Hey Brothers and Sisters
I would like to show you a brand new game
In about two weeks the pre beta version will be available
(Then you will be able to download the full game rules in PDF)
The aim is to make it fun and easy to expand horizons, make dreams come true and change the world.
We have all read the books and seen the motivational videos and they all feel right and somehow obvious and they inspire us for the moment and they give us a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that dissipates soon after until the next one.
I tend to find very excited by the concepts to the point of repeating them in conversations but maybe less than 1% ever get implemented. Games on the other hand are all action.
Fact of life is that 99% of people who listen to advice of gurus or people who have achieved success in some form, NEVER TAKE ACTION.
By taking challenges and going on quests the player learns about their limitations and takes action to push them further.
One thing that will differentiate this game from others is that the players will not waste time on the game itself, but rather funnel all available time into their life changing activities.
The aim is to make the player aware of their limitation, and give them the tools to conquer them, expanding far enough to see their true potential.
This is a work in progress and used to create a framework for the author to un-stick his life and move it forward. Some of the elements can stand on their own and you - the visitor- are encouraged to take them, use them and improve them as you like.
I would like to show you a brand new game
In about two weeks the pre beta version will be available
(Then you will be able to download the full game rules in PDF)
The aim is to make it fun and easy to expand horizons, make dreams come true and change the world.
We have all read the books and seen the motivational videos and they all feel right and somehow obvious and they inspire us for the moment and they give us a warm and fuzzy feeling inside that dissipates soon after until the next one.
I tend to find very excited by the concepts to the point of repeating them in conversations but maybe less than 1% ever get implemented. Games on the other hand are all action.
Fact of life is that 99% of people who listen to advice of gurus or people who have achieved success in some form, NEVER TAKE ACTION.
By taking challenges and going on quests the player learns about their limitations and takes action to push them further.
One thing that will differentiate this game from others is that the players will not waste time on the game itself, but rather funnel all available time into their life changing activities.
The aim is to make the player aware of their limitation, and give them the tools to conquer them, expanding far enough to see their true potential.
This is a work in progress and used to create a framework for the author to un-stick his life and move it forward. Some of the elements can stand on their own and you - the visitor- are encouraged to take them, use them and improve them as you like.
So come with us and play the ultimate game.
Timeless Greetings
What do you think about this idea???
Timeless Greetings
What do you think about this idea???