Now eating
Posted 09 March 2005 - 7:45 PM
chocolate covered rich tea biscuits
sooooo adictive, they sure to make me fat n give me spots but i dont care, they taste like heaven :D
sooooo adictive, they sure to make me fat n give me spots but i dont care, they taste like heaven :D
Posted 10 March 2005 - 2:02 AM
Boy with the Golden Eyes Escribi�:
coffee and cigarettes, hooray :D
me: chocolate
Ahhh the breakfast of champions (coffee & cigs)!
iguanapunk Escribi�:
Inspired by the Now playing thread, but about what you are currently eating. Americans need not post here, I know you're eating a big mac.
you smarmy bastard! 'course I know you're just jealous cause english food is shiat!
anyway, me's about to cook up some eggs & a bagel.
Posted 10 March 2005 - 2:18 AM
siphilon Escribi�:
iguanapunk Escribi�:
Inspired by the Now playing thread, but about what you are currently eating. Americans need not post here, I know you're eating a big mac.
you smarmy bastard! 'course I know you're just jealous cause english food is shiat!
Please Siphilis, English food is better than your hot dogs and big macs. Have you ever had a roast dinner? They don't serve them at McDonalds by the way ;)
Would you like fries with that?

Posted 11 March 2005 - 12:00 AM
Jeanie Escribi�:
haha, yes, i'm addicted to that at the moment, my teeth are going to fall out :D
I made some Macaroni Cheese for the first time earlier, it's fuckin stank! I thought I was going to be sick, and it tasted like crap to, went straight to the dustbin.