Saw Borat - the most pathetic footage shot in the name of film ever. I've no idea what was that whole (million page) discussion in here was about (i avoided it completely back then). Couldn't laugh at one joke (were there any??), the film and the character were miserable - the only reason i sat thru the shitpile was hopin there must be some cryptic message that the whole world went bonkers over once. Damn, i've never felt more pissed with myself. This beat Napolean Dynamite hands pants everything down in being the most pathetic hollywood film ever.
Gonna watch Grindhouse now to redeem myself.
p.s. also saw 7 yrs in tibet finally a few days back - though the film's not very hard hitting or impactful while watching, it left me feeling very nice, the shots of tibet were gorgeous, and it kinda definitely left an aura hovering in the air for a few days - i am definitely going to tibet in the next one year - always wanted to, now i'm fucksure!