@Bosco - Yes, I do not have iTunes... :(

General Bullshit Chat
#7142 Jittem
Posted 07 October 2009 - 9:57 AM
@Bosco - i know exactly what you mean with the crowd confrontations. My friend and i cop it constantly, more so at festivals though. its time likes these you curse being tall hahah.
For those that want it...
Dexter S04E2
#7143 whirly
Posted 07 October 2009 - 2:38 PM
Yeah, women can be pretty demanding when it comes to being in large crowds. Especially if you're a short woman, that's even worse! hahaha. We have to try extra hard to stand our ground otherwise we'll get squished.
I hate hate hate asking for any kind of special treatment even in a crowd setting so I rarely ask people to move or do things for me - but I sometimes find that men will generally show the courtesy on their own (as long as they aren't belligerent, drunk buttholes).
It also helps having a tall husband during those times when a crowd is brewing close to the brim of being potentially agressive. Or it helps being in a posse. :D
Posted 07 October 2009 - 5:47 PM
Love Orbital. I really hope they play Coachella--I've never seen them live and I don't imagine they can keep their "reunion" shows up for very long.
I've been a fan of them for years, though not all of their music. I absolutely love the albums Orbital 2 (a.k.a. the Brown album, and this is my favorite, by far), In Sides, and Middle of Nowhere. I like their first self-titled album (a.k.a. the Green Album) and the Blue Album.
I haven't given any other of their albums a full listen, but the bits and pieces I've heard from them haven't made me want to jump in and absorb them. Hard to believe they've been around almost 20 years. I suppose you could say the same for the Chems...
#7146 satur8
Posted 07 October 2009 - 7:06 PM
I like a lot of Orbital's work, particularly their album In Sides. I also really enjoy their last single, One Perfect Sunrise (and its Stereo-8 remix). They have great tracks spanning their whole career.
Oh yeah, who can forget 'Halcyon (Live at NYC Irving Plaza)' with the Bon Jovi samples?
#7149 inchemwetrust
Posted 08 October 2009 - 1:08 AM
Thanks for the Dexter link. Gracias! Glad you had a good time at the show. Too bad it ended on a bad note.
You should've socked that urkel-looking guy!
I have no probs with crowds. I'll always give the ladies their space or even let them get in front of me (if she's really attractive or short)
The last Orb album I listened to was the 'Blue' album. One Perfect Sunrise is just beautiful and charismatic.
Posted 08 October 2009 - 3:53 AM
If the girl should be sincere when asking for me to move, like saying the magic word "please", my attitude totally changes. However, when a chick comes and demands for me to do something (which seems to be most of the time then not), I give them the cold shoulder. I'm sure their rudeness strings from being on some sort of substance, alcohol, or the female version of Napoleon complex. But, I have a hard time condoning stuck up bitches like that. For the most part, I usually don't have to deal with this anymore anyway (except for Coachella). Nowadays, I spend most my time close to the bar when I'm at a concert.
#7156 ThePumisher
Posted 09 October 2009 - 5:26 PM
Hey Skey. As i read in your signature you're living in China? Maybe that is the fact why you can't open so many websites. A quote from wikipedia : "Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China
Most national flaws of the People's Republic of China do not apply to the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong or Macau. There are no known cases of the Chinese authorities censoring critical political or religious content in those territories.
The escalation of the government's effort to neutralize critical online opinion comes after a series of large anti-Japanese, anti-pollution and anti-corruption protests, many of which were organized or publicized using instant messaging services, chat rooms, and text messages. The size of the Internet police is estimated at more than 30,000. Critical comments appearing on Internet forums, blogs, and major portals such as Sohu and Sina usually are erased within minutes.
The apparatus of the PRC's Internet repression is considered more extensive and more advanced than in any other country in the world. The regime not only blocks website content but also monitors the internet access of individuals. Amnesty International notes that China “has the largest recorded number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents in the world.” The offences of which they are accused include communicating with groups abroad, opposing the persecution of the Falun Gong, signing online petitions, and calling for reform and an end to corruption."
Maybe blogspot.com is censored because your government has fear of critical postings on there.
If you can read the english wikipedia (which i believe you can't when you live in china) here's the full article : http://en.wikipedia....public_of_China
#7157 Jittem
Posted 10 October 2009 - 9:12 AM
time for jittem to share a story.
i was at a party last night, sitting around a fire with a bunch of friends. Conversation led me to saying "at my funeral i would want hold tight london to be played as they walk my coffin out of the church". This chick friend of mine (who knows the chemies and my love for them) looked at me and said "why would you do that? everyone would just remember you as being drug fucked."
my friends i turn and look at her. Then my friend and i ask her "if the beatles were played at a funeral, would that person be remembered for being a psychadelic tree tripper?"
The debate lasted a few more minutes but when i saw tears begin to trickle down her face i thought i'd better stop.
But seriously. Ignorant people. Dammit they piss me off
anyway just thought i'd share lol
#7158 whirly
Posted 10 October 2009 - 6:37 PM
Push The Button came out shortly after my 10th anniversary. We went to London to celebrate our anniversary (and my 33rd birthday - but that's another story). When I hear Hold Tight London there is something in it that reminds me of the feelings I had the day I got married and that song is a quiet, personal celebration of having reached that milestone.
I'm disappointed that drugs and the bad parts of rave culture is still tied to the Chems. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing like a good party and the Chems know how to bring it. God knows I've had my fun. But their music is so much bigger than that, after all these years. Surely once the party is over, what's left is memories and music to guide you through the come down. Jittem I find that line of thinking on your friend's part a bit sad. I feel pity for who refuse to acknowledge some songs mean certain things to different people. What a song means to me (or anyone) is in the ear of the beholder That's the beautiful subjectivity of the musical arts.
I need more coffee.
#7159 inchemwetrust
Posted 10 October 2009 - 9:50 PM
It should be renamed 'Hold Tight Marriage'! 10 years is a long time Whirls. I don't know many people who have been married that long. Good for you. :)
Funny thing Jittem, I never really thought about thinking of a song to be played at my funeral. I wouldn't play one where I made my family and friends so freakin sad and have them crying till their eyes get bloody but I rather have a song that people will remember me for my love for life, my friendships, my contributions, and my personality.
My Hero - Foo Fighters.
The lyrics seem to be a good fit. I couldn't do a Chems song though.
#7160 Jittem
Posted 10 October 2009 - 11:55 PM
@Whirly - its quite lovely to have HTL and a memorable moment of your life linked together :)
It makes me angry but also makes me chuckle when people assume that the chemical brothers is either
1) only unce unce music
2) the salmon dance
@inchem - that's interesting. Why couldn't you play the chemies at your funeral? The reason i would want HTL is because it is the song that i play whenever i need a pick me up. It always fills me with this warm glow inside and tingles all around my scalp. Also, everyone that knows me well would expect me to play HTL at a marriage/funeral setting.