Yeh atleast the companys are doing something useful with ther knowledge of compactness and other shit 8) :D
u used to get them shitty cassete players that wer the same size of ur house and u shoved em into ur pocket and it was like u wer carrying a caravan about with u...they wer class...
CD -> MP3 - why not ?!
Posted 13 March 2005 - 8:07 PM
X-D I remember when I got my first boombox (they used to be referred to as ghettoblasters and I still slip up and call them that) I saved up my babysitting and allowance money til I had enough to buy one. I was very specific in it's qualifications - #1 being there had be a soft touch mechanism for the casette door (I hated it when the cheap casette doors would pop open with such force your tapes would fall out of the tray) and it had to have two tape decks so I could record, and knobs to adjust the treble and bass - high tech! And a big volume knob, with a red light on it - ooooooo! X-D The big bonus was that the speakers detached so not only was it portable, but at home you could set up your boombox like a real stereo. The thing was massive, well over 2 feet across and about 18 inches high. I couldn't really take it anywhere with me though, because being 12 at the time, that boombox felt like it weighed as much as a Volkwagen bug.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle