outdoor sound at festivals is always far from perfect but I've never noticed it being too much of a problem at glasters for the chems.
we always try and get as close to the front as possible...further back it's never very punchy. same with all the bands really
I remember orbital sounding pretty ropey the year they played on the jazz stage. really didn't sound good at all - very thin sounding. and why they were playing the jazz stage is anyone's guess.
was gutted the year the chems were set to dj under the pseudonym 'london dust explosion' in the glade. it can be quite magical stumbling about in those woods :)
I think it was health and safety concerns that made it impossible. it'd been mentioned by ed on the board and a few people on site knew but then on the day Q magazine printed it in the free on site glastonbury newspaper. hence half the festival heading to the glade and it being called off..