Sneakers personal account of Creamfields
So this weekend has been and almost drawn to an end. I have been looking forward to it for months, and it didn?t disappoint. I partied hard, I know how to have fun!! Started the weekend off on Friday, I did my makoosa thing, which as always is a lot of fun. A great start to my weekend!!
Saturday ?the main event?, made sure I had a good sleep cos I knew it was gonna be a long day. I was the nominated driver of the day, what fun. We didn?t hit the road till 3pm. And I tried to nail the 250 mile journey as quick as possible. As I have said previously the weather in the UK has been frankly shit for the last month. It was overcast all day but luckily we didn?t have any rain. As we crossed the Mersey bridge at 7pm the sun just managed to break through for the first time for the day. I have been very lucky and not had bad weather at the 3 previous Creamfields I have been to at Liverpool. We tuned in to Judge Jules for the start of his show, just for a bit of anticipation for the night ahead. I could only tolerate his show for about 10 minutes before I went channel hopping. He really winds my up, I can?t stand him!!
We got out of my car to find the old speke airports ground to be quite spongy and soggy. Sneaker?s white sneakers were in for a mud bath. When we got in to the festival site we didn?t bother surveying the site and have a look around. Instead we made a b-line to the Subliminal tent. Former cream resident Seb Fontaine was on the decks, he was pumping I absolutely loved his set. He also played a few tunes I played the previous night, which I find reassuring. I?m going to have to make sure I go out and catch him a few time now he has left radio one. After that Subliminal supremo Erick Morillo graced us. It?s the 4th time I have seen him this year, I must admit he has been a bit hit and miss this year which is a shame. His whole technique for mixing records has been hugely influential on my style of mixing. Luckily Morillo was having a good day. Only got to enjoy an hour and a half of his set cos it was time to go and watch the brothers working it out!!!
The Chems were due on stage a 10.30 and as we got to the out door stage we saw the scissor sisters finishing their set, when the brothers should have been starting. We were speaking to some people earlier who said the site opening was 2 hours late this was because the health and safety people didn?t grant the festival its licence till some adjustments were made on the festival site. This meant the bands were pushed back by half an hour. The stage turn around was quite impressive, it didn?t take long for the studio to be wheeled into place.
?Leterel? got the track listing of the show spot on. Obviously they started their set with the familiar Junior Parker rework of ?Tomorrow Never Knows?. I gotta say the sound levels at the beginning of the set were very quiet and it wasn?t till a few songs in that the sound improved. I really loved the ?block rockin beats? and ?song to the siren?/?leave home? part of the show. It is a total broken beat assult. For someone who loves a 4/4 beat and not so keen on breaks it is a testament to the Chems production skills. And the new tunes are certainly really are doing the business, as I have previously posted that ?would you like to?? track is fantastic!! You guys are gonna love it!! I really find it hard listening to tunes for the first time, I really need a few listens for it to sink in. ?would you like to?? really has sunk in!!! As for that underwater song, the song with warmth and beauty. I turned round to one of my friends and in my infinite wisdom said ?if sunshine underground is red then this is blue?. Which might be obvious with the visuals but I think I kinda like that thought. It?s like the moon reflecting on a lake on a summer morning. ?Acid Children? went down a storm. I think it is the lynch pin of the entire set. The way that vocals comes in with a total presence. As I said earlier I heard that tunes 3 times at Creamfields, it?s a real sign the boys are back in business. As for the encore we were lucky to have ?Got Glint?. I was wondering if we might get Tim Burgess turn up for a final rendition of ?life is sweet?. I had checked out the Charlie?s web site to see if they were playing anywhere that night, but they weren?t. As it was there was no Tim anyway, I guess I?m not that lucky. While I?m on the subject wouldn?t it be great if the Chems released the live version as a b-side to one of the new singles??
I feel quite privileged to have seen the first and last show of the tour. I thought on Saturday you could really tell they had been playing for a while. There was total fluidity to the set. Not that there was anything wrong with the Wolverhampton show, far from it cos that got to be one of my top 3 shows I have been to. I think musically It was one of their best tours they have done. Visually I don?t think it was as good as the come with us tour. It?s not a criticism cos I love the way the visual presentation has always evolved over the years and the new visuals to the new tunes are great. It?s just the way the visuals on the 2001 tour were projected in such away that Tom and Ed, and the studio were silhouetted by Vegetable Vision mad videos. Class
After the Chems we and saw Josh Wink for an hour. More acid house for us kiddies!! It kinda reminded me why I love going to these dance festivals. You can see a wide array of DJ, people you wouldn?t ordinarily go and see. Then we Went to see FC/Kahuna who were my second must see people of the night. I must say I thought they were going to play a live set, but as it was they played a 2 hour dj set. But who cares cos when we got there they were romping the joint!! They actually play in the Strongbow bar, not a main arena. But the sound system there was devilishly loud!! There mixing was so tight, and they loved to abuse the resonant filter on the mixer. I love the fact that as dj?s they managed to make a set that if you were blind folded you would know it?s them, a set that sounds like Kahuna. These boys deserve to have a greater profile, but in away its also nice that they are lords of the underground. And I always say it, they are the closes thing to the Chemical Brothers. I really hope that they are working on a new album. When we left the Kahuna?s it was raining hard which was unpleasant. But you don?t half get to see some funny sights. I remember one girl rather miserably running across the field in a tiny bikini top and hot pants!! The rest of the night was spent back at the Subliminal tent, caught a half of Harry ?choo choo? Romero?s set, which was a bit disappointing. Then at 4am the Audio Bully?s came on. They are a dj and mc set up. I hate people mc?ing, its not my thing. As for the dj, I thought his skills were far bellow average. Fair play that they played ?Acid Children?, but after that they played something really funky after it. Shocking programming skills. We lasted 30 minutes before we decide it was time to go home. I couldn?t wait to drive home for the next 4 hours!!
I love Creamfields, it?s the best dance festival in this country. And this year was another great party. It?s a great way to finish the summer. As for the Chems they were faultless as always. I hope this tour has been great fuel for them when they return to Miloco. Next year is going to be great!!!!
I thought I wasn?t going to write a review?? Never mind.