ask tom & ed
Posted 22 November 2003 - 7:36 AM
Maybe they just haven't gotten enough questions lately or they've been busy!?!
This is not really their first site, but it's the most interactive - they've had a couple before this one and they used to be linked from the main Astralwerks site, but I don't know where or how to even find them if they are still floating around the internet (*looks in anType's general direction, since he's pretty much the "eyes" of the forum* 8O ) This messageboard is the second official one for the Chems - the other messageboard (linked from this site) was a completely different format and didn't have various forums like here, it was very much a mish-mash of everything goes and the loading time could be quite tempermental! This place works much better.
This is not really their first site, but it's the most interactive - they've had a couple before this one and they used to be linked from the main Astralwerks site, but I don't know where or how to even find them if they are still floating around the internet (*looks in anType's general direction, since he's pretty much the "eyes" of the forum* 8O ) This messageboard is the second official one for the Chems - the other messageboard (linked from this site) was a completely different format and didn't have various forums like here, it was very much a mish-mash of everything goes and the loading time could be quite tempermental! This place works much better.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 22 November 2003 - 8:52 PM
As antype said, the last site was blue and informative, it's a lot like this site only looks different, they changed sites a few months before come with us. I tried to find the site but as antype also said I think they took it off the net. Then before that they had some flash/gif movies for loops of fury, I think it was called "chemical brothers versus the boring brothers." and they had another for DYOH which was strange and I wish I could find it. Then before flash came on they had one site for exit planet dust which was very low budget, just some strange looking thing talking about the tracks (his favorite was alive alone), that one was basically there for people to get samples of EPD, and back in the day of 14k modems that was an all day thing. If anyone can find any of these sites please post them up, but I think they took all them down :(
Posted 22 November 2003 - 11:00 PM
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 22 November 2003 - 11:39 PM
Biff Escribi�:
Then before that they had some flash/gif movies for loops of fury, I think it was called "chemical brothers versus the boring brothers." and they had another for DYOH which was strange and I wish I could find it. Then before flash came on they had one site for exit planet dust which was very low budget, just some strange looking thing talking about the tracks (his favorite was alive alone), that one was basically there for people to get samples of EPD, and back in the day of 14k modems that was an all day thing. If anyone can find any of these sites please post them up, but I think they took all them down :(
Oh man, I remember the Chemical Brothers v. The Boring Brothers!! That was so funny, something about the flowers talking to them and they lost all their friends because they got boring. Then they took space cake and retransformed back into the Chemical Brothers! lol! There was also the other bit where they blasted off into space (in vintage Ford Mustang, if memory serves me right) - very hokey with quotes from various Chemical songs but all in good fun. I'd love to find those sites again, they used to be linked from the blue Astralwerks thingie.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 22 November 2003 - 11:46 PM
yeah the mustang one was for DYOH, i just remember the part where they were in the mustang and there was some strange borderline homoerotic comments (kinda like the ambiguously gay duo), hope they do something like that for the next album, just a strange flash movie... they were too serious with surrender and come with us for silly internet cartoons
Posted 23 November 2003 - 10:33 PM
:D I remember these sites .. woah way back in the day trip here .. story is back in senior yr of HS I was in journalism class and i just heard abut the chemical brothers and i did a serch thing on the web and the blue site came on .. wow this is cool ..lol @ ed fearing god.....lol hehe anyhoo thanks for the links!! btw i think ed looks good ina mohawk lol
"The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there"- Leslie Poles Hartley