A Gentle Reminder About 'leaks'
Posted 03 June 2010 - 3:14 PM
So now that release date is on the horizon and there are copies of Further floating around, I'd like to take the time to gently put a reminder out to keep all leaks, and requests for leaks off the forums, out of profiles and out of private messaging initiated directly from this site. Also, if you do find a leak floating around on some other website, please don't go posting links or mentioning such websites here. Such posts will need to be deleted, so fair warming. Obviously you are free to do what you want elsewhere - you can talk about the album here, you can praise it or slag it - but eyes are watching this place so please be mindful respectful of what you say in terms of leaks/requests. Indiscretion is not worth losing posts over - or worse, losing posting privileges all together. Not my decision but from the powers that be.
For more info:
Respect your Brothers, they will serve you well!
So now that release date is on the horizon and there are copies of Further floating around, I'd like to take the time to gently put a reminder out to keep all leaks, and requests for leaks off the forums, out of profiles and out of private messaging initiated directly from this site. Also, if you do find a leak floating around on some other website, please don't go posting links or mentioning such websites here. Such posts will need to be deleted, so fair warming. Obviously you are free to do what you want elsewhere - you can talk about the album here, you can praise it or slag it - but eyes are watching this place so please be mindful respectful of what you say in terms of leaks/requests. Indiscretion is not worth losing posts over - or worse, losing posting privileges all together. Not my decision but from the powers that be.
For more info:
Respect your Brothers, they will serve you well!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 03 June 2010 - 6:32 PM
I want a le...I mean I want to listen to Further. Anyhow.
Posted 03 June 2010 - 8:44 PM
Btw, Ben_J said he had the album although he's not supposed to. So basically, his posts should be deleted ?
Posted 04 June 2010 - 12:24 AM
Yeah, if people have heard it (where ever that may have been), talking about what they heard and what they think of the tunes shouldn't be discouraged. There should be some room for freedom...
It's the sharing of illegally obtained tunes, and posting of it here out in the open that causes the problem. We as fans will buy the albums like we always do. And I think Tom and Ed know that and trust that. But the same can't be said for passersby who are trolling the site looking for free stuff when they don't intend on purchasing the album.
It's the sharing of illegally obtained tunes, and posting of it here out in the open that causes the problem. We as fans will buy the albums like we always do. And I think Tom and Ed know that and trust that. But the same can't be said for passersby who are trolling the site looking for free stuff when they don't intend on purchasing the album.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 22 June 2010 - 11:51 PM
I knew someone would do that joke !
Posted 23 November 2010 - 4:07 PM
It's probably not a good idea to post Daft leaks, Bloke... The Daft Punk thread is too active and too visible not to catch attention from whoever-may-be-lurking. Disney, primarily. Thanks so much for asking, though!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 15 January 2011 - 11:04 PM
We quickly need a studio-leak of Superflash. I count on you all!