General Bullshit Chat:
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oh my god that's the funny SHLT:
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Based on these statistics, I present to you
Blabbing Lifetime Achievement Award:
Jeanie scores a whopping 944 posts in General Bullshit Chat! In a fairly close second is Whirly (871) followed by Darkstarexodus (659) and MadPooter (610).
Most Obnoxious About Listening Habits:
Iguanapunk wins with a massive total of 1069 in Now Playing, about 80% more than the closest poster, Ben_j, who's logged 641 posts so far. Darkstarexodus is the only one close to these two with 601.
Member With The Funniest Shlt:
Iguanapunk wins again with 317 posts, and Ben_j gets second place again with 201. Whirly and ThePumisher also have 167 and 125 posts, and Champiness has a surprising 101 considering his shorter time on the forum.
Hungriest Forum Member:
Darkstarexodus takes the cake with 151 posts in the Now Eating topic, which is twice as much as the nearest poster, Whirly, with 76! Jeanie has a nice total too, 72.
Most Consistently Intoxicated:
Darkstarexodus again who logged an incredible 806 posts in Buzzed Posting (which might explain his win in the Now Eating topic). That's over twice as much as the next most frequent poster, Jeanie, at 307. Whirly's got a decent total of 262, while Iggy doesn't even break the top ten with 26 posts.
Nerdiest Gamer:
No surprise, Ben_j, who's posted 143 times in Favorite Videogame. Iguanapunk brings up second with (112). Both these guys have posted more than twice as much as anyone else.
Couch Potato:
In the Now Watching topic, yup, Iguanapunk has posted 93 times, about three times as much as the nearest total, Whirly again at 37. Krisper, Darkstar, and ThePumisher all enjoy their television as well with over 20 posts each.
Biggest Cinema Slut:
Again, Iggy wins with 147 in Films You Saw, which is again about three times as much as the nearest posters, MadPooter (49) and ThePumisher (44).
Most Prolific Composer:
Csar grabs the victory in Post Your Music Here with 176 posts total. Ben_j and chemicalreaction follow close behind with 146 and 134.
That's all I'll do for now. I'm tired and have class in like 6 hours.
Oh, and I found some other hidden things:
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