Don't Think
Posted 27 January 2012 - 6:37 PM
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 27 January 2012 - 6:38 PM
I'm just hoping that thy will have some sort of in depth bonus features with the director and the editor of the film. How did they prepare for the shoot? I'd like to see how they filmed the audience and how they took all of that footage and made this masterpiece. Maybe it's better not to know and just enjoy it for how amazing it actually is. But I haven't been that impressed with a "normal" film as much as I was with this.
Posted 27 January 2012 - 6:45 PM
Shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 7:38 PM, said:
I'm just hoping that thy will have some sort of in depth bonus features with the director and the editor of the film. How did they prepare for the shoot? I'd like to see how they filmed the audience and how they took all of that footage and made this masterpiece. Maybe it's better not to know and just enjoy it for how amazing it actually is. But I haven't been that impressed with a "normal" film as much as I was with this.
Dood, I think that was me.... I remember my friends putting that trash can back and laughing at me. I'm telling you, I got MC Hammered. It was no bueno.
Wow.... I'm "The guy who kept tripping over the garbage can"
Posted 27 January 2012 - 7:14 PM
They're probably thinking, "That guy is rolling HARD". Nope... that guy bought too big of a bottle of jack daniels for a night that his mind wasn't focused on anything but the movie he was about to see.
oh boy. Life is good. Thanks Shot! This made my day.
Posted 27 January 2012 - 8:21 PM
Posted 27 January 2012 - 8:26 PM
Posted 27 January 2012 - 9:51 PM
inchemwetrust, on 28 January 2012 - 6:25 AM, said:
That's so fucking crazy, wish I was there, ... Aussies are as boring as fuck ... no one got up, and the cinema wasn't even half full

Posted 27 January 2012 - 10:17 PM
Shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 9:21 PM, said:
Nah man. My partying days are still going on, but my "let's take mushrooms in a movie theater days" never happened. It is severely ironic that had I been shrooming, I may remember more of this amazing work of art than I do right now. This message has been brought to you by the Jack Daniels distillery and potato bar.
Posted 27 January 2012 - 10:22 PM
Arclight so was unexpectedly terrific! I got to theater and ran into KNE and some friends, down some drinks, and talked about whether if people were gonna dance! So we went in the theater, sat with Whirls, Stash, and Connor, then the staff from the theater gives a pep talk about the film, then the lights go out, then TNK plays stalkingly as whats to come.
At first the sound was decent for a film, but the first songs (AW really impressed me) of the set got the crowd into 1st gear. Crowd was clapping as new songs came on. CB got my feet tapping, and when SG came, i got into the moment of the film! Someone apparently flung a glowstick between me and stash's seat, and were like 'WTF....another glowraption

Saturate was a visual precise! There's this one wideshot where it shows the crowd from way in the back, and the camera keeps widening back,back, and back.! such a moment! ( and yes the crowd also did the clapping part) EV and Superflash were the 3rd gear, and I was now completely engulfed in the emotion of this film. The clown part was pretty funny here, but also showed the fuji crowd scared as hell form it! Then LH/BRB was the finale! I won't say how the beginning of this part was, but it was vintage Chems, but I will say that this was the best mix of these 2 songs together! The ending was also right up there with those shows I've been to! The crowd erupted and applauded like it won the oscar for best picture or something. Movie history was made people!
What I like:
Editing and mixing of footage! Love the Swoon bits 'as if they were swimming thru the crowd!' CB has those magenta colored fireworks!
Gear close-ups!
Tom and Ed's mug!
The Girl (pretty)
Beggars not asking for 'enhancements' in the theater!
The theater parking and the nice seats were a plus as always!
What I don't like:
Sound was great, but wasn't really loud enough for me! I can't say that 7.1 was there because you would think they would have least the Dolby 7.1 screen pop up before the film rolled! So seeing this film again probably won't happen due to this issue....maybe!
Arclight staff for underestimating a 'concert film!' Telling people they can't dance!
Final Rating....9 of 10!
Always a pleasure to meet with you KNE,Whirls and Family! See ya next gig....or film gig!
To T.E.A.
Thanx for sharing such a spectacle with your fans! You never fail to please with your passion for music! BRING ON DON'T THINK 2!

Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:33 PM
As others here speculated, I also think a DVD is kind of mandatory, for two things
It would disappoint lots of people around the globe who were not lucky enough to catch it in cinemas. And secondly, it wouldn't cover all the expenses involved in such a project.... (just think of all the broken chairs in LA last night

Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:35 PM
Ben Glass, on 27 January 2012 - 7:49 PM, said:
I was right up front, the screen was huge
Adam and Marcus from flatnosegeorge gave a little speech first, and MAtt Smith (docotr who) and Kiera Nightly were there
... as was Ed, who's hand I shook!! I sad 'thanks, that was awesome' and left it at that
A great night.
Wow, I can only dream ... I would have been raving like a lunatic if I got to shake Ed's hand at the Premiere. Too lucky!
I did get a reTweet from Tom and a reply Tweet from Ed ... that made my year so far.

Posted 28 January 2012 - 12:13 AM
WhiteNoise, on 27 January 2012 - 4:52 AM, said:
Would it happen to be #1 here? (Unless it's #2... I wouldn't put it past T&E to have been in the presence of a magical two-horned unicorn)
Anyway that Arclight footage was incredible! Glad you all had a good time; somehow I doubt the audience over here will be nearly as excited!
Posted 28 January 2012 - 1:57 AM
Ben Glass, on 27 January 2012 - 1:49 AM, said:
... as was Ed, who's hand I shook!! I sad 'thanks, that was awesome' and left it at that
Bravo! You made skin contact! Was Kiery dancing?
WhiteNoise, on 27 January 2012 - 1:52 AM, said:

more later...
burgerdude 4 ever!
Krisper, on 27 January 2012 - 1:51 PM, said:

there's a second chance to go again! don't sweat it!
stumpbone, on 27 January 2012 - 2:17 PM, said:
you have all the time to remember!