fuck it i'm going to buy a ticket now

Chemical Brothers to play London's Olympia in 2008
#108 CyberFlash
Posted 20 December 2007 - 2:37 AM
The number of people at this gig is gonna be so overwhelming for me. The last concert I went to that had a big number of people was probably the Paul McCartney concert at the Staples Center in 2002/2003.
On the other hand the awesome beats emanating from the stage will be so flippin' sweet that I'll be dancing wildly until the concert's over!
#109 whirly
Posted 20 December 2007 - 4:05 AM
Roughly $3300 flights for the 3 of us to travel round trip... leaving us only 4 days in London. Not bad, not bad - for the price. If I book now. Fuck. Would be fine if I were a jet setter and travelling alone, but would be a drag for the kid. He'd barely be over jet lag then it's back on another flight back to Los Angeles. And that doesn't include lodging nor food and other expenses for a fam of 3. Meager lodgings are fune but I'm over staying in complete dumps and freak hotels esp. with a kid.
Either I go alone which isn't an option, or I need a miracle asap. We could shave down some costs - anyone within London or surrounding areas be willing to put up with the 3 of us for a few days? These flight fares will only go up in coming days/weeks/months. Damn. I wish I hadn't looked. This is sad.
#112 VorpalStorm
Posted 20 December 2007 - 10:26 AM
Whirly, there are ALWAYS crazy deals if you look hard enough. Check every travel site you can - everything's always a bit different. I've found TravelZoo.com to be a life saver. And youth hostels are always an acceptable place to stay, in my book. =)
#119 whirly
Posted 20 December 2007 - 11:50 PM
This will take some investigating on my part if I want to make this happen, stay within budget and find a way to pay for this up front. I have nothing left to pawn...
Vorpal - I haven't stayed in a youth hostel in over 15 years. It may be fine for you young whipper snappers, but it's not a good place for a family to shack up really. :lol: