Woo Hoo! Six hours and counting...!
Posted 09 December 2005 - 2:53 PM
....'til tonight's brixton gig! can't wait!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Hubie Sounds | Fortnightly Tuesdays @ 9pm UK Time | Live & Direct on www.nsbradio.co.uk
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Posted 09 December 2005 - 3:04 PM
irish fan Escribi�:
the new intro is bloody cool.
Great! That's one of the bits I'm looking fwd to the most! :D :D :D :D
Hubie Sounds | Fortnightly Tuesdays @ 9pm UK Time | Live & Direct on www.nsbradio.co.uk
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Posted 09 December 2005 - 3:48 PM
cheers whirly! Wish you could come too! ;-)
Hubie Sounds | Fortnightly Tuesdays @ 9pm UK Time | Live & Direct on www.nsbradio.co.uk
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Posted 10 December 2005 - 2:37 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
You lucky fucking bastards over there! I would sell my own family into intergalactic slavery to have been there tonight. I'm honestly not sure I can handle reading a review of tonight without going on a rampage through the snowy streets of Winnipeg.
To those who haven't heard yet, tonight was a special one..... you'll find out why when the reviews roll in.
Posted 10 December 2005 - 5:40 AM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
I'm trapped between speechlessness and incoherent moaning at loud decibel levels.
I'm beyond that.
I am but a mere puddle of estrogen as of right now. It's not really a pretty sight.
Good lord I can't wait for the reviews! I can't wait to read Jeanie's spastic attempts at screaming with joy on the messageboard. And mippio and hubie and chemicalfan and ACIDCHILDREN and everyone else.
Bring em on!!!!!!!!!!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 12 December 2005 - 3:17 PM
Well I've just read everyone else's reviews and thought I'd round off this thread with my own! Firstly I'd just like to say that I'm really glad I went to Friday's gig cos it was, at the risk of sounding melodramatic, the BEST CHEMS GIG EVER!!
My personal highlights were, in no particular order:
1. the new intro track/segue into HBHG - incredible... built up the tension and excitement to breaking point and then bosh! HBHG hits us, no warning, just pure pure chemical boshery!!
2. The little bits and pieces of past classics - a little bit of three little birdies here, a pinch of elektrobank there, and a lovely mash up of morning lemon and GYH to start things off! Great stuff... the chems must be running their very own 'how many tracks can we squeeze into a set' competition!
3. CHEMICAL BEATS LIVE!!!!!!! How good is that track! The lads closed their V Fest set with this and it rocked, but somehow, it was even better on Fri night! Fecking brilliant! Please please keep this in your sets for ever and ever!
4. Barney Sumner rocking up for a bit of a ho-down with the boys! My gf said that I looked like I was about to cry when I saw him step up to the mic! I was speechless! I eventually managed to squeeze out an "oh my fucking God! It's only Barny-fucking-Sumner!!!!!" before screaming my head off in true 'we're-not-worthy' style euphoria!
5. oh and finally my favourite chems track... the sunshine underground to close an exceptional night. I had thought that I would never hear this track live again, but I had another 'Barny Sumner' moment when I heard those familiar plinky plonky string sounds fading in! A brilliant track to finish a brilliant night!
Cheers Tom, Ed and everyone else involved! Keep on mixing it up, keep on banging out the music and please never stop touring!! Ha ha! :D
(Oh yeah, I managed to pick up a cool gig tshirt too (at last!) with 'it matters that it doesn't matter' on the front and a little red robot on the sleeve! So cooool! 8) )
My personal highlights were, in no particular order:
1. the new intro track/segue into HBHG - incredible... built up the tension and excitement to breaking point and then bosh! HBHG hits us, no warning, just pure pure chemical boshery!!
2. The little bits and pieces of past classics - a little bit of three little birdies here, a pinch of elektrobank there, and a lovely mash up of morning lemon and GYH to start things off! Great stuff... the chems must be running their very own 'how many tracks can we squeeze into a set' competition!
3. CHEMICAL BEATS LIVE!!!!!!! How good is that track! The lads closed their V Fest set with this and it rocked, but somehow, it was even better on Fri night! Fecking brilliant! Please please keep this in your sets for ever and ever!
4. Barney Sumner rocking up for a bit of a ho-down with the boys! My gf said that I looked like I was about to cry when I saw him step up to the mic! I was speechless! I eventually managed to squeeze out an "oh my fucking God! It's only Barny-fucking-Sumner!!!!!" before screaming my head off in true 'we're-not-worthy' style euphoria!
5. oh and finally my favourite chems track... the sunshine underground to close an exceptional night. I had thought that I would never hear this track live again, but I had another 'Barny Sumner' moment when I heard those familiar plinky plonky string sounds fading in! A brilliant track to finish a brilliant night!
Cheers Tom, Ed and everyone else involved! Keep on mixing it up, keep on banging out the music and please never stop touring!! Ha ha! :D
(Oh yeah, I managed to pick up a cool gig tshirt too (at last!) with 'it matters that it doesn't matter' on the front and a little red robot on the sleeve! So cooool! 8) )
Hubie Sounds | Fortnightly Tuesdays @ 9pm UK Time | Live & Direct on www.nsbradio.co.uk
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!
Bass[sic] | Bi-monthly bass music clubnight in the heart of Shoreditch | Follow us on Mixcloud!