Posted 30 August 2003 - 11:16 PM
Biff posted:
I agree, although I'm not going to criticise people for thinking that about W.C, that's their opinion.
I hope you're not going to leave here Biff, you have been here a long time (and on the old messageboard), you are one of the more constructive posters and I have always found your posts interesting. Don't worry, there are other people who like Wayne too you know!
I always think there's room for everyone here, whatever your views, background, etc etc; we all have the same reason for coming here and that is the mighty brothers.
So lets not start killing each other over this, Tom and Ed wouldn't like it. :)
I hope Tom and Ed remembers that we're all out of this forum loving the new songs while 80% of this forum throws shit at them. I hope they never looked at this board, it's only going to be more repress their desire to make new music and try new ideas. And last, I hope they don't get the impression that the few hundred people on this board represent the thoughts/ideas of thousands of the other chemical brothers fans out there. It certainly isn't mine and I'm not going to bother defending it when there's no purpose.
I agree, although I'm not going to criticise people for thinking that about W.C, that's their opinion.
I hope you're not going to leave here Biff, you have been here a long time (and on the old messageboard), you are one of the more constructive posters and I have always found your posts interesting. Don't worry, there are other people who like Wayne too you know!
I always think there's room for everyone here, whatever your views, background, etc etc; we all have the same reason for coming here and that is the mighty brothers.
So lets not start killing each other over this, Tom and Ed wouldn't like it. :)
Posted 01 September 2003 - 2:34 AM
Biff, there are many sparks of truth in your post. I wish you would stay because you are an asset to these forums. But if you don't, I understand completely. Best wishes to you!
I for one, no longer wish to spend my time in here defending Wayne Coyne and The Golden Path. Everyone knows where I stand anyway, and by me continuing, it adds fuel to the fire and enough's enough. I won't take part in these battles anymore. Viva la passive resistance. If those of you wish to continue bashing Mr. Coyne's Golden Path vocals thereby insulting a fine piece of the Chemical Brothers' work, that's your prerogative and you won't hear a peep out of me. And by driving away great posters like Biff who have contributed since the very beginning, well, that's a shame...
I for one, no longer wish to spend my time in here defending Wayne Coyne and The Golden Path. Everyone knows where I stand anyway, and by me continuing, it adds fuel to the fire and enough's enough. I won't take part in these battles anymore. Viva la passive resistance. If those of you wish to continue bashing Mr. Coyne's Golden Path vocals thereby insulting a fine piece of the Chemical Brothers' work, that's your prerogative and you won't hear a peep out of me. And by driving away great posters like Biff who have contributed since the very beginning, well, that's a shame...
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 05 September 2003 - 6:16 AM
I think I was being a bit harsh and succeeded to be over dramatic in my words the other day... I love this forum and at some points it's very addictive. Of course there are going to be slumps now and then, this is usually just a reflection little/no news in the chems world. In other words, I'm going to stay because as I've said before, no one leaves this forum (unless they go blind or their computer combusts). You never know what is going to happen with the chems next and this is the first place I want to discuss it. People here are intelligent, (for the most part) nice, and hilarious and will always have something good (as in logical, not necessarly positive) to say about the songs, even if I disagree.
If people don't like golden path, more power to them. The way I worded it the other day made it sound like we are obligated to enjoy every track from the brothers, even if it makes obscure Lennon-Ono songs sound like Imagine. If a lot of you hate Wayne C to the point of drawing knives in him, then I'm cool with that also (actually I thought that was very amusing in a sadistic way). Long ramble short, this golden path thing is only a temporary affair. I'm guessing in less than a year people will not still be talking about it, unless wayne c is on chemical 5, not to freak any of you out at that though...
If people don't like golden path, more power to them. The way I worded it the other day made it sound like we are obligated to enjoy every track from the brothers, even if it makes obscure Lennon-Ono songs sound like Imagine. If a lot of you hate Wayne C to the point of drawing knives in him, then I'm cool with that also (actually I thought that was very amusing in a sadistic way). Long ramble short, this golden path thing is only a temporary affair. I'm guessing in less than a year people will not still be talking about it, unless wayne c is on chemical 5, not to freak any of you out at that though...
Posted 07 September 2003 - 12:56 AM
I like The golden path, I think its a great song. I don't think Wayne ruins it at all.
Mr chemicalreaction, I am arresting you for failure to change your signature for at least two hours, you do not have to say anything but anything you do say may harm your defence, when questioned, on which something you later rely on in court etc etc.
Mr chemicalreaction, I am arresting you for failure to change your signature for at least two hours, you do not have to say anything but anything you do say may harm your defence, when questioned, on which something you later rely on in court etc etc.
Posted 07 September 2003 - 4:47 AM
When I first heard TGP I really didn't care for it all that much, but now I've listened to it a lot more and it has really grown on me. At first I didn't like it because it felt like wayne was just talking to me instead of really singing, but now I really get the singing Vibe. I think it may have been related to the frequency response of my turntable (the needle and cartridge are old), cause I just listened to it on CD.
Posted 09 September 2003 - 1:20 AM
Bootlegger! Hisss! Just kidding. I'm no better since I was going say that I've had the promo of the Singles for over 2 months now, (yet still excited as you couldn't believe for the real release) so I have had more than enough time to make my good judgment on the Golden Path. I will admit that when I first heard that 30 clip I kinda thought "what the hell is this." But now I love it. I always listen to it on the way back from my work in the early mornings. Like Where do I Begin, it's not really (in my opinion) a DJ kind of song like It Began in Afrika or Base 6. This ties into something Ed said in an interview recently, that his fav song was Hey Boy Hey Girl for the reason that it is a good song all around, you can listen to it at a club or on the radio @ 5 in the morning. So it's more versatile, I think the same goes for star guitar, I always pictured it as a club song til I saw the video and gave me a new approach to what I considered the song to be (blissed club music). So what I mean to say through all this is I found a good place for Golden Path. It is not as versatile as Hey Boy Hey Girl but like Where do I begin, the Golden Path is a rockin good track (to me) in the mornings. In contrast, could you really imagine anyone putting on Where do I begin in a club? Probably, but not as likly as Base 6 or Afrika. I think I've found a place for every chems song, except Get Yourself High is yet to find it's spot but will sooner or later.
Posted 09 September 2003 - 1:34 AM
I can only imagine that if Where Do I Begin was put on in a club at 11:45 on a Sat. nite, people would be making their way to the lounge. ;) Though I do think a good set has highs and lows, and Where Do I Begin is a great song, I just couldn't imagine it tearing up anything other than the chillout area of a club.
I didn't hear The Golden Path in it's entirety until I watched the video, which I loved! My dear husband feels the same way about the viddy, he feels a sort of kinship with that poor office worker. And of course he loves the song. So he got ahold of the song through a friend who has the promo, and it's become his soundtrack for the long commute to work. It's funny how videos can give you a whole n'other outlook on a song.
I can't wait to get my mitts on the single. Soon... soon...
I didn't hear The Golden Path in it's entirety until I watched the video, which I loved! My dear husband feels the same way about the viddy, he feels a sort of kinship with that poor office worker. And of course he loves the song. So he got ahold of the song through a friend who has the promo, and it's become his soundtrack for the long commute to work. It's funny how videos can give you a whole n'other outlook on a song.
I can't wait to get my mitts on the single. Soon... soon...
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle