Underworld - Scribble (And Next Album)
Posted 20 January 2015 - 10:58 PM
It seems to be primarily a little self promotion project by a lager lager lager company. But it would've been nice to visit (the inside of) Abbey Road Studios, and get a piece of vinyl that's so limited it ain't even on Discogs.
So the record has the Gorgon city remix on one side and a live UW version of Cowgirl on the other.
You can get a free DL of the Gorgon City mix on the Black Label Project website, but sadly not the other side of the record.
Posted 21 January 2015 - 1:45 AM
skyscraper, on 20 January 2015 - 6:20 PM, said:
If you're talking about all the formatting stuff becoming visible when you edit, then you can fix it by going into full editing mode instead of using the little thing that pops up. It might remove all your paragraph breaks, though, so you'd still need to reinstate those.
Also I'm all for Underworld affiliating themselves with new artists and Gorgon City have done some killer remixes, but "Cowgirl" just doesn't seem like a good fit for the pop-deep-house style that's going around nowadays. The singer does a decent job, though. And it's not, like, abysmal - just seems a little counterintuitive for a track as energetic as "Cowgirl".
Posted 10 February 2015 - 6:45 PM
Posted 12 February 2015 - 3:35 PM
I wonder if they'll do this live.
Junior Boys Own to release a tribute to Frankie Knuckles,
the undisputed Godfather of house, on 31st March,
the 1-year anniversary of his passing
“Baby Wants To Ride” will be released digitally and on limited edition 12” vinyl by Junior Boys Own/Caroline International. All proceeds of the record will go to the Frankie Knuckles Fund (part of the Elton John AIDS Foundation).
By ordering direct, you ensure that the proceeds go direct to the charity, without any retailer margin deductions. The limited edition of 1,000 vinyl 12”s and the digital bundle are available at babywantstoride.com as “Pay What You Want” (subject to a minimum of £12 plus shipping for the vinyl and £3 for the digital bundle).
Posted 14 February 2015 - 7:50 PM
inchemwetrust, on 10 February 2015 - 11:45 AM, said:
Hmmmm... I can actually attend this. Last time this happend I jetted it to the UK for school (Chems at Hollywood Bowl). Currently applying to Grad Schools. If I get in that means I won't be leaving for that until August. Hmmm... Someone convince me more.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 15 February 2015 - 5:18 AM
skyscraper, on 12 February 2015 - 10:35 AM, said:
I get the sense that this is one of those "vs. Underworld" tracks like Downpipe where that really means "featuring Karl Hyde on vocals".
That said it's excellent, obviously a lot more fragmented and less raunchy than the original (which is fine, since I'm quite sure I don't want to hear Karl doing what Jamie Principle did there), and it's interesting, between the Gorgon City remix and this, to see themselves aligning pretty heavily with the recent 90's-throwback "deep house" boom in the pop charts. Wonder if they'll try to parlay it into a prog-house revival at some point and just make the whole decade happen over again?
Posted 08 March 2015 - 11:31 PM
So this happened on Friday night. Well it happened in so far as Karl and Darren Price turned up. Rick didn’t, as was the case on Thursday night at Bristol. It probably didn’t matter too much from an audience point of view. UW were performing the album as close to the original work as possible, so not much room for improvisation from Rick anyway. I wonder if he would have tried harder to defy his Man-Flu if this had been a new album they were promoting. I guess we’ll never know.
There was no support band and people weren’t dancing to the support DJ, so there was a lot of standing around until 9pm. Many of those people were standing in the beautifully renovated foyer getting pissed on overpriced beer. Well it was a Friday night after all.
On came the 'band' (minus Smith) at 9pm and the area we were standing in suddenly filled up with drunken gig goers from the foyer. There goes our ‘dancing space’, oh well…
The crowd took several songs to settle down which was a real shame. I’m not that big a fan of Dark & Long (shocking, I know!), but I do like Mmm Skyscraper (funnily enough). Too bad the crowd were still yapping and getting settled during this one. I imagined I would be transported 30,000 feet above the earth by this tune, but the crowd didn’t fully allow it to achieve lift off. The lack of vocals on Surfboy gave the lager (lager, lager) louts more opportunities to shout over the music, but with the arrival of Spoonman finally it felt like a real gig. Enjoyment kicked in here. Other highlights from the album section of the gig were Dirty Epic and Cowgirl (sans Rez). Dirty Epic was a definite high point for me. So good to hear it live, sing along and get the feet moving.
Tongue, River of Bass and m.e. alas were all treated like unloved children. The talking reared it’s ugly head again. M.e. in particular would have been a nice opportunity for everyone to shuffle their feet to its mellow groove. It’s a lovely album closer.
The ‘bonus’ tracks, as with the night before in Bristol were: Rez, Bigmouth (Lemon Interrupt) and lastly, the non-Dubno-era Born Slippy.Nuxx. So a shorter set than the original Festival Hall gig where they also had Minneapolis and Dark Train. It’ll be interesting to see if the set gets longer when Rick (presumably) returns for some of the forthcoming dates. I was initially sceptical about Rez coming only three tracks after Cowgirl, but in the end I probably danced harder to Rez than anything else on Friday, so I guess UW knew what they were doing.
It would have been nice to get something else in the ‘extras’ though. The obvious one for me is Spikee which came out in ’93. Right era for Dubno, and the ‘Dun Dun Duns’ sound great on a big sound system. They played the track as recently as last November in a non-Dubno gig so it’s in their arsenal...
A brief word on Born Slippy (footage Here & Here). For anyone going to forthcoming dates, it’s worth sticking around for this even though it’s purely a crowd pleaser. The light show is really full-on and in your face. Well, at £43 a ticket I guess we paid for it!
So the wonderful idea of playing Dubno in full didn’t entirely come off. The band pointed out they had never played some of these tracks live before, and now we know why; the audience can’t be trusted to shut up and get into it. Maybe they should have just turned up the volume.
There’s a comment by “Maddog Fry” on this Youtube clip from Thursday’s Bristol gig which sums things up gruffly, although of course they’ll never 'shut the bloody bar’. I think the same issue arose even at the original gig last year. It’ll be interesting to see if perhaps a German or Dutch audience might be more respectful of the album tracks. If anyone is going to those dates, please report back!
So it wasn’t as perfect as it might have been but y’know I’m still glad to have gone. I didn’t film any of it on my crappy Galaxy Fame, although there are clips starting to pop up on Youtube. I did take some really bad pictures though.
EDIT: Rick had an eye infection.

Dirty Pic, Dirty Epic.

Posted 12 March 2015 - 3:36 PM
skyscraper, on 09 March 2015 - 1:31 AM, said:
So this happened on Friday night. Well it happened in so far as Karl and Darren Price turned up. Rick didn’t, as was the case on Thursday night at Bristol.
Tonight in Glasgow... hopefully Rick's recovered...
Posted 15 March 2015 - 1:57 PM
skyscraper, on 08 March 2015 - 10:31 PM, said:
They did Spikee last night at Gateshead (Newcastle). Nice that they included it. Too late for me...
Rick's back, but on the mixing desk not the stage.
Posted 24 March 2015 - 12:58 PM