Coachella 2011! Here We Go Again!
Posted 18 April 2011 - 3:38 PM
I guess several other artist (ratatat and leftfield) were having problems with their screens. It's probably just common for the nature of festivals for things having to be set up in a strict time period.
Posted 18 April 2011 - 5:28 PM
I watch this Believe video now and I can feel every hair on my head stand on end. This was our ending tune and I can say with 100% certainty that it was the best and largest I've ever experienced. What a tune!! Tom and Ed, never remove Believe from your set, ever. Please and thank you.
Posted 18 April 2011 - 9:40 PM
....Thank you again Chems for coming out! I'm privilaged to see you guys again.
more thoughts and my thank yous after I take a nap. Last night had issues! 3 miles to walk to my car, then car doesn't start for 30 min. then starts again, waited 90 minutes just to get out of the parking lot and onto the freeway, took 5 hours sleep, checked out of hotel. the drive made me sleepy.
Crash landed! But check this out!

Posted 18 April 2011 - 10:25 PM
whirlygirl, on 19 April 2011 - 4:28 AM, said:
What a great video, really good recording. Believe was one of my favorite parts of the show too. Absolutely amazing.
Great pics too Inchem, did you take them?
Posted 19 April 2011 - 12:58 AM

went for friday only... sniff*
There was only one act i really wanted to see. Good times

shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
Posted 19 April 2011 - 3:26 AM
So before I start in on describing and reviewing the show, I thought I’d back up to the beginning of our journey out to the desert to give an idea of where I ‘was’. Originally we (as in my husband ‘stash and my son Connor) planned on getting up at the crack of dawn on Friday and heading out, but opted at the last minute to beat the rush and book a cheap room at a crappy motel about a half hour outside of Palm Springs on Thursday night. I am very glad we did this because on our way there we got into a traffic jam of epic proportions. We eventually made it to our Super 8 Motel in Banning, which was a total dump. At least there was free wifi – so there was that!
I found myself too excited to sleep in, and was up before stash and Connor trolling the internet while they slumbered. When they awoke we packed up our stuff then beelined it to Palm Springs so we could check into our resort. When we got there we hung out for a bit with Darkstarexodus, Biff and Pooter and one of Pooter’s pals and it was a reunion of sorts. We swapped some old stories about Coachella, got Darkstar’s wristband on, and chit chatted for about a half hour or so before they all took off and stash Connor and I headed out together in search of lunch on our way to the festival. Had everything – wristband on, my phone safely tucked into a tiny purse crossed my front and a small backpack with everything else I needed for the day.
Palm Springs, in relation to Coachella is about a half hour or so drive away, so we cruised up one of the side highways and took our time. It was already blazing hot outside being in the mid 90 degrees range, so we took it easy. We came up round the back way to the festival in search of parking. We were expecting road blocks and police-manned security check points, maybe a few landmines and armored tanks guarding the perimeter of the festival grounds but saw nothing of the sort. We got into the first line of cars waiting to pile into one of the many giant parking lots outside the festival gates. Once parked, lo and behold, I discovered I left my purse at the restaurant where we had lunch. Several miles down the road in the opposite direction. 2 towns over. Whirly-style meltdown ensued. At least I had my phone and my wristband. I wasn’t missing the Chems for anything, but I really needed to go back and get my purse since it had pretty much all my worldly possessions including my bank card that would allow us access to more funds for the rest of the weekend. I was a wreck at this point. Back in car, and back down the road and the traffic to the festival was starting to thicken. Epic festival fail on my part, and an error my family won’t ever let me live down. And with good reason. I mean. How on earth could I be so fucking stupid? So back we went and thankfully my purse was recovered, and off we raced to the festival again. Amazingly the traffic flowed and we got in as easily the second time around as the first. Long walk to the festival grounds, a peek inside my bag by security and wave of the wrist at the gate and we were in! Yes finally! It was around 4pm or so.
Instantly, Connor was awash in the sights and sounds of the greatest festival on the West Coast of the US. “Oooooh…” he says “Now I see why you like it here!” His eyes were wide like a deer in headlights. The smell of food hung in the air and pretty girls in sundresses skipped their way across the grassy fields. You could hear the pulse of music coming from all directions, but it never felt too overwhelming. Palm trees lined the festival perimeter, and off to the side of the grounds there was a fully functioning Ferris wheel. We went to the pleasantly (for now) un-crowded VIP area. After getting our bearings and loosely getting a game plan together, we went to check things out and introduce Connor to everything and give him a narrative on what was what. This year felt very relaxed – the vibe and free feeling of movement reminded me very much of my first time at Coachella in 1999. It was hot outside, but it was past high noon and the breeze of early evening could be felt on my skin. There was nowhere else I would have rather been, and nobody else I would have rather been in the company with. Everyone was happy. Everything felt perfect. This is what Coachella has always been about to me.
I heard someone call out to me and I looked over and saw inchemwetrust. How he managed to spot us out in a crowd is beyond me! We went over to the Ferris wheel since there was a food court over there along with shade and places to sit. Although it’s a bit noisy since you’re in close proximity of the majority of stages, it was a good place to meet up. Stash had contacted some people previously from the Coachella messageboard (the Soberchella group) and they arranged a meeting there, so it was perfect as Connor and I could hang out with the Chemical people (Bosco showed up too!!) while stash got his AA on. It was still early yet so we had a plan to disband, then regroup at 11:15 so we could secure a spot for the Chems.
When the sun begins to set on Coachella, it is one of the most beautiful and simple pleasures the life experience of the festival can offer. The mountains in the distance loom like dark purple shadows, and everything as far as they eye can see is bathed in a coppery light. The air starts to cool and you can almost feel the stars gathering behind the fading sky, getting ready to make their appearance when darkness falls. Every person playing tag with the sun earlier in the day is mercifully given their second wind. When the sun sets, the festival lights go up and everyone who has come out to party are lit up as well. We wandered over to the farthest side of the festival where the Sahara tent was and had a gander. The raver pixies were out in droves, the glow sticks were cracked and alight, and the boom-boom-boom tss sound waves from the tents started colliding and creating their own wind patterns.
