The Private Psychedelic Reel
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Posted 27 May 2010 - 3:07 PM
Do you think they'll ever play it live again?
Seeing them do that at Reading 1999 was something i'll never forget, and that live version from Glastonbury 2000 is awesome too.
I hope to see it again one day
Seeing them do that at Reading 1999 was something i'll never forget, and that live version from Glastonbury 2000 is awesome too.
I hope to see it again one day
Posted 27 May 2010 - 4:27 PM
never saw the reel live. "only" the sunshine during the early WATN tour as a closer...never forget!
it stands for the awesomeness of the chems back catalogue NOT to play their epic 3 (test, tsu, tppr)...
...it's like ac/dc do not play highway to hell.
it stands for the awesomeness of the chems back catalogue NOT to play their epic 3 (test, tsu, tppr)...
...it's like ac/dc do not play highway to hell.
Posted 27 May 2010 - 4:49 PM
yeah (although i'm not sure the test stands up to reel + sunshine etc

Posted 27 May 2010 - 11:23 PM
During the Reel and directly afterward were some of the most beautiful moments I've had at a Chemical Brothers show. Closing a show with this song is a tradition. It's such a lovely farewell, a final embrace set to song - everything about it is love. I've seen the Chems a few times but got my wish to hear this once, in 2005. When I finally got to hear this song played out... I was so incredibly moved, it was hard to describe how I felt afterward. The closest I came to feeling that way again was when I heard Escape Velocity dropped at Coachella.
Even though it would be nice for them to pull this song out of the vault once again, I trust the Brothers know what they're doing and I'm confident that no matter what they play, they'll put on a spectacular show.
Even though it would be nice for them to pull this song out of the vault once again, I trust the Brothers know what they're doing and I'm confident that no matter what they play, they'll put on a spectacular show.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 28 May 2010 - 1:03 AM
I got to hear The Private Psychadelic Reel & The Sunshine Underground in one set back in 2002 during their Come with Us tour. 
It's still been my best Chemical Brothers show to date, though Olympia in '08 was fantastic as well.
I'm excited to see what they'll change up on this tour.

It's still been my best Chemical Brothers show to date, though Olympia in '08 was fantastic as well.
I'm excited to see what they'll change up on this tour.
Posted 28 May 2010 - 9:25 AM
whirlygirl, on 28 May 2010 - 01:23 AM, said:
Even though it would be nice for them to pull this song out of the vault once again, I trust the Brothers know what they're doing and I'm confident that no matter what they play, they'll put on a spectacular show.
Yeah, i've still been blown away by them live,
i'm just interested in how they'll change the set now they've got a new album, excited about the possiblities
Posted 28 May 2010 - 3:04 PM
Ben Glass, on 28 May 2010 - 02:25 AM, said:
Yeah, i've still been blown away by them live,
i'm just interested in how they'll change the set now they've got a new album, excited about the possiblities
i'm just interested in how they'll change the set now they've got a new album, excited about the possiblities
Me too! SO excited!
It's also fascinating to hear how their set evolves as the tour goes on.
I don't get out to shows very much, if at all these days. But when the Chems come around it's so special it gives me a good reason to get excited. There is something about their gigs that trigger all the pleasure senses of the brain. Maybe it's just the volume intensity and the visuals actually searing brain cells. I don't know... But what I do know is that I feel really good during a show and the afterglow has lasting effects. And I can't wait to feel that way again.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 31 May 2010 - 10:34 PM
whirlygirl, on 28 May 2010 - 05:04 PM, said:
Me too! SO excited!
It's also fascinating to hear how their set evolves as the tour goes on.
I don't get out to shows very much, if at all these days. But when the Chems come around it's so special it gives me a good reason to get excited. There is something about their gigs that trigger all the pleasure senses of the brain. Maybe it's just the volume intensity and the visuals actually searing brain cells. I don't know... But what I do know is that I feel really good during a show and the afterglow has lasting effects. And I can't wait to feel that way again.
It's also fascinating to hear how their set evolves as the tour goes on.
I don't get out to shows very much, if at all these days. But when the Chems come around it's so special it gives me a good reason to get excited. There is something about their gigs that trigger all the pleasure senses of the brain. Maybe it's just the volume intensity and the visuals actually searing brain cells. I don't know... But what I do know is that I feel really good during a show and the afterglow has lasting effects. And I can't wait to feel that way again.
Whirly, you just said it."Afterglow".......... maybe the best word the sum up how the Chems leave us feeling.Going to a gig, the excitement,the anticipation,the euphoria during the show,the awe,the wonder,the feel good factor,the love,then that gorgeous bit when they do Surface To Air,dunno the word to describe that,the release,the climax of it all.And then yes, the Afterglow!
Posted 11 June 2010 - 3:39 PM
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