General Bullshit Chat
Posted 08 April 2006 - 12:06 AM
mX. Escribi�:
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
no, but he does sing along to Left/Right and PTB
HAHAHA! that is so cool i�m sure his mother is very proud of him...
My son keeps recommending I take my large Star Guitar picture I made off my wall and drag it out to the next Chems show, and I keep telling him that picture ain't going nowhere. He's also enthralled with lasers, and asks how many times I've seen lasers at concerts, then to be reassured, he asks "yeah, you saw green ones at the Chemical Brothers didn't you mom?" Then he'll say, "I want to see lasers at a concert!" It would be a trip bringing him with us to any show although he's still a bit young.
He's at a great age, our little buddy... and he's got a funny sense of humor, so cute it makes me miss him so much when I'm at work. He's a total Daddy's Boy!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 08 April 2006 - 1:55 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
mX. Escribi�:
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
no, but he does sing along to Left/Right and PTB
HAHAHA! that is so cool i�m sure his mother is very proud of him...
My son keeps recommending I take my large Star Guitar picture I made off my wall and drag it out to the next Chems show, and I keep telling him that picture ain't going nowhere. He's also enthralled with lasers, and asks how many times I've seen lasers at concerts, then to be reassured, he asks "yeah, you saw green ones at the Chemical Brothers didn't you mom?" Then he'll say, "I want to see lasers at a concert!" It would be a trip bringing him with us to any show although he's still a bit young.
He's at a great age, our little buddy... and he's got a funny sense of humor, so cute it makes me miss him so much when I'm at work. He's a total Daddy's Boy!
When they played in Mexico City there was a litle girl maybe 7-8 years old , she looked so happy!! ,especially on surface to air and star guitar, she was really in to the show it was really cool, so why not take your son to a chem concert!!
Oh good memories :'(
Posted 08 April 2006 - 5:12 AM
Hi chemical people, hope all is good. Im not sure if I will be about on the forum much over the next few days or week. Sadly my nan died a few hours ago at hospital. Just thought I would let you know, just in case people wondered where I was.
Take care
Take care
Posted 08 April 2006 - 6:36 AM
Hey Rich, I'm really sorry to hear about your nan. Times like these are never easy, but they can be a mercy too - so keep your chin up. She left this earth knowing there was love around her, and that's an eternal thing.
We'll look forward to your return. Take all the time you need, brother.
We'll look forward to your return. Take all the time you need, brother.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 08 April 2006 - 6:48 AM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
mainly we don't take him because we like to get so hammered it's enough of an effort looking after whirly, let alone a child.
Haw. haw. haw.
You have a point. I never said a show doesn't make me feel young. Seeing the Chems is our time to let loose and leave any worries behind.
Connor mentioned about going to a show tonight, again. He said he wanted to be near the front if he ever went - future mosher/barricade slammer/speaker humper!! X-D I would love it if the Chems were his first concert. I've always wanted to take him to a show. I think it would blow his fresh young mind. I want to see his little fingers reach for the lasers.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 08 April 2006 - 9:01 PM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
He's also enthralled with lasers, and asks how many times I've seen lasers at concerts, then to be reassured, he asks "yeah, you saw green ones at the Chemical Brothers didn't you mom?" Then he'll say, "I want to see lasers at a concert!" It would be a trip bringing him with us to any show although he's still a bit young.
He and Jeanie would be good friends then :p