I'm tired of this n00bs, and the forum layout doesn't help at all. LEGSAKIMBOOOOO!!!!!!

This Forum Is Becoming a MySpaz Shithole
#3 whirly
Posted 20 May 2007 - 11:10 PM
Yeah, it's getting to be crowded in here. It was the same last time, when Push The Button came out. We just have to wait it out like we did before. A lot of people will lose interest and leave. And there will be some who will stay and take part which can be good. Hold you're ground - it's going to be a long next couple of months!!
Posted 20 May 2007 - 11:22 PM
lol an internet newb telling a "newb" he's a n00b.
now, please, go to some website such as urbandictionary, educate yourself, find a blender, stick your face in it, turn the on button, and then come back so I can laugh at something other than your calling me a n00b.
Posted 20 May 2007 - 11:31 PM
awww, hiding behind slipvin are we?
I thought this board hates him?
Apparently they can't live without him when they are provoked by a low-post-count poster.
And another thing, this flamewar (if you can even call it that) is up'ing my post-count, thus, theoretically, making me less of a newb on this board.