At around 5 after 11:00, we got the text from Pooter calling all forum nerds to the ferris wheel . It was nearly time to group up and wander down to the main stage and secure a spot for the Chems! We all huddled and KNE found us. I immediately ran up to hug him so my apologies to him if that seemed odd - when I am ridiculously excited, I tend to channel that energy into the form of hugging so now that I think about it, that might have seemed a bit weird! Anyway. After a brief head count we made our way to the main stage. Having heard some crippling and deafening distortion at the main stage earlier in the day, I was a little concerned about moving too close as I didn’t want the sound and bass to be overwhelming for Connor (or myself). But The Chems always have the best sound so we rested our fate in chance’s hands and moved into the crowd and as close to the front of the soundboard as possible. We were directly to the side of the soundboard about 10 feet or so, left-facing the stage. We weren’t terribly close to the front of the stage, but we weren’t terribly far back either. It was as close to the main stage as I’ve ever gotten and seemed like a great spot to experience the Chems. The stage in itself was staggeringly huge. Almost cube-like and enclosed in a scaffolding rig of steel and lights. People started piling in to see the headliner of the day, and in the spirit of Coachella Chemical Brothers crowds, there was no aggression, no elbowing and not even the slightest vibe of potential douchebaggery . I looked behind me and like Moses parting the Red Sea, I saw the “Don’t Think Just Let it Glow” sign held up high and a long line of following Glowruption Gatherers converging near our spot. The glow sticks (what must have been thousands of them) were being put out on a large sheet on the ground just behind us. It was going to go nuclear!
Then we held our ground and waited for what felt like an eternity. The giant LED screen was being tested: red, fuchsia, blue, green – but only a few squares on the left side were lit. More testing of the big screen as the warm up music was being played. With each ‘test’, some more squares would light up. The smaller lights surrounding the focal part of the stage were being tested as well and when they would dip we’d get a little excited because we’d think “this is it, they are gonna start!” but the people scuttling about onstage and the constant testing of the big screen was a clue that something wasn’t quite right. 11:40 had come and was long gone and I think everyone outside our group were sympathetic as to what was happening. There was no impatient restlessness that I could tell. There weren’t people yelling and being angry about the delay. But there was some concern over whether everything was going to be OK, and if the Chems were going to come on. Past midnight and our spot was still crowded. I didn’t really notice anyone leaving and it looked like we were all in it for the long haul, waiting for our boys to come out. I am in awe and admiration of the audience for being patient!
Finally, finally FINALLY around 12:30 or so, the lights dipped for real and the stargate LED cylinder started to drop down. The Chemical Brothers were on and we were SO ready to party! It was as though the floodgates had opened and an upheaval of excitable humanity was rushing through! Everyone went completely nuts and Galvanize was the unexpected queue to the glowruption. A tsunami of glowsticks washed over us and the ground soon became covered in luminous phosphorescence. Those who weren’t scrambling to pick up the dropped glowsticks had their hands in the air, rocking out to Galvanize which was a solid and thundering start to the show. As Biff mentioned earlier, there were these flashing lights on the stage which sparkled and pulsed around the gear. The stargate is a mesmerizing thing to behold and immediately I could see people’s eyes were fixated on it. The screen and the visuals are impressive as they are, but this stargate really freshens up the show and add some more depth to the what’s already going on.
As Galvanize was giving way to the next song, the “woo!” could be heard echoing all around. A solid beat laden with bass-heavy thickness set the foundation for the next song which was Do It Again. At this point Connor tapped me on the shoulder. I leaned in and he said “This is so much louder than the Hollywood Bowl!!!” I asked him if he wanted ear plugs and he shouted back, “Nah, it’s OK. My ears don’t hurt. But I can feel it right in here” He then tapped his chest indicating where he could feel beat throbbing from within. All the while glowsticks were still raining down!
We got some scary clown action, with the vocal from Get Yourself High. I heard some “aaaaawwwhh!!” from some people near me and I had to laugh. At this point in the Chems’ live career, there cannot be a show without some clowns to freak people out!
Next up was Horse Power. After this took me by surprise when I heard it live last year, I was looking forward to hearing it again. To say it sounded bigger and better and more badass than before is putting it lightly. This is the show’s catalyst into high gear and it tramples everything in the universe. The galloping beat can be felt coming up from the earth, ready to swallow the audience whole. What can be felt on the ground was balanced by the reverberating horse whinnying that sounded like it was echoing and taking flight into the night sky, swirling around us in a screeching, merciless tempest. Considering the festival is held on a giant polo field, the barrage that was Horse Power seemed more than appropriate - if not ironic. There was this part midway through the song, this breathing space if you will. Just when you think you’re being shown some mercy, there is another upheaval and it’s just mental! Hands in the air, bouncing bodies in unison. This song just rides the crowd fast and hard! And I wonder what all the horses in the stables nearby must have been thinking!
The next song, (the “Uh Song” as Connor so eloquently put it in his younger days, and shouted out when he heard the first familiar sounds ) was Chemical Beats. The shrill squelching was accompanied by pinwheel fireworks glimmering on the screens, in perfect unison with the “boooom” bass. I think this song was also a crowd pleaser, as it brings a bit of old school into the contemporary set. I heard some “Yes YES!!” from some people up in front of me as we were catapulted back in time to 1994, when Connor was just a twinkle in stash’s eye.

Next up, the yellow silhouette of Further Girl could be seen running through the sparkling pinwheels, and the hazy synth and twinkles of Swoon eased its way in gently. Reminding us to remember to fall in love, which allowed for a chance to breathe and recover from the fury of the past 2 songs. Swoon “live” has an interesting way of making you feel as though it’s being played for your ears only, yet played with the intent of making you feel connected to everyone else. When Swoon lifts you you to dizzying heights and the beat bottoms out and drops you back down again, the crowd can’t help but be moved in a rapturous state along with it. For lack of a better phrase this is one of the lighter moments of the show. As it progressed, the song drifted on a carpet of blips and beeps as it was carried into the familiar train track clap of Star Guitar. The new intro and treatment given to Star Guitar is a fresh take on a classic crowd pleaser. Such as the scary acid clowns are synonymous with the Chemical Brothers live show, so is the joy and open atmosphere that is created when Star Guitar plays. The “you should feel what I feel, you should take what I take” is always the “Ahhhh Moment”, the hands in the air moment, the communal moment. Yellow and red bathe the crowd in flashes of golden light and everyone seemed to soak up the moment. It’s just one of those feelings you don’t want to end, but you know it has to eventually. Were those Loops of Fury noises near the end? Hmm.
Next up was Hey Boy Hey Girl. I know some people here have complained that it’s played out, but personally I never tire of hearing this song live. It’s the initial song I heard from the Chemical Brothers for the first time I saw them live in 1999 (at Coachella), and it was like it all was coming full circle again on Friday night. I hear this and I am filled with a wave of nostalgia. Seeing the Chemical Brothers live changed everything, and it began with this song. That fly buzz at the beginning is like some whacked out raver beacon. When it starts, everyone knows what they are in for. The visuals are crazy! I love the green and black image of the bespectacled face saying the vocal, and I absolutely adore the neon ring man whose sole purpose is to fuck with the audience! That combined with a frenzy of green lasers was incredible! I think what makes this song is the audience, actually. The way people react to the peaks and drops in Hey Boy Hey Girl is the same as when you’re on a rollercoaster, and there’s that anticipation you get when you going up the first climb, and the manic release when you’re put over the edge. I love the audience response! It’s so amazing how it still generated this kind of reaction all these years later.
What happened at the end of hey Boy Hey Girl is something I won’t soon forget. There was this guttural wall of sound that felt like it was being ripped up from the earth’s core and these silver splashes splattered across the screen. This was the opening to Don’t Think and now I can hear what all the fuss was about. This song, like Horse Power, is a megawatt monster bomb that is a force to be reckoned with. I heard some a sizeable number of people (that weren’t a part of us forum nerds) scream out “YEEEAAAHHH!!!” when this started, and it was like a volcanic eruption took hold of the audience. Although I shouldn’t have been surprised, I was taken with the audience’s battle-cry reaction. It was like they knew to expect this song but the moment arrived and like a call to arms, Don’t Think grabbed hold with a power and force that felt like it was washing over the audience. Hands in the air, crowd bobbing like a sea anenome being carried on a torrential current. I looked over to see how Connor and stash were doing. Stash’s mouth was hanging wide, and I could see the flash of Connor’s blue eyes glancing at me. I reached out for him and he put my hand on his chest. I could feel what he was feeling, and it was a bit like being shell shocked from a body slamming sound wave. I knew this was going to be big, but this blew all my expectations clear out of the galaxy. I was blindsided! Immense!!
Our final songs of the night were Saturate and Believe. There is something about the flying paint balls floating across the screens that always seem to generate a playful response from anyone I’m standing near. To the right of me I heard a grown man giggling (on acid, perhaps, heh) and I’ve heard that giggle before. I am not sure what it is about the paintballs in sync with the music, but combined they create something that’s playful and childlike. This (along with the other ‘lighter’ moments from earlier” provided us with a chance to catch our breath and get our bearings after being pummeled by the previous onslaught of crazy. Good thing, too. Because Believe came back with a vengeance! There’s a rabble rousing to Believe, a fevered frenzy that generates from the stage and through the audience, that is nothing short of awe inspiring. Again, another crowd pleaser that gets me at my core each and every time I experience it live. It’s a typhoon that would rip the lid off the sky (if only the sky had a roof).
As the song ended, the stargate appeared emblazoned with Love Is All. It was the quickest hour I’ve felt in years, and a blissful, worriless one at that. I had lost track of time and had forgotten all about the delay. I couldn’t believe it was over so soon. Nobody could. As the lights went up, the crowd were not quick to disperse. Everyone stood where they were, hoping that if we were there long enough and chanted ‘Chem-i-cal… Chem-i-cal’ enough then Tom and Ed would be granted some extra time to come finish up what they so valiantly began. But it wasn’t meant to be. It was late, nearly 1:30 in the morning, and the town of Indio had to enforce the curfew. Slowly but surely the crowd disintegrated into the night. We remembered the long walk ahead of us back to our car, and our aching feet and worn out bodies reminded us that we had been on the go for over 12 hours- we still had a 15 minute trek to our car and another 30 minute drive back to our hotel. A hot shower and warm bed sounded like such a good idea, and I needed to rest my voice as Believe (once again) inspired me to scream so much I ruptured my vocal chords. We hugged our friends goodbye, then joined the mass exodus across a field of discarded glow sticks and empty water bottles… We still had the rest of the weekend to go.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 5:43 AM
Also my voice was shot the day after. Being pretty hung over didn't add to the factor.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 6:54 AM

Posted 19 April 2011 - 8:12 AM
When the HBHG visuals came on that beginning drop, Pooter and Dark, as well as myself, were shoulder to shoulder and hoping up and down....or was that SG! Damn it ! I already forgot important moments of the show.
I had a wonderful time meeting and hanging out with each and everyone of you guys! I'm truly blessed that I can share my love for the band with all of you, and contribute to the energy in our meetup!
Whirls and Family
A pleasure to meet your family again. I love the insight and the experience that you have with the band. Your such a sweetie on the outside of the forum as you are on the inside of the forum! Glad to get the chance to hang with your family for those days, but more importantly, getting our groove on for the Chems! Warm wishes!
Pooter and Biff
The 'Dynamic Duo'! I'm glad you guys came and represented, but more importantly, the energy you guys give is contagious! Thanks for always coming down to our parts of town and getting your 'rave on' with the Chems, past and present! Glad that your other friends came along for the show. Hoped they had a good to time as well!
Finally got to meet you! Eventually you will replace me when I can no longer serve my chemical gig duties!

But you are the future bro, and I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to see you @ the Bowl show! See at the next show soon! 'shakes hand'
The inner fan inside of you makes me lame! I bow to your 'chemicalness' for the fact that you came at the last minute to be with us to see the Chems. I'm glad to have met you Mr. Dark!
I really wished we could've talk more! Too bad we didn't meet for 'Lion', but seeing you for the Chems again was truly an honor for someone who has seen twice as many gigs as I have! ( MY GOD! I have some catching up to do!

other thanx
Staff @ Coachella.......9 out of 10!
The Food Court: Pulled pork sandwiches were ace!
Del Taco: Open 24 hrs! You get hungry when you leave the venue!
Motel 6: Slept like a bug on the rug!
10 Freeway: Traffic...no way jose!
and the shows I saw in the those 3 days: graded in stars!
Tokimonster (twice)****
Sander Kleinenberg****
Laidback Luke***
One Day As A Lion*****
Fedde Le Grande***
Paul Van Dyke****
Arcade Fire (missed a little of it)***
Green Velvet***
City and Colour***
Jimmy Eat World****
Best Coast*****
Duran Duran***
The Strokes****
Kanye West ****
and special thanx to the EMT's for 'patching me up' !

One more thing!
To the Chemcial Brothers
Be calm and strong and patient. Meet failure and disappointment with courage. Rise superior to the trials of life, and never give in to hopelessness or despair. In danger, in adversity, cling to your principles and ideals. Aequanimitas! ~
- Sir William Osler
“You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again”
- Tom Petty


Posted 19 April 2011 - 3:10 PM
Many, many thanks to Pooter for hooking up the ticket and the accomodations (swank!) and to Whirly + stash for providing the ride from the airport and to everyone else for helping to make it a weekend to remember.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 8:51 PM
Yes, I was disappointed that we didn't get to experience Escape Velocity and it would have made my night, but regardless, it was fantastic to meet new people from here on the Boards, hang out with folks I had met before, and stayed in some of the nicest accommodations I have ever encountered to date. The energy of the festival was awesome, and I loved every minute of the Chems' set, ESPECIALLY HEARING THREE LITTLE BIRDIES ON A DOWN BEAT!!! AUGH! THAT WAS AMAZING!
Thanks T&E.
Thanks Whirls, Stash, inchemwetrust, Bosco, Biff, KNE, Darkstarexodus, and everyone else who I might have missed for hanging out, meeting up, keeping the energy up, keeping the love, and KEEPING THIS THING GOING!
Dare I hope for yet another Chemical Brothers experience? I think I do dare. Here's to T&E keeping this thing going for as long as they have the energy. <3
Posted 19 April 2011 - 9:11 PM
“This is so much louder than the Hollywood Bowl!!!”
I can feel it right in here” He then tapped his chest indicating where he could feel beat throbbing from within.
What can be felt on the ground was balanced by the reverberating horse whinnying that sounded like it was echoing and taking flight into the night sky, swirling around us in a screeching, merciless tempest.
There was this guttural wall of sound that felt like it was being ripped up from the earth’s core and these silver splashes splattered across the screen.
All this....is making me plan out how I can be there for the next meet up....
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 19 April 2011 - 9:42 PM
DaiBoyCookie, on 19 April 2011 - 11:18 AM, said:

Hey Daiboycookie - as Pooter said there was no Escape Velocity. If you take their current set list, we got Galvanize thru Believe. This was not a perfect gig... A lot was omitted and the visuals were messed up for reasons that were beyond the Chems and their crew's control... What we got to hear was incredible but Tom and Ed are perfectionists and going by their previous shows being everything perfect and then some, Friday's gig was not what our boys had in mind for us.
I stand by my statement that none of that changes the wonderful experience, and what I heard was awesome (I can't believe I left Setting Sun out of my review!!) I've had some stressful and nerve-wracking events in my life recently and this weekend and being allowed to scream and let go and enjoy the Chemical Brothers was a welcome release for me.
brother_ging, on 19 April 2011 - 1:18 PM, said:
Ha! That's what we kept remarking whenever we walked past the main stage!
MadPooter, on 19 April 2011 - 1:51 PM, said:
Yes, I was disappointed that we didn't get to experience Escape Velocity and it would have made my night, but regardless, it was fantastic to meet new people from here on the Boards, hang out with folks I had met before, and stayed in some of the nicest accommodations I have ever encountered to date. The energy of the festival was awesome, and I loved every minute of the Chems' set, ESPECIALLY HEARING THREE LITTLE BIRDIES ON A DOWN BEAT!!! AUGH! THAT WAS AMAZING!
Thanks T&E.
Thanks Whirls, Stash, inchemwetrust, Bosco, Biff, KNE, Darkstarexodus, and everyone else who I might have missed for hanging out, meeting up, keeping the energy up, keeping the love, and KEEPING THIS THING GOING!
Dare I hope for yet another Chemical Brothers experience? I think I do dare. Here's to T&E keeping this thing going for as long as they have the energy. <3
Yes! Thank you too Pooter, and everyone! Always thankful Tom and Ed want to play Southern California and Coachella! I hope what happened has not soured things so much... Coachellans love the Chems!
Rynostar, on 19 April 2011 - 2:11 PM, said:
All this....is making me plan out how I can be there for the next meet up....
Yes! Get yer ass out here, son!!

Posted 20 April 2011 - 7:13 AM