Collab's you would like to hear
Posted 14 October 2005 - 8:04 PM
irish fan Escribi�:
it was dig your own hole that was the remix of hyperballad
That's right, whenever I hear Hyperballad I try and imagine what the vocals would sound like against dyoh, pretty awesome in other words. Maybe it will be released on the 'anthology' box set, along with hot acid rhythm 2, here come the drums, remix of feel the pressure and all the other mythical unreleased stuff. I do think MIA would be a good collaboration, the production on galang seems a little reminiscent of the dyoh stuff, with all the random samples. I think her voice against samples like the explosion noise in elektrobank would be really cool. And good observation for her vocal style on something like Hot Acid Rhythm!
Posted 14 October 2005 - 8:56 PM
beatrobot Escribi�:
irish fan Escribi�:
it was dig your own hole that was the remix of hyperballad
That's right, whenever I hear Hyperballad I try and imagine what the vocals would sound like against dyoh, pretty awesome in other words. Maybe it will be released on the 'anthology' box set, along with hot acid rhythm 2, here come the drums, remix of feel the pressure and all the other mythical unreleased stuff. I do think MIA would be a good collaboration, the production on galang seems a little reminiscent of the dyoh stuff, with all the random samples. I think her voice against samples like the explosion noise in elektrobank would be really cool. And good observation for her vocal style on something like Hot Acid Rhythm!
Mmmmmmm...... anthology...... :D
Posted 14 November 2005 - 12:56 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
The singers that Nouvelle Vague work with.
They use different singers but they all have this awesome voices. I'd call them 60's voices but i dunno if that makes any sense.
what kind of music do they play?
E(argasm) = m(usic) x c(hemicals)²
Posted 14 November 2005 - 3:29 PM
Nouvell Vague are also a cover band ;) : Love Will Tear Us Apart, Just Can't Get Enough, Making Plans For Nigel, etc.
Definitely an interesting twist as far as covers go, that's their gimmick. I wasn't sure what to make of them when I first heard them but hearing these songs in that bossa nova style did grow on me.
I don't know if they'll last as a cover band to be honest. Gimmicky music kinda comes and goes and what works for one album might not be enough to carry an entire career of it. But I think their approach to covers got people interested enough to wat to check out future projects. I think Nouvelle Vague are more than capable of making their own material.
I also heard to stay away from their gigs as they are horrible. Then again, I heard that from a couple of friends who saw Nouvelle Vague open up for Dead Can Dance. Being the fans of Joy Division and New Order that they are, hearing Nouvelle Vague play Love Will Tear Us Apart (while they were opening for Dead Can Dance) really threw them off. Just 2 peoples' opinions - I don't know, they might be kindof fun maybe not when you're waiting for Dead Can Dance to play.
Definitely an interesting twist as far as covers go, that's their gimmick. I wasn't sure what to make of them when I first heard them but hearing these songs in that bossa nova style did grow on me.
I don't know if they'll last as a cover band to be honest. Gimmicky music kinda comes and goes and what works for one album might not be enough to carry an entire career of it. But I think their approach to covers got people interested enough to wat to check out future projects. I think Nouvelle Vague are more than capable of making their own material.
I also heard to stay away from their gigs as they are horrible. Then again, I heard that from a couple of friends who saw Nouvelle Vague open up for Dead Can Dance. Being the fans of Joy Division and New Order that they are, hearing Nouvelle Vague play Love Will Tear Us Apart (while they were opening for Dead Can Dance) really threw them off. Just 2 peoples' opinions - I don't know, they might be kindof fun maybe not when you're waiting for Dead Can Dance to play.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle