- Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers: World Cup 2010 - - Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers
This is an interesting World Cup so far, to say the least. You might say it is creating a buzzzzzzz. Okay, you probably wouldn't say that.
I'm impressed with the media coverage here in the US; they're doing a decent job. Not great, but not too bad. I'm not able to watch most of the matches live, but I'm recording some to watch after work and also keeping up on the highlights.
He got steped on his heel. It's hard to see but that's what happened (and it probably hurts like hell). Why the fuck would he dive ? The ball was 30m away and the referee was not looking at all.
It doesn't matter how much you analyse football. How you wonder whether it was a dive or not, whether it was a foul or not, has it been a good World Cup or has it been a shit World Cup one thing is truly certain..............Frank Ribery is one ugly bastard. And I say that not being an oil painting myself.