General Bullshit Chat
Posted 30 January 2006 - 2:04 PM
I've just been recovering from a pretty big day at Melburne's big day out yesterday. 33 degree heat and beer isn't good for the system....especially when you decide to wear pants instead of shorts and have to have them rolled up all day long. Overall everything turned out alright and I didn't get sunburnt! Highlights of the day were CutCopy, Wolfmother, The Magic Numbers, MIA, Iggy Pop (that old man needs some meat on him), The White Stripes and 2ManyDJs...I missed out on Frans Fredinand 'cos I was having too much fun during MIA who added fantastic old skool hip hop samples in most of her set. I also checked out the Silent Disco which was a completly new concept from the uk where everyone listens to different music using headphones although you are all in the same club dancing together. Strange.....could be the clubs of the future.
Other than that I also spent a lot of my time waiting in que's for the bathroom (always a problem for girls at festivals) which is always fun and tried to find as much shade as possible as me myslef was actually cooking for most of the day.
I also decided not to take any drugs yesterday either as my body already needed enough water to fill a empty swimming pool. So I'm glad on the decision. Instead I had beer, beer, beer and maybe a frozen cocktail....'cos what else are you gonna do kicking back at a festival in the shade.......
oh and I did actually get a little sunburnt...on the tip of my nose which now I look like Rudolf. Its too late for christmas carols people!
Can't wait for next year already!!!! There was so no sarcasm in that.
Posted 30 January 2006 - 2:55 PM
hopefully in the future i will be able to attend "big day out" :? , i heard its pretty awesome 8)
Posted 31 January 2006 - 7:01 AM
Too bad I need to learn half the course by Friday's midterm and I haven't even printed off the textbook yet. :( Procrastination is like masturbation: in the end, you're only fucking yourself. And, like masturbation, the only thing better than procrastinating alone is doing it with someone else. :D
Next up: Biochemistry lab report (woohoo, frustration with my computer and its handling of graphing programs, here we come!), followed by research that should already be done regarding a paper on dispensing medicinal marijuana at community pharmacies. Maybe we'll fit sleep into the night's agenda somewhere, but we'll worry about that after the caffeine high I'm on wears off.
#2545 toomuchstash
Posted 02 February 2006 - 7:32 PM
"In the most expensive Turkish movie ever made, American soldiers in Iraq crash a wedding and pump a little boy full of lead in front of his mother. They kill dozens of innocent people with random machine gun fire, shoot the groom in the head, and drag those left alive to Abu Ghraib prison -- where a Jewish doctor cuts out their organs, which he sells to rich people in New York, London and Tel Aviv."
-- from AP story on Valley of the Wolves
The only portion of that blurb that I find unbelievable is the selling of the organs... rich westerners don't want cut-rate muslim organs, you never know where they've been... but if they said that they were being sold for dog food, that I'd believe.
Posted 02 February 2006 - 10:37 PM
My cell phone ringtone is The Big Jump (in mp3 so it's the real song).
I was watching Game One (french video game channel) and then I hear the big jump, so I jump and run all around, searching for my phone. Then I stop and come slowly to the TV, and then I realise that TBG was coming from the TV ^^
Posted 03 February 2006 - 3:26 AM
If someboody thinks he's being funny by stalking me as a australian guy called Paul please stop it. I dunno if it's a joke but this guy can't be for real so i hope somebody's playing a joke on me.
Sad people. That's my 2nd internet stalker.
#2551 toomuchstash
Posted 03 February 2006 - 4:11 AM
Jeanie Escribi�:
People ... I don't think it's somebody from the board BUT JUST IN CASE
If someboody thinks he's being funny by stalking me as a australian guy called Paul please stop it. I dunno if it's a joke but this guy can't be for real so i hope somebody's playing a joke on me.
Sad people. That's my 2nd internet stalker.
dude, almost every Aussie I've met online was an asshole.
Posted 03 February 2006 - 4:16 AM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
Jeanie Escribi�:
People ... I don't think it's somebody from the board BUT JUST IN CASE
If someboody thinks he's being funny by stalking me as a australian guy called Paul please stop it. I dunno if it's a joke but this guy can't be for real so i hope somebody's playing a joke on me.
Sad people. That's my 2nd internet stalker.
dude, almost every Aussie I've met online was an asshole.
I met a bunch of them at my local (and by local, I mean across the city) pub in the fall and they were mostly really nice guys on a business trip, but I nearly had to scrap the one guy because he was being really obnoxious and condescending about Manitoba and thought he knew more about our history than we did.
Thankfully I just decided to go have another Irish Car Bomb or two and settle down.
I don't normally get aggressive or pissy like that, but every once in a while someone or something sets me off.... heh, petty drunken violence sucks.
So, in conclusion.... uh.....
Posted 03 February 2006 - 6:40 PM
So he comes online under a different email adres , saying how he enjoyed talking to me and bladiebla. I basicly told him to fuck off , but in a nice way. Then i blocked him on messenger and he sends me an email :
I did like talking to you before but why are you so bloody rude??? I was online to talk to you earlier today and then you bloody wernt online and I waited for you, and then you say all this shit to me, you have hurt my feelings so much!!!!
So i block this email adres , i just openend my hotmail inbox , and he send 60 (!!!!) emails with a different adres :
You are so selfish and you don't care about anyone else's feelings at all, I liked talking to you before and Im a nice guy but all you want to do is judge me and treat me like garbage, I am not garbage ok??!! I waited for you to come online for a while this morning when I said I would be online and to show you some pics of me like you asked of me yesterday and then today I have this tool that tells me if anyone takes me off their list and you did!!!!!!!!!!!! you had taken me off your list and you were going to let me wait for you to come online later tonight your time when you knew I would be online expecting you to be online and I would have wasted my time waiting for you!! you don't care about my feelings, you don't care about my time, all you care about is you you and you isn't it jeanie, you are sooo selfish, do you have any conscience at all? do you care about anyone except yourself??? do you have any empathy at all in your soul??? you have hurt me so much and you don't care, I was looking forward to talking to you, I thought you looked very pretty and seemed ok and then you do this to me today!!! you are so cold and selfish and I hope you are happy with yourself jeanie, thanks for hurting me so much and wasting my time, I want you to know that you have hurt me and that you are selfish, thanks so much!!
I dont even know who the fuck this guy is !! I talked to him for 5 minutes and i never said i was gonna be online the day after.
Omfg somebody shoot this guy. I first thought he was my Italian Stalker Fabio but he's not. What the fuck is up with some people ?!?!?!
Posted 03 February 2006 - 6:47 PM
I was looking forward to talking to you, I thought you looked beautiful and you were nice but now you be so rude to me and you block me and you treat me like shit, I am not shit ok??!!! why dont you grow up and stop treating people like garbage, I am a nice guy and I dont deserve that from you!! I waited for you to be online this morning and then sent you a nice e-mail and you do that to me, why are you so mean and rude???
And you know ,for a change , i wasn't rude , i just told him a had not time for people telling me how beautifull i look and how the enjoy talking to me altough we only talked for 3 minutes. I have no clue who he is and i only talk to friends on messenger so why the heck would i be online ?!
This guy , honestly , needs to go to the funny farm