Ben_j Escribi�:
Ok :D i think i'm gonna have good time then. I hope she'll mix some chemical brothers stuff...
I'm not so happy to see U2. I don't like their latest album. But I would die for going back to the past and go to a Popmart Tour live...
Tell me about it - How To Dismantle A Brilliant Music Career is what I've dubbed it. There's a couple of good songs on there, but the album didn't catch my interest. Same with All That Your Can't Leave Behind and most of POP. I guess we've parted ways but they've given me great music over the years and I got so much out of it.
I think you'll have a good time regardless. They are so good live, they really are. Last I saw them was during the Achtung Baby tour and it was an overload of the senses from all fronts. Just amazing. And this tour, they've been breaking out the old tunes from their earliest albums. I think they've finally realized how much relevance their older songs have live, and it's sort of bridged the generation gap and included some of their older fans back into the fold.