I would have said Jim Carrey in the mask but hey an LOTR reference works even better

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 27 February 2008 - 7:02 AM
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#6042 whirly
Posted 05 March 2008 - 7:30 AM
OK, so our son has a cell phone (yeah, yeah, I know but with his after school schedule and time he spends between grandparents) and he generally doesn't call us, we call him.
So his phone starts ringing just now and we can hear it through his school back pack and we think "who the hell is calling Connor at 10:30 in the evening?" and stash picks up.
"Uh... uh... is this the luggage desk for Quantus airlines?"
"No man, you definitely have the wrong number. Soory dude."
So apparently that's like, the 3rd wrong number the poor kid has gotten and so far they've all been listed from strange area codes. Probably people looking for their lost luggage.
Time to start teaching the kid how to take that ball and run with it.
Posted 05 March 2008 - 9:20 PM
ooo that's always fun. I had a cell phone ages ago that I'd always answer and get people yelling at me in spanish. even my voice mail was filled with heartfelt messages in which I couldn't understand.
Think that'd be funny if Connor started trying to convince them he was the luggage desk. make sure you record that one. If they call him out on sounding young, get him to tell them he's from a help desk in Bangladesh making biiiiiig money.
Posted 05 March 2008 - 11:45 PM
Month or so ago I was getting a series of strange texts from various numbers, some known, most random. The messages ranged from trying to get to me to buy a phone line to become a dial-a-dealer crack vendor to trying to get me to meet up to sell medium-sized quantities of MDMA (100 - 200 caps) to various other stuff.
I wasn't sure if it was friends playing a prank or the cops trying to make a set-up (I have a number of friends and acquaintences who have been involved with dealing various things) or what. Freaked me right out.
Finally stopped after about 10 days. Still don't know what the story was. Think it was the cops, to be honest.
Posted 06 March 2008 - 2:01 AM
So I'm on a high right now. My best friend gets back in about 4 hours. He has been on a Church Mission for 2 years now in Washington DC. This is almost as big as a chems show for me.....which is saying alot considering fuji is etched in my mind. I'm going off right now!
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 10 March 2008 - 7:30 PM
Fuck man i have not been in this much pain in a looooooooooooooong time.
They removed two wisdom teeth today. Last year they removed the other ones. I was fne, i had pain but it was okay.
Now, the teeth were growing weird and the roots were totally crewed so they had to cut them out. They were pulling so hard that they had to hold my head. They put stitches in my mouth and everything. At this point everything was fine cause they gave me the stuff eeeeh, they put the injections in your mouth so u dont feel anything.
Now i'm on strong painkillers and still the pain is almost unbearable! I have never had this much pain! I never really cry from pain but i cried just now!
Anyway that was my long rant because i want everybody sympathy and attention.
#6047 whirly
Posted 11 March 2008 - 3:07 AM
Sympathy for Jeanie Beanie!!! Yikes lady, I'm surprised they didn't put you under general anaesthesia!
Poor thing, is your mouth all swollen like a chipmunk? As for the pain you'll be much better off by Wednesday - you'll see! Come the weekend you'll feel even better. And the best part is you'll never have to worry about those needless wisdom teeth ever again. Hooray for wisdom teeth extraction!
Just keep taking the pain killers and take advantage of the opportunity to drink milkshakes!
Posted 11 March 2008 - 5:10 AM
Big hugs, Jeans!
Just keep taking the pain killers and.... well, save some for when you're better. They make you feel really good when you aren't actually in pain! :) (Is it really any surprise this is the advice I'd offer? haha... oh dear...)
Just kidding. Hopefully the pain and swelling will go down soon and you can put this behind you.
Posted 11 March 2008 - 5:15 AM
I had one of the worst days in a long time today. Sleep was a frenzied, toss-turn, weird dreams, obssess with dumb shit mess. Skipped school because I felt sick when I woke up. Lay on the couch until 3:30 PM because I couldn't move. Went to work because I couldn't get anyone to take the shift. Work was one of the busiest nights I've ever seen and we were understaffed. Talked to my partner for a school assignment on the phone and got ridiculously frustrated at A) How much of a dunce she is, B) How much of a floozy the prof is, and C) How dumb the assignment itself is due to the predilections of the floozy prof. Threw a bit of a hissy fit at one point (which was the highlight of the day).
Now it's 11 PM, I'm just starting an assignment that is due tomorrow (that I wanted to do this afternoon but was too spinny to accomplish) and I feel tired, sore, but a little bit more serene.
Throwing the hissy fit, which involved me throwing a bottle of glass cleaner against the wall about twenty feet away because the lid wouldn't stay screwed on (resulting in complete spillage, of course!) was probably the best thing I could've done.
I felt so much better. Got most of the crap out of my system. Yay for temper tantrums and acting like a petulant child! Not usually my style but what can you do... .
Now I'm listening to Mercury Rev and getting a smile back on my face.
Posted 11 March 2008 - 7:18 AM
@Darkstar, don't you love the group project hell that comes with the end of the semester before summer break. I'm in the middle of frustrating projects as well, but at least I got a few weeks before there due. Good Luck! Listen to TPPR to keep the mercury rev/chems segue going
@Jeanie, You 2? I got one pulled about 2 weeks back and it went down to the jaw. I was in the same bag (blood, stitches, pain, T3s). And now I have 2 more to get out, 1 on St. Patties day (at least the drinking is done), and another in april. I feel for you girl. Hey we might be on T3s at the same time next week.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 11 March 2008 - 8:02 AM
I hate group project work so much for two main reasons:
A) I am a vicious procrastinator. Vicious. Recently I started an assignment at 3:30 AM when it was due at 10 AM. I did very well but that's not the point.
B) I think I'm smarter than most other people. Whether or not I am smarter is irrelevant (I am smarter! :P). I don't trust them enough to delegate too much (at least not without being able to rewrite most of their parts into literate English).
Thus we have a problem where I don't trust anyone to do a good enough job and they don't trust that I'll get it done at all. Not house.
Anyways, I'm doing a tutorial on home pregnancy tests right now for an assignment due in 8 hours and am creating an accompanying promotional booklet for one of the brands, ClearBlue Easy. In my googleimage search for pics to use in my booklet, I discovered that David Lynch directed a commercial for this brand.... BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! (etc....)
Glory hallelujah... I am amused.
Posted 11 March 2008 - 5:41 PM
Hahahahaha Darkstar :lol:
Well i have something to crack u all up.
The world HAS to see this.Here is a picture of how i usually look...
And here....
Are picture's....
Of how my face looks now :lol:
It hurts like shit! I cant talk and i can hardly eat! But it looks funnt :lol:
Posted 14 March 2008 - 4:24 PM
I have a couple of wisdom teeth that will probably need taking out in the next couple of years or so. I don't particularly like my dentist so probably won't be much fun!! I had a filling done about a year ago and he was chatting up his assistant at the same time. He said if I was in any pain just let him know so I was knocking on the underside of the table thing (the one over the chair where the tomato juice is), it was almost like help, help!! lol
#6058 whirly
Posted 16 March 2008 - 1:14 AM
I had 3 wisdom teeth taken out almost 10 years ago - when I made my appointment, they gave me this halcion pill to take about an hour before the surgery. That was errrr... interesting. :lol: Then they knocked me out with general anaesthetic and I was in such a daze afterward, nothing seemed to phase me. Recovery time wasn't painful, the swelling looked a lot worse than I felt.
The pain leading up to getting my wisdom teeth removed was a different story. I never had any problems with them until after my son was born. I was flying out to Minnesota with Connor, he was about 3 months old at the time. What an excruciating flight for all parties within earshot. As soon as we levelled off, he starts bawling and the pain in my mouth swelled to critical mass. I spent most of that flight in the back of the plane, where the flight attendants sit because I felt so bad that Connor was crying, and I knew it must've been so annoying for the passengers. As we started to land, the pain in my mouth was so bad and my gums were tender from where the teeth were coming through. I got a migraine and the pain was radiating down my neck - I was in tears trying to supress any weeping that might have been audible. Me and Connor, in tears on a most agonizing flight - such a bonding experience. I have a fairly high pain tolerance, but that whole incident was so freakin miserable that surgery was a welcome thing.
Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:33 PM
lol msn convos!
Mark303// says:
mall time?
Diendro says:
eh, traffic, car.., eh
well we could hit up yahoo maps to find the dopest route..
Diendro says:
I prefer map quest
Thats a good one to..
Diendro says:
Google maps is the best..
Diendro says:
Diendro says:
Diendro says:
Diendro says:

Posted 20 March 2008 - 2:46 AM
hahahah, I like that one.
Got off work a bit early so I can work on this paper I haven't started that is due in 12 hours.... I really need to stop doing this. But I'm in an okay mood, I guess.
Tomorrow is the biggest club night of the year here. What better way to celebrate the eve of the death of your saviour than by getting absolutely shattered and making an ass of yourself? Anyways, expect me in Buzzed Posting sometime Friday morning if I'm still alive.