General Bullshit Chat
Posted 04 July 2006 - 11:42 PM
Ben_j Escribi�:
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
iguanapunk Escribi�:
planetdust Escribi�:
dont know what u mean, sorry
He's calling you a big faggot.
Not only that, you should read the PM he sent me regarding you.
The one with fake pics of her ? He sent me that too...
I am disgusted chemicalfan...actually more like dissapointed.
Posted 05 July 2006 - 1:35 AM
planetdust Escribi�:
well darlings im not a faggot, no way. im all feminine woman me and find this all to much to take in right now as im fucked so sort it out u lot.
u should be a little nicer i think.
we're just kidding, we always do that ;) At least you're not a 12yr old gurl called xxsarahxx
Posted 05 July 2006 - 2:19 AM
Did i miss something...? Or is planetdust talking complete bollox ...?
Planet , don't take everything so personal. If u had to take all the " Whirly and Jeanie " " Jeanie can't count cause she's a model " bullshit serious i would have left this place a long time again ;)
I can asure you that everybody on this board has a good sense of humor and they like to make jokes!
Planet , don't take everything so personal. If u had to take all the " Whirly and Jeanie " " Jeanie can't count cause she's a model " bullshit serious i would have left this place a long time again ;)
I can asure you that everybody on this board has a good sense of humor and they like to make jokes!
#3560 toomuchstash
Posted 05 July 2006 - 6:25 AM
planetdust Escribi�:
Im a sensitive person sometimes thats all
I'm sorry, if that's the case, I'm afraid i'm going to have to ask you to leave the interweb.
Just unplug that cord in the wall the nice fellow from BT installed for you, and pour a fresh pint of lager on your 'computer box'.... you know, it's the glowy thing with the retractable cup holder on the front.