General Bullshit Chat
Posted 10 August 2006 - 12:26 AM
chemicalfan, you are more than welcome to come and visit California. You should come! There is so much here that Tim didn't get to see and he's visited twice and ventured around Los Angeles and Hollywood on foot (which is simply crazy - must be a wanderin' Canadian thing!).
Next time, Tim. Next time we *will* take you out to Joshua Tree!
Anyway, the U.S. is a vast place. I've lived here my whole life and I haven't even seen the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, the largest ball of twine, etc and other postcard "wish you were here" picture places. I guess it's just because I live here, it's something that's sort of taken for granted - like it'll always be here and I'll see it sometime later. Shameful, I know. What the Jeanie and mipps crew accomplished in a short amount of time was really impressive. They did the right thing and rented a car - It would be really hard to properly see the US unless you had access to a car.
Next time, Tim. Next time we *will* take you out to Joshua Tree!
Anyway, the U.S. is a vast place. I've lived here my whole life and I haven't even seen the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, the largest ball of twine, etc and other postcard "wish you were here" picture places. I guess it's just because I live here, it's something that's sort of taken for granted - like it'll always be here and I'll see it sometime later. Shameful, I know. What the Jeanie and mipps crew accomplished in a short amount of time was really impressive. They did the right thing and rented a car - It would be really hard to properly see the US unless you had access to a car.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 10 August 2006 - 6:52 AM
Don't want to get sick before the weekend, don't want to get sick beyond the weekend, don't want to get sick before the weekend..... *repeat mantra*
Girlfriend appears to have taken ill today. We've spent the last few days together a lot and I had an upset stomach this afternoon and just sneezed a few moments ago after falling asleep on the couch at 10:30 PM. I need a clear immune system for Saturday night!
....... don't want to get sick before the weekend....
Girlfriend appears to have taken ill today. We've spent the last few days together a lot and I had an upset stomach this afternoon and just sneezed a few moments ago after falling asleep on the couch at 10:30 PM. I need a clear immune system for Saturday night!
....... don't want to get sick before the weekend....
Posted 10 August 2006 - 12:50 PM
You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick! You WONT get sick!
Yeah , we drove 3000 Miles in 10 days. We made long driving days but it was so worth it. We saw soooo many stuff in sooooo little time. And there is STILL so much i wanna see. Thats why in 20XX i will go back , rent a car , and do a 3 month USA tour.
And about USA next year , IF i can pull it off finacially i might be in Cali again in April. Coachella or not! I just mis Whirly and Stash and would love to see them again. And you too Tim!
Yeah , we drove 3000 Miles in 10 days. We made long driving days but it was so worth it. We saw soooo many stuff in sooooo little time. And there is STILL so much i wanna see. Thats why in 20XX i will go back , rent a car , and do a 3 month USA tour.
And about USA next year , IF i can pull it off finacially i might be in Cali again in April. Coachella or not! I just mis Whirly and Stash and would love to see them again. And you too Tim!
Posted 10 August 2006 - 12:58 PM
So, the Terrorists targeted 10 possible aeroplanes at Heathrow (England) airport. Thanks to the on going terrorist investigation the plot was foiled which saved I don't how many innocent people. I think the worst part, but not suprising is: "According to BBC sources the "principal characters" suspected of being involved in the plot were British-born."
I'm going to London Kings Cross to Cross Central festival, on the bank holiday weekend, and i'm scared.
I'm going to London Kings Cross to Cross Central festival, on the bank holiday weekend, and i'm scared.

Posted 10 August 2006 - 1:12 PM
iguanapunk Escribi�:
So, the Terrorists targeted 10 possible aeroplanes at Heathrow (England) airport. Thanks to the on going terrorist investigation the plot was foiled which saved I don't how many innocent people. I think the worst part, but not suprising is: "According to BBC sources the "principal characters" suspected of being involved in the plot were British-born."
I'm going to London Kings Cross to Cross Central festival, on the bank holiday weekend, and i'm scared.
Say What ? Hmmm i'm gonna put on BBC.
Heathrow. I was there 3 days ago.
Posted 10 August 2006 - 1:20 PM
Holy Fuckemoly 8O
That is some serious shit man.
Apperently terrorist where gonna try to explode planes from UK to US with Chemicals they had in their handbagage. Thank god they have been stopped !!! US is now in ehm how do you say it , they are very alert now , like on 9-11.
Fuck this makes me sick to my stomach.
That is some serious shit man.
Apperently terrorist where gonna try to explode planes from UK to US with Chemicals they had in their handbagage. Thank god they have been stopped !!! US is now in ehm how do you say it , they are very alert now , like on 9-11.
Fuck this makes me sick to my stomach.
Posted 10 August 2006 - 2:55 PM
It really is sad....
Tonite me and my mym and cousin and aunt are going to Cirque Du Solei's show " Allegria " I already saw to other shows it's really amazing !!
Oh and really everybody should watch the COACHELLA DVD! I watch it everyday! My favorites :
Bjork , Bright Eyes , Chems , Arcade Fire , Radiohead , Flaming Lips and Belle and Sebastion and Crystal Method. So GOOD!!!
Tonite me and my mym and cousin and aunt are going to Cirque Du Solei's show " Allegria " I already saw to other shows it's really amazing !!
Oh and really everybody should watch the COACHELLA DVD! I watch it everyday! My favorites :
Bjork , Bright Eyes , Chems , Arcade Fire , Radiohead , Flaming Lips and Belle and Sebastion and Crystal Method. So GOOD!!!
Posted 10 August 2006 - 3:20 PM
iguanapunk Escribi�:
So, the Terrorists targeted 10 possible aeroplanes at Heathrow (England) airport. Thanks to the on going terrorist investigation the plot was foiled which saved I don't how many innocent people. I think the worst part, but not suprising is: "According to BBC sources the "principal characters" suspected of being involved in the plot were British-born."
I'm going to London Kings Cross to Cross Central festival, on the bank holiday weekend, and i'm scared.
I just read this, it was on the front page of Yahoo. It makes me sick to my stomach.
It is shocking iggy and I've been worried for Britain since the US got it's dose back in 2001, and especially since those bombings last year but you have to live your life or they - whoever they might be - have won. Hold your head up and don't let anyone grind you down.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 10 August 2006 - 3:24 PM
Yeah Whirly , i agree.Me and my mum - okay this sounds dramatic - actually had to cry because it just doesn't stop , and this is not the end yet. Not at all.It makes me so sad.....
On another note what has nothing to do with it ;
I was just watching the video for Anybody seen my baby by the Rolling Stones , wich is one of my fave Stones songs , and i thought " Damn that girl in the video is so super beautiful! " so after a bit of googling it turns out to be Angelina Jolie.
On another note what has nothing to do with it ;
I was just watching the video for Anybody seen my baby by the Rolling Stones , wich is one of my fave Stones songs , and i thought " Damn that girl in the video is so super beautiful! " so after a bit of googling it turns out to be Angelina Jolie.
Posted 10 August 2006 - 3:47 PM
its just really irritating isnt it.
i mean im sure theyve got their reasons, but by targeting innocent people and having indiscriminate targets dont they realise that they're just alienating people who might agree with some of their viewpoints (the wests stance on the middle east etc) and create further divisons?
ah well fuck it, stiff upper lip and all that. cup of tea anyone?
i mean im sure theyve got their reasons, but by targeting innocent people and having indiscriminate targets dont they realise that they're just alienating people who might agree with some of their viewpoints (the wests stance on the middle east etc) and create further divisons?
ah well fuck it, stiff upper lip and all that. cup of tea anyone?