Grammy nod
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Posted 08 December 2005 - 6:30 PM
I'm really good actually - off to London tomorrow for the gigs 9th and 10th , work is going well , well i'm just good !! :D And you ?!
Glad to see you're back!
AND LET'S HOPE CHEMS WIN A GRAMMY THAT MAKES SENSE! I mean " Best rock instrumental " for BRB got me kinda confused hahaha.
Glad to see you're back!
AND LET'S HOPE CHEMS WIN A GRAMMY THAT MAKES SENSE! I mean " Best rock instrumental " for BRB got me kinda confused hahaha.
Posted 09 December 2005 - 3:42 PM
I know the Grammy's can be a bit stuffy an award but it is also the most prestigious in the music industry. Too prestigious for us little people to take part in. ;) But it's cool they got a nod, the Grammies are old school and it's nice to see Tom and Ed get the recognition they deserve. I would love to see them win, but I'm happy with just the nomination.
I believe the people who vote are in NARM (National Association of Recording Merchandisers) but I'm not 100% positive.
I believe the people who vote are in NARM (National Association of Recording Merchandisers) but I'm not 100% positive.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
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