Posted 03 February 2004 - 2:47 AM
magic mushrooms are very weird. i've done them 4 times, they are the kinda thing that should be only tried once. when i was in toronto last weekend the last thing i thought i do was some mushrooms, but i did. my mind was picturing something like a TV test card verses vegetable vision stuff. most bizzare
I'm a fuckin doughnut
Posted 03 February 2004 - 4:13 AM
Heh. I've done shrooms a very small handful of times, and had a good trip each time. It's all how you go into it I suppose... It's nothing I've ever wanted to do all the time, that would be a bit much in the brain melting department. And I can say from experience that hallcinogens are not for everyone and that's fine. Kudos to people willing to share their experience, but kudos to those who choose not to do that shit.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle