Chemical Brothers Live At Coke Festival Cracow, Poland 20.08.2010
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Posted 10 April 2010 - 2:14 PM
Krakow and the beautiful old town
I will have to come close and listen to Live The Chemical Brothers

I will have to come close and listen to Live The Chemical Brothers
Tom Rowlands said : "The most important feature of the album is that it connects with us emotionally in some way. We hope for finding a new way to make you feel. We dream of new sounds and different frames. We have worked with some guest singers but mostly the album is pure Chemical Brothers."
Posted 11 August 2010 - 6:35 PM
That's what I was exactly thinking couple of days ago Whrils. So excited. Still - can't wait
I kinda hope they'll bring back "Do it Again" for that gig. Live version with all the Future Retro by Ed and the dancing guy visuals was of the hoooook. And the follow up Krump/Clown on Get Yourself High. ahh memories. Altought it will be great whatever they play
It's always great. I trust them.

Posted 20 August 2010 - 1:13 PM

Tom Rowlands said : "The most important feature of the album is that it connects with us emotionally in some way. We hope for finding a new way to make you feel. We dream of new sounds and different frames. We have worked with some guest singers but mostly the album is pure Chemical Brothers."
Posted 21 August 2010 - 1:22 PM

Tom Rowlands said : "The most important feature of the album is that it connects with us emotionally in some way. We hope for finding a new way to make you feel. We dream of new sounds and different frames. We have worked with some guest singers but mostly the album is pure Chemical Brothers."
Posted 23 August 2010 - 2:55 AM
Whats up with this guy? lol
Complete waste of time...
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
"Everyone should have an hbhg button to press at some point in their lives. Walk through a door, press the hbhg button. Don't agree with something someone says, press the hbhg button."
Posted 23 August 2010 - 11:19 AM
OK I stayed a little bit longer in Cracow for some sightseeing (amazing city!!) but now I'm back so here's my few words. It was my third time with Chems and I can tell you that actually not everything went great. But first things first.
I was a little tired at the gig, cause it was followed by a 10 hour drive. At the place we went to see N.E.R.D - pretty nice. As a Chemical maniac I had to be there half an hour before the show to see how they setup stuff
When they rolled in their gear I felt some goosebumps - "their here, their coming soon...". 5 minutes before they were sheduled to play - Tommorow Never Knows started. First thought - why so quiet?? Tom and Ed run into stage (actually Ed was running
he was all over the place the whole gig...they had some great time there - nice to see them so happy ). Setlist was the same as previous gigs so I knew what they will play.
Galvanize kicks in - still quiet. The soundsystem was not well setup. You could only hear the bass while the Najat Aatabou sample line was barely hearable. I was dissapointed at the moment, because Galvanize is the best start for their gigs. It was always such a massive enter. I was thinking they'll fix it in few minutes and in the middle of Another World it actually got better, but still - not great. Sound was way off the whole gig. Organisators failed. I heard that other gigs didn't have good sound either. And it wasn't loud. After last Chems gig 2 years ago I had ringing in my ears the next whole day. This time - nothing
Let's get back to the setlist.
Another World - wow now this song is power live!! Amazing with this huge bass. Dissolve was great as it's my second best from Further. But didn't move people as much as I thought it would.
And then the best part of show - HORSE POWER!! best live song ever!!! with all the Future Retro by Ed it sounds of the hooook! I love the Future Retro. Crowd was jumping like crazy.
Swoon is twice as better live as listened at home
. In the second part Chems added so many sounds that overwhelmed my mind.
Star Guitar - as someone said less lights and lasers than 07/08 but still great to hear such a classic. Crowd loved it.
No intermission before Hey Boy Hey Girl. And a different intro than Sonar or Exit. It will always be the best crowd mover
The whole place was jumping like there was an earthquake. Oh I forgot to mention left and right led screens where off the whole gig - but I think that's because they were not panoramic.
Then off to Under The Influence. Robots will always do the work. They fit great. And the Future Retro again... ahh:) Transition to Out of Control is cool. They use some Midnight Mandess visuals there. Out of Control - it was always my best live song, but now it looses with Horse Power
. Now second best but still great and now with Setting Sun! Nice!!
I'm always amazed by the Saturate visuals. It's like the song was made for the visuals and not the other way around. Believe as always amazing with my favourite build up in the second part. That's the Chemical Power there.
Escape Velocity - was waiting for this one the most but the sound kinda spoiled the effect. Mostly you could hear the bass. And the visuals completely didn't work out. They were no orange dots and no Dot Man Velocity... only the falling blue dots and the part where there is a couple of dot man's
search for the youtube videos and you'll now what I mean. I heard some added effects by Chems - niiiice!
K + D + B is great live!!! The birds actually do look good live
Then off to Elektrobank beats, Acid Children vocal line and Chemical Beats as we know.
And here I almost had a heart attack as the Chems went off the stage and crew stepped in so I thougth they pack the whole thing. But in 1 minute the MS-10 turned on and everything got back to harmonia;) I love the Encore with Leave Home and Block Rocking Beats. And Tom rockin the Kitten is always impressive.
So to sum up. Tom and Ed did an amazing job there. Transition for all the songs where fantastic. Setlist was perfect. Further songs are awesome live. Despite all the sound problems I had the best time in two years.
I can't say it was my best gig of theirs, but ONLY because of the sound. I talked to some people in the hotel who saw them for the fist time, and they were amazed by the show. The hotel was actually filled with chemical fans. It was their best show they have ever seen. But I know it could be even better
And I know it will be. So now I'm looking forward for those autumn show. Germany or Paris maybe? Did ben_J say that Zenith has an amazing soundsystem? or maybe some of those November UK dates that will pop out soon
. I'll be there for sure
Ps. In 07/08 when Galvanize beat kicks in there where used all the back lights behind the screen. The effect was much better!! Use them !!
Ps2. Chems should have an arragment in their contracts that sound at the venues has to be loud as fuck !
I was a little tired at the gig, cause it was followed by a 10 hour drive. At the place we went to see N.E.R.D - pretty nice. As a Chemical maniac I had to be there half an hour before the show to see how they setup stuff

