Vorpal!!! Good to see you back in the land of the living. I too sympathize with your disappointment at not having gone to Olympia (though you were a lot closer to going than I was). It's good you did something you enjoyed in the meantime and that you got a lot of satisfaction from it. Plus, what better way to deal with agression than kick virtual ass! Keep the mind and spirit busy... That's pretty much what I did on Olympia day. Rather than be here on the forum moping and being sad that I was missing yet another opportunity, I did the rounds with family, pimped some pics of my family vacation to keep my mind busy.

General Bullshit Chat
#6401 whirly
Posted 07 September 2008 - 8:15 PM
#6402 VorpalStorm
Posted 07 September 2008 - 11:31 PM
Whirls! Yay, I'm glad you found a way to stave off the Olympia pains as well. They're not fun. =( Kicking virtual ass with my favorite video game character of all time was a fantastic remedy, though. How'd yours guys' vacation go? And tell Stash to hop on the PS3 sometime - we can chat. ^_^
#6403 inchemwetrust
Posted 09 September 2008 - 1:54 AM
I guess the GBC is in full swing again.
More busy at work today! I'm now working 55 hrs this week and because of the economy, I can't give more hours to our workers and now we are short staffed. I can't wait till my vacation comes up.
At least the weather is cooling down a bit. I'm looking forward to raking leaves and pumpkin pie in the Fall!
Still looks good to me:
Posted 11 September 2008 - 3:48 AM
I'm finally back from my London/Italy trip and it was fucking IMMENSE. From The Chemical Brothers to getting stoned in Venice, it was absolutely amazing.
I'm really jetlagged right now, but it feels good to be back home after being away for two weeks.
@Mipps--you're awesome, man. Thanks again for letting me crash.
Posted 15 September 2008 - 8:32 AM
Hello yes yes i am still alive!
Anybody knows Jakob Dylan...? He's the son off Bob Dylan and he's playing in Holland oct. 16th. I bought tickers for my boyfriend as he is the biggest Bob Dylan fan EVER. I checked out some of Jakob Dylan's tunes and i really liