH SHIT! I forgot to mention I scored 2 HUGE U.S. tour concert posters (I got them off the wall towards the end of the show) a smaller "we are the night" poster and chemical brothers t-shirts :D