General Bullshit Chat
Posted 12 April 2007 - 11:16 PM
Biff Escribi�:
....pink shoes?
you had to go there, didnt you X-D
Posted 14 April 2007 - 11:08 PM
been being a big nerd lately and writing practice contests for a math contest this coming tuesday. and f*ck... some of them questions are retardedly difficult. You really got pull things out you ass.
that's all -- felt like here was a good place to think on challenges :P
been being a big nerd lately and writing practice contests for a math contest this coming tuesday. and f*ck... some of them questions are retardedly difficult. You really got pull things out you ass.
that's all -- felt like here was a good place to think on challenges :P
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 15 April 2007 - 8:15 AM
Biff Escribi�:
Just got back from meeting Wirly, Stash, and Conner. Really cool people and had a great time!
It was so great meeting you afer all of this time - sorry Santa Cruz rendered me directionally impaired! You were so patient helping me on the phone try to find parking! X-D
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 15 April 2007 - 11:45 AM
it was great times. Santa Cruz's roads are like the designer left grid road blue prints out in the rain, then hot sun and still designed it after they were warped. Easy to get around since usually you can be like, "ok the ocean is there so i know i need to go this way..."
Jeanie get some sleep, 3 hours sucks! I need like 13!
Jeanie get some sleep, 3 hours sucks! I need like 13!
Posted 15 April 2007 - 11:53 AM
I tried. I cant sleep on a beautifull day like this. Its 26 degrees celcius !!!
Instead i am reading my Q mag in my bikini in the sun in my garden and i am calling al my family that i havent spoken to for ages. I always feel like talking after a good night out.
Instead i am reading my Q mag in my bikini in the sun in my garden and i am calling al my family that i havent spoken to for ages. I always feel like talking after a good night out.
Posted 15 April 2007 - 12:40 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
I tried. I cant sleep on a beautifull day like this. Its 26 degrees celcius !!!
Instead i am reading my Q mag in my bikini in the sun in my garden and i am calling al my family that i havent spoken to for ages. I always feel like talking after a good night out.
This post is useless without vids
Posted 16 April 2007 - 9:52 PM
Scary shit on the news right now with the shootings at V-Tech. One of my best friend goes there, but I just spoke with him and he's alright. He use to live in the dorms, where alot of the people got shot at, in his freshman year. :( So far all his friends are fine, which is good.
There is another person I grew up with as a kid that use to be a good friend of mine that goes there too, I dont have any contact with him, but I hope he's alright too. :(
There is another person I grew up with as a kid that use to be a good friend of mine that goes there too, I dont have any contact with him, but I hope he's alright too. :(