From 7:00 min in it starts with the woo hoo hoo! and then at about 7:35 you hear this mystery male vocal sing some words. It sounds like Mick Jagger from the stones or Michael Jackson but can't be right? Is it another old skool psychedelic band I cant remember the name of??
I know you guys are good at this, who is it??

The Reel Has New Vocals (Live)
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Posted 21 March 2011 - 12:20 PM
Thats the one. I had a feeling it might've been this track. Nice work.
Yep, still sends shivers down the spine live then hearing those vocals appear amongst it all was a nice surprise.
Yep, still sends shivers down the spine live then hearing those vocals appear amongst it all was a nice surprise.
Come out from the cold and into the setting sun. It's where it all began for me (not in Afrika), like it was out of control. Then after that life was sweet. So dream on into the pioneer skies of the fourteenth century and rise from the sunshine underground.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 5:07 PM
So I've spent the past day and a half catching up on all these youtube videos I've held out on watching until after I saw them. I want to post in every thread for every show that's happened so far but that would be spamming.
But I can't hold it in anymore. I have to say this is... oh my god!! Every hair is standing on end. Seeing moments like this make me fall in love with the reel again, a thousand times over. Amazing!!

be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 19 April 2011 - 6:07 PM
whirlygirl, on 19 April 2011 - 7:07 PM, said:
So I've spent the past day and a half catching up on all these youtube videos I've held out on watching until after I saw them. I want to post in every thread for every show that's happened so far but that would be spamming.
But I can't hold it in anymore. I have to say this is... oh my god!! Every hair is standing on end. Seeing moments like this make me fall in love with the reel again, a thousand times over. Amazing!!

oh whirly, I love sooo much the way you share your love for the brothers here.

love is all.
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