General Bullshit Chat
#7062 inchemwetrust
Posted 17 September 2009 - 7:37 PM
The 2nd date will be better Ryno! Hopefully she'll blow YOUR by then. :D
I miss dating too, but my girlfriend (who's next to me right now) says she's the only girl I'll ever need, and if I ever break up with her, she'll kick my ass!
What a Sith Lord!
Posted 17 September 2009 - 8:26 PM
I would withstand a proposed ass-kicking if the person I was with was making me entirely unhappy, or if I was just simply entirely unhappy being with them.
One of my friends is in a bad relationship--the girl has verbally and physically abused him, but not extraordinarily so (e.g., slapping him, pissing on him when he was passed out, breaking his personal effects, including his glasses and cell phone)--and what it comes down to is that he refuses to make himself uncomfortable to create a situation for himself that would make him happy. He doesn't want to deal with moving out and finding a place of his own, and he also can't withstand the pain of temporary loneliness.
You should find happiness from within yourself, by yourself, for yourself, first and foremost. Then find someone else to be with. Or, in the least, keep it in mind.
#7064 whirly
Posted 17 September 2009 - 10:17 PM
Bad relationship?
I would call that a horrific, co-dependent relationship of the worst kind that's a couple shades away from being dangerously violent. The girlfriend sounds like a nightmare and not a nice person at all. How sad. Nobody deserves to be treated like that by their supposed significant other. Nobody.
I hope your friend can one day realize he deserves so much better.
#7065 inchemwetrust
Posted 18 September 2009 - 5:51 AM
From my last post...
'The 2nd date will be better Ryno! Hopefully she'll blow YOUR by then. :D '
Left a word out!: Here's the corrected one...
The 2nd date will be better Ryno! Hopefully she'll blow YOUR horn by then. :D
I think your friend knows what to do, but he's never gonna find happiness unless he let's her go. He feels afraid that he won't find anyone else if he ends the relationship.
He's knows how this is going to end, so he might as well just end the relationship now then wait later!
One more thing Pooter, if you already have given him advice to move on and he still doesn't listen, then there's nothing more than you can do.
Good luck!
Posted 18 September 2009 - 5:56 AM
Thanks for the advice.
Believe me--I've done everything I can to try to talk sense into him. I have had, literally, about twenty conversations with him where I've sat him down and said, "Justin, man, what the fuck are you doing?"
I've even taken him down the hypothetical legal road where divorce will end him, the financial cost, the emotional strain, and he will. not. listen. to. fucking. reason. Uggh. Fucking makes me sick, man.
And the worst part is that he comes out with me and my friends and picks up on girls. Fucking pussy. Anyway.
/vent off
Nothing else to report for now. Freaking tired because sleep hasn't come easy for the past two nights for some reason. Anxiety, possibly?
Posted 18 September 2009 - 6:56 AM
@inchem....I didn't even notice the typo....I still read it as blow Your horn. Its bad that I know you that well.
I am just happy I am back in the dating game. Had a REALLY long dry spell there for a while (3yrs). Feels good to get the motor running again.
Now for the weekend I get to go to a touchy feelly camp for my schools SA. I am sure 'Love is All' will come out of my mouth at some point to realize that no one knows what I am talking about. Let the randomness commence!
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#7069 Jittem
Posted 18 September 2009 - 10:27 AM
let me just say...
cross gender interaction = brutal!!!!
Pooter goodluck with the second date dude!!! be cool.
it's good to hear you are out of drought season ryno. bring on the flood? :P
as for me, im making slow but comfortable progress with a chicky from college. But my experience from college is that you think you know a girl for ages and then BAM....what the fuck happened, you aren't the same girl i met 2 months ago?
and thats my input :D
#7070 satur8
Posted 18 September 2009 - 1:28 PM
Jittem...that's not just college girls. They're all from another planet that way.
Here are some things I've learned about women, and although I can't say they are "universal", I sure haven't met the exception to the rules. I'd like to share these for our younger posters. Maybe some of our beautiful, intelligent female posters can tell me if I am on the money or clueless.
1 - Women want what they want. Sometimes they tell you. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they tell you but really want something different. Sometimes they only know what they don't want. Your job is to always know. You will get little credit if you are correct but lots of grief if you are not.
2 - Many women may spend a lot of time trying to change you. Don't fall for it. Make adjustments to improve a relationship, but never change who you are. If you do, you will find yourself alone. Women think they want these changes, but when you make them, you are not the guy they fell for, and frankly, they lose respect for you and move on.
3 - Compliment her often and make sure you're sincere. Women love when you notice stupid bullshit stuff. "You're pretty" isn't enough. Notice her clothes, her nails or hair, her funny comments, her intelligent comebacks, her kind deeds, or whatever it takes to mix it up. Don't kiss her ass. Just appreciate her attributes and be vocal about it. Nothing brings a smile to a woman's face more than someone noticing something subtle about her. NOTHING!
4 - Don't be a dick. It's true that women seem to gravitate to jerks, but the one YOU want to be with does not. Stand your ground, but respect her feelings. Be honest, but not demeaning. Keep your own interests, but learn about hers and find some to share. If you are not a match, enjoy yourself and learn from the experience; there is nothing worse than repeating relationship errors with two different people. Understand the difference between want and need. Like it or not, most women are turned off by needy guys. Find the girl that is right for you, and never settle. Despite what Maxim and other meat head dating sources might say, don't confuse the girl you want with the girl you want to be with. Be clever. Be aloof in the beginning if you so choose. Just don't be a dick.
5- Under no circumstances should anyone in a relationship lay a violent hand on the other. It's up to the individual if they want to give a second chance, but most people that will hit another person tend to do it again. Once is a mistake. Twice is a habit. Get out. Period.
Of course, most of this is geared towards relationships and not casual dating or random hook ups, but there is good advice here for all situations.
Ladies? Tell me I'm wrong.
Posted 19 September 2009 - 1:26 AM
You actually have some respectable points. Not bad.
While we're on the subject of dating:
Today, I had a blind date with a girl someone in my office set me up with. Before the waitress returned with our drinks, this girl asked me to go to her parent's house and pretend to be the father of her yet unborn child because the real father is a drug addict and in jail for stealing her dad's car. FML (www.fmylife.com)
#7072 Jittem
Posted 19 September 2009 - 2:28 AM
thanks satur8....totally agree with #3 and #4.
"Don't be a dick. It's true that women seem to gravitate to jerks, but the one YOU want to be with does not"
Couldn't put it better myself.
FML is a very entertaining website. some seem like BS though lol
In other news. I've decided I'm going for a trip upto sydney in the middle weekend of the holidays to see Erol Alkan dj at one of my favourite clubs (Oxford Art Factory).
#7073 whirly
Posted 19 September 2009 - 2:39 AM
You have some good points, satur8 - definitely agree with a lot of things you said as they are true.
We women are from a different planet. Women are from Venus, and men are from Mars. Trying to coexist on planet Earth.
1.) Yes, women want what they want but can't the same be true for men also? If anything, women tend to be the more wishy-washy ones compared to men. And that bit about telling you they want something when in reality women want something different? Communication is a 2-way street. If a woman isn't being up front with what she wants then there's been a serious breakdown in communication somewhere down the line. One thing for sure is, us women tend to expect men to be more intuitive than they really are. Hence the "I can't read your mind" arguments. No relationship is immune from that confrontational topic.
2.) Women want to change their man - true. They want them to not eat like a caveman and chew with their mouths closed when in polite company. Or they want them to get off the couch and stop drinking so much beer on weekdays, or suit up before meeting the parents or whatever. Or leave the toilet seat down. But as for changing identities only the young and foolish try to change the person they are with. The older you get the more you know that some things cannot change nor should they. So there is that. And the pendulum swings both ways. For every woman that's tried to 'change' her man, I've seen plenty of women literally give up their identity to please their men. Who was it that said something along the lines of women marry men hoping they will change, and men marry women hoping they will not but both end up disappointed? Probably some famous Irish writer or poet. When it's the right person, you don't fear change but rather let life circumstances shape and mold who you are and who you'll be. There's growth, together. I am not the same person I was 15 years ago or 5 years ago or a year ago, and my husband isn't exactly the same person he was 6 months ago...
3.) Women go to great (and sometimes ridiculous) lengths to look good. We pay money for lotions that keep are skin supple and the sags and wrinkles at bay, perfume to keep us smelling nice, dresses that flatter our shapes, and sometimes we wear painful shoes because they make our feet look pretty or our legs look leaner and taller. At least those of us girls that care about our appearance. There are other reasons besides vanity that we do this, I think. Women are only vital (in terms of being reproductive members of the human race) for so long. That may not seem like a big deal to men (who are vital until the day they die) or young people but I can say as someone who is on the bad side of 30- that's a big thing. So subconsciously we do what we can to push back the clock. Even if we have a man, we still want to be seen as vital. I don't even know if I'm making any sense. But yeah. I'm not ashamed to say we do like it when men notice that we take the time to look like the nice piece of arm candy we are when we're seen with them in public. So a "you sure do look nice tonight" or "that red dress looks great on you" is appreciated every now and again. Going overboard with the compliments is just sad, though. If a man is comfortable with who he is then he'll know when to say the right thing, and how often.
4.) The points here are good and can be applied to both sexes.
5.) Violence is bad, mmkay. That just goes without saying. It's not good for anyone in a relationship and god forbid if children are in the picture.
And that's it for now. I hate typing on laptops and I'm sitting at an angle that's bad for my posture. Besides, I need to go pluck my eyebrows and see if my husband notices.. Just kidding. :P Don't know if other ladies will chime in seeing as several years on this forum remains a most delightful sausage fest, but we'll see!
Posted 19 September 2009 - 8:50 AM
Good. Glad to spread around some laughs.
@Whirls: Palabra.
Andy studies on a Friday night. (audience gasps) I know, I know. Fucking boring, but necessary. One week until the LSAT!
And tomorrow I finally get to finalize the decoration of my room. No art on the walls makes Andy a Dull boy.
Posted 20 September 2009 - 11:17 PM
Hey Skey!
@pooter, GASP!!! you were studying at the same time as me.....probably. Then I went out to the campfire where a local social welfare poltics got very intense. Fun though. I still smell like smoke. And I was right. I said Love IS ALL quite a few times in the weekend.
Also, Coed Dorms are awesome.....and not for the obvious reason.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 20 September 2009 - 11:39 PM
Mmm... campfire scented romance. At least, that's what has happened with me in the past with co-ed dorms and campfires. ;-)
Took a day off studying yesterday, but today the studying is on with a vengeance. I've already gone through 2 1/2 hours or so and I still have the evening ahead of me. Dayamn. I must actually be getting serious about this.
Didn't get any art on the walls, but I got new sheets, a new full-length mirror for my closet, curtains for this awkward door in my room and some duct tape for soundproofing said door.
And the sun is shining today... all I want to do is get stoned and run around in the sun!!! :-(