Important: Audio Rips, Linking, Requesting, Sharing...
Posted 06 April 2010 - 2:37 AM
At least no one is talking in numbers and symbols (like many have done on the forum before).

Posted 06 April 2010 - 4:38 AM
prochem, on 06 April 2010 - 04:37 AM, said:
At least no one is talking in numbers and symbols (like many have done on the forum before).
Technically, a grammar nazi is a separate class from a spelling nazi, so at least he isn't some abomination that is a member of both classes--or is he?

Posted 06 April 2010 - 4:50 AM

Posted 06 April 2010 - 4:56 AM
whirlygirl, on 06 April 2010 - 06:50 AM, said:

I agree to an extent. I think either of the two mentioned should start a topic, and then that topic may be used as a place to post all corrections, in the case that corrections must be posted.
As an aside, at least there aren't arguments that devolve into an endless critique of grammar and spelling, a phenomenon common on the many lesser message boards.
Posted 06 April 2010 - 7:44 AM
prochem, on 06 April 2010 - 04:37 AM, said:
To be correct, I'm actually an "If I/it/he/she were" nazi. This is the only common error that my french mind can spot.
Posted 06 April 2010 - 3:55 PM
Posted 06 April 2010 - 7:06 PM

Defined a little more formally, "escape velocity" is the initial speed required to go from an initial point in a gravitational potential field to infinity with a residual velocity of zero, with all speeds and velocities measured with respect to the field
Posted 07 April 2010 - 8:03 PM
iguanapunk, on 07 April 2010 - 03:22 PM, said:
I have to disagree with the decision to remove links from this forum. Music is about sharing is it not? We're all going to buy the album, so what's the problem?
I actually agree with this.

Posted 07 April 2010 - 10:35 PM
iguanapunk, on 07 April 2010 - 09:22 PM, said:
I have to disagree with the decision to remove links from this forum. Music is about sharing is it not? We're all going to buy the album, so what's the problem?
One of the problems back around PTB's release is that some radio rip became quite popular on P2P and download sites as the real track, rather than a low quality rip. So, we, the forum, have been against putting direct download links to the Chem's music since.
It is just as easy to make a request, and if the requester is a reputable member of the forum and fan, then he/she should get a download by email.