Hey Boy Hey Girl V I Sit On Acid
Posted 18 December 2014 - 2:19 AM
So, I've been catching up on series 1 of the BBC's The Wrong Mans this week. It's quite entertaining as um, comedy-thrillers go.
I noticed that Emilia Fox was part of the cast, and had a quick Google to remind myself which CBs vid she was in. (I know I could have used this forum but...I didn't).
I (wrongly) ended up on the Wikipedia page for HBHG where I spotted something interesting down the bottom. An allegation of plagiarism: In an interview with BELPOP, Lords of Acid founder Praga Khan confronted The Chemical Brothers backstage over the techno beat used in "Hey Boy Hey Girl" that is identical to "I Sit On Acid 2000" released by Lords of Acid. Their response to the allegations was "Everyone steals from everyone."
There's also a link to the BELPOP interview video on youtube at the bottom of the Wikipedia page. I think it's in Flemish, so all I can understand is the bit about Mr Praga Khan meeting Mick Jagger. Can anyone else understand him? The "2000" at the end of I Sit On Acid's title interests me. You can probably guess why.
I was familiar with "I Sit On Acid" from "As Heard on Radio Soulwax pt 2". But that's a Soulwax remix anyway, and doesn't sound like HBHG. So I had a listen to "I Sit on Acid 2000" on youtube (splendid video!), and obviously there are huge similarities. But of course this track is dated after HBHG. So, I also had a listen to an instrumental of the original 1988 version here:
It sounds kinda messy but maybe there's something in it (I'm not very good at chord spotting but some of you might be). Thoughts anyone? Other than the obvious ones about the lyrics, that is!
Incidentally if I have learned nothing else from this uh "investigation", I have at least learned that the guy who made a cheesy old rave fave of mine, Injected With a Poison also made I Sit On Acid.
Posted 18 December 2014 - 10:58 AM
Explud, on 18 December 2014 - 8:40 AM, said:
IMDB thinks it was her. But I don't know if IMDB is prone to errors...
That wasn't necessarily the part of my post that I was hoping people would respond to, though!
Posted 18 December 2014 - 2:08 PM
The "Intro buzz" is just one triggered note with modulation and some effects.
Main riff was created on ARP2600 - Tom is told us about it in this thread.
I think the beat was created on some drummachine or maybe taken from some sound libraries and then arranged in sequencer (Cubase or something else).
And all we know it contains great samples from "The Roof Is on Fire" by Rock Master Scott and the Dynamic Three.
And that's all.
HBHG is a massive track with creative production behind it.
It reminds me when someone claimed that Chems stole the idea and sample from Orbital's "Lush 3-1" for Swoon, while the main riff actually was played on theremin.
Posted 18 December 2014 - 5:28 PM
That swoom / lush 3-1 comment was probably me. I did mean that they used the same melody and sound. I see it more as a reference or tip on the hat than stealing. In these 20+ years that both bands have been active, has there been any collaboration between the orbital and the chemical brothers? I stumbled upon that fake orbital remix of out of control..
Posted 18 December 2014 - 5:41 PM
at 4:00 he talks about it https://www.youtube....h?v=N19K2bpPQUE
Posted 18 December 2014 - 10:10 PM
Explud, on 18 December 2014 - 3:08 PM, said:
Nah, it was sampled from this :
Posted 18 December 2014 - 10:31 PM

presenter: "according to maurice their track I Sit On Acid would not only be a big hit in the USA but would also inspire the Chemical Brothers"
Maurice: "It is actually a copy of our track, thanks to the chemical brothers this track was a huge breakthrough."
"I've confronted them with this fact backstage at Wrechter, I just approached them and said that they simply copied it. Getting inspired by a track is one thing but directly copying another. they replied with "we all listen to each other" which might be true but in my opinion they did more than listening here.
"I've often contemplated the idea to take action but I never did so far. Maybe that can be a nice way to fill my pension (he used a dutch saying which is untranslatable: een appeltje voor de dorst) who knows?"
so to conclude he might sue in the future if he feels like it/needs the money. Or he might just think that it would make a good oneliner for this documentary. to end with a quote: who knows?
Posted 19 December 2014 - 2:20 AM
Explud, on 18 December 2014 - 9:40 AM, said:
Posted 19 December 2014 - 11:33 AM
Explud, on 19 December 2014 - 8:21 AM, said:
Hmm looks like this discussion has been going on for years on the forum.
I can see what you mean about the eyes Explud; they are convincingly blue in the video, unlike any other pix of Ms Fox.
Oh, I also stumbled on this from Showbiz Geek, which appears to confirm via a Chemical Brother that Explud is right.
Showbiz Geek (Scroll down a bit)
Posted 19 December 2014 - 12:13 PM
Eis-T, on 18 December 2014 - 9:31 PM, said:

presenter: "according to maurice their track I Sit On Acid would not only be a big hit in the USA but would also inspire the Chemical Brothers"
Maurice: "It is actually a copy of our track, thanks to the chemical brothers this track was a huge breakthrough."
"I've confronted them with this fact backstage at Wrechter, I just approached them and said that they simply copied it. Getting inspired by a track is one thing but directly copying another. they replied with "we all listen to each other" which might be true but in my opinion they did more than listening here.
"I've often contemplated the idea to take action but I never did so far. Maybe that can be a nice way to fill my pension (he used a dutch saying which is untranslatable: een appeltje voor de dorst) who knows?"
so to conclude he might sue in the future if he feels like it/needs the money. Or he might just think that it would make a good oneliner for this documentary. to end with a quote: who knows?
Thanks for your translation skills Eis-T. It sounds like he doesn't have a strong enough case to sue.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 1:34 PM
skyscraper, on 19 December 2014 - 4:33 PM, said:
I can see what you mean about the eyes Explud; they are convincingly blue in the video, unlike any other pix of Ms Fox.
Oh, I also stumbled on this from Showbiz Geek, which appears to confirm via a Chemical Brother that Explud is right.
Showbiz Geek (Scroll down a bit)
Yeah, bingo!
Thanks man, true detective work! =)
Posted 19 December 2014 - 2:27 PM
Explud, on 19 December 2014 - 1:34 PM, said:
skyscraper, on 19 December 2014 - 11:33 AM, said:
Yeah, bingo!
Thanks man, true detective work! =)