Jeanie, I thought -I- was the love of your life... :-( ::sniffles:

FABRIC TIME!!!!!!! 11 Dec!!!!!!!
#44 brother_ging
Posted 06 December 2009 - 5:02 AM
offtopic BUT-A: amsterdam is also the love of my life aka sin city aka helhaftig vastberaden barmhartig XXX
was there NYE 2007 and last summer. will be doing a houseboat"TRIP" in early summer 2010.
nearly all of the amsterdampeople are sooo nice, life in fancy houses and do know, how to enjoy life. if every town in this world would be like amsterdam, or two third of the worlds inhabitants do it the amsterdam way, there....yes....would probably now wars in the world! just think about it!
i AMsterdam
PS: leidseplein roXXX!
#48 Benjani
Posted 08 December 2009 - 11:32 AM
For those of you who have been to a Chemical's DJ set before, what time do they usually start playing? I need to get a train home at around 05.30 and wondered whether I'd catch the full Brothers' set if I left the club about half 4. If someone could fill me in it would be most appreciated.
Posted 08 December 2009 - 1:44 PM
Hahaha brother_ging! Your post made me laugh :-)
Thanks for the compliment; but we dont all live in fancy houses man haha. I wish! Its just that the houses in Amsterdam are very old and beautifull.
It's funny how the only people that think of Amsterdam as Sin City are tourists :p Hardly any of us ever go to coffeeshops or the red-light district. I totally understand why tourist aproach amsterdam as "Sin City", but our city center is one of the most beautifull and historic in the world i reckon!
Okay enough off topic :p
Yay Tim! Will be so great to have you over :-)
#50 brother_ging
Posted 08 December 2009 - 4:47 PM
don't like red district either. only veery strange people. and for the sin city thing: i live here in austria and if i spend some days in amsterdam it's like another world (where everything can happen anytime; especially the girls are "da bomb" => fit from riding bikes). will be back in 2010 in a "fancy house".
and for the topic: go, BROTHERS, go. destroy fabric!!!
Posted 12 December 2009 - 2:30 PM
new material sounding wicked. loads of stunning jackers and a psyche/breaky one towards the end which really stood out.
will post more later but I've got to cook a christmas dinner and watch the snooker today.
big up to tim darkstar who came back to Brighton with us and has now legged it off to get a train to Liverpool to watch the football. fair play to you sir!