Somethingguy912, on 17 December 2010 - 7:34 PM, said:
It's time we decided... what is the absolute worst Chems mashup out there? I've taken the worst of The Worst Thing Ever thread and also included two massive offenders from that Block Rockin Boots album. Vote for three songs only.
1. Do Ya Think I'll Swoon:
Alternate Link
This track started the nonsense. Hailed by critics as "chemical pain", "AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", and "untoppable", this masterful mashup stains the soaring psychedelic synths of Swoon with Rod Stewart's classic Do Ya Think I'm Sexy. Mighty Mike's magic has led people to wonder "what would possess someone to mash those up", and fans everywhere have said that he should "be burned", "be thrown to the ground", and "go fuck a goat".
2. Don't Think On A Prayer:
It's gone, but I found this cringeworthy topic on it:
A bizarre, out of nowhere merger between the banger Don't Think and the completely-fine-on-it's-own Living On A Prayer by Bon Jovi. As Probass said, "The acapella is mixed in way too loud, and the editing near the end was just weird. As much as I love that crazy rising sound, it really is TOO MUCH to repeat that part a second time. And where is Bon Jovi at the end? Yup, I don't get this at all. Terrible."
3. Swoon + Terrible Rapping:
the SLK one is gone, but here's Dizzee Rascal (they're pretty much the same thing):
These mashups are extremely similar, so I've put them together. I can't understand where it comes from, but there's so much appeal for a spitting rap acapella on Swoon that it not only inspired three mixes (there's a mashup with Left Right out there too), it "stole my idea of rapping over swoon...i hate you lol joking you can be my producer

- benmessi10, youtube commenter.
4. Another World Daft Punk Remix:
The video was taken down, just play Another World and One More Time in different players at the same time.
Speaks for itself. But in case it doesn't, here are a few impressions from our lovely forum members:
"Is that for real? That is terrible!"
"its like they opened audacity and placed both songs it, exported as wav, went into windows movie maker, put the first chemical brothers picture they could find on google, exported as avi, went to youtube and uploaded
not once did they listen"
"I wouldn't say 'they', chances are that the person who did that was alone, so it's more 'he' or 'she'...
Wait, no ! A human being couldn't do something like it's more likely to be an 'it'. My vote goes for a banana!"
Holy shit, I made it through 1:44 of that before I had to stop due to laughing so hard. Hey guys, I'm going to go the clubs, give that to a DJ. ?????? PROFIT!"
"If your two options were
1. Suicide
2. Mashup
then you have made the wrong choice."
5. Don't Think Technologic:
Yes, it's the Technologic acapella over Don't Think, and yes, it's obnoxious. What can I say, the two go together like "peanut butter and [fighting the strong urge to swear at this point] jelly!"
6. Midnight Madness vs Wait And Bleed:
Sensible, logical people realize that screamo and 4/4 electronica are two genres that will never go well together. But music pioneer and hero Goose saught to suceeed where all else had failed. His mix, which took ages to finish, broke ground. The incredible technique of filtering a Slipknot song really poorly and sort of placing it on top of the dance song Midnight Madness with no editing or syncing what-so-ever cemented Goose's spot in music history and set the floor on fire in clubs worldwide.
7. Hey Boy Electro Cardiogramm:
If you have to kill the power of Hey Boy Hey Girl, ruin the atmosphere of Elektrokardiogramm, and create, in general, audible soup, to put together your mashup, you may want to go home and rethink your life.
8. Big Bros Don't Cry: http://grooveshark.c...+Part+1/4524428
If you have to eliminate all the great parts of Setting Sun, erase the only redeeming qualities of Big Girls Don't Cry, and create, in general, a sound I imagine would be similar to torturing small down's syndrome children with a chainsaw, with a migrane, to put together your mashup, you may want to go home and rethink your life.
9. We're All Stress-A-Delik:!/search/song?q=The+Illuminoids+We're+All+Stress-A-Delik+(USB+Booji+Star+Boy+Dick+Mix)
It's impossible to explain what happened here. My best guess is that is was put together under the same philosophy as "If I like mushroom pizza, and chocolate ice-cream, and spicy tacos, and Sour Patch Kids, and asparagus, then I should LOVE the taste of all of them at once!"
If I missed any, or if there's others you want added, please, please post. And remember, only three votes!