When they rolled in their gear I felt some goosebumps - "their here, their coming soon...". 5 minutes before they were sheduled to play - Tommorow Never Knows started. First thought - why so quiet?? Tom and Ed run into stage (actually Ed was running

Galvanize kicks in - still quiet. The soundsystem was not well setup. You could only hear the bass while the Najat Aatabou sample line was barely hearable. I was dissapointed at the moment, because Galvanize is the best start for their gigs. It was always such a massive enter. I was thinking they'll fix it in few minutes and in the middle of Another World it actually got better, but still - not great. Sound was way off the whole gig. Organisators failed. I heard that other gigs didn't have good sound either. And it wasn't loud. After last Chems gig 2 years ago I had ringing in my ears the next whole day. This time - nothing

Let's get back to the setlist.
Another World - wow now this song is power live!! Amazing with this huge bass. Dissolve was great as it's my second best from Further. But didn't move people as much as I thought it would.
And then the best part of show - HORSE POWER!! best live song ever!!! with all the Future Retro by Ed it sounds of the hooook! I love the Future Retro. Crowd was jumping like crazy.
Swoon is twice as better live as listened at home

Star Guitar - as someone said less lights and lasers than 07/08 but still great to hear such a classic. Crowd loved it.
No intermission before Hey Boy Hey Girl. And a different intro than Sonar or Exit. It will always be the best crowd mover

Then off to Under The Influence. Robots will always do the work. They fit great. And the Future Retro again... ahh:) Transition to Out of Control is cool. They use some Midnight Mandess visuals there. Out of Control - it was always my best live song, but now it looses with Horse Power

I'm always amazed by the Saturate visuals. It's like the song was made for the visuals and not the other way around. Believe as always amazing with my favourite build up in the second part. That's the Chemical Power there.
Escape Velocity - was waiting for this one the most but the sound kinda spoiled the effect. Mostly you could hear the bass. And the visuals completely didn't work out. They were no orange dots and no Dot Man Velocity... only the falling blue dots and the part where there is a couple of dot man's

K + D + B is great live!!! The birds actually do look good live
Then off to Elektrobank beats, Acid Children vocal line and Chemical Beats as we know.
And here I almost had a heart attack as the Chems went off the stage and crew stepped in so I thougth they pack the whole thing. But in 1 minute the MS-10 turned on and everything got back to harmonia;) I love the Encore with Leave Home and Block Rocking Beats. And Tom rockin the Kitten is always impressive.
So to sum up. Tom and Ed did an amazing job there. Transition for all the songs where fantastic. Setlist was perfect. Further songs are awesome live. Despite all the sound problems I had the best time in two years.
I can't say it was my best gig of theirs, but ONLY because of the sound. I talked to some people in the hotel who saw them for the fist time, and they were amazed by the show. The hotel was actually filled with chemical fans. It was their best show they have ever seen. But I know it could be even better

Ps. In 07/08 when Galvanize beat kicks in there where used all the back lights behind the screen. The effect was much better!! Use them !!
Ps2. Chems should have an arragment in their contracts that sound at the venues has to be loud as fuck !

Posted 23 August 2010 - 2:35 PM
kosek, on 23 August 2010 - 01:19 PM, said:
Galvanize kicks in - still quiet. The soundsystem was not well setup. You could only hear the bass while the Najat Aatabou sample line was barely hearable.
same problems at sonar! but they began with snow too quiet AND without bass. casper played right before the chems at sonar and the same soundsystem was massive. maybe it's about their livecrew?!?!
nice review btw. i visited cracow in 2007. only liked the historic centre of the city. but polish girls rock!
Posted 23 August 2010 - 2:54 PM
You are hardcore, Kosek - enduring a 10 hour drive before the show! Thank you for posting! In spite of the less-than-massive sound I am glad you had an amazing time and that the show was high quality kick ass and that it blew some first timers away. Love how the crowd shook the place like an earthquake and all these other powerful bits you describe. I also like to read that Tom and Ed are happy up there on stage, too.
I read these reviews and get so excited I can't stand it!
I read these reviews and get so excited I can't stand it!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 25 August 2010 - 2:39 AM
The fact that Believe is in the setlist reminds me that I need to make sure I have some ear plugs this time round. This song is so loud it rapes my ears.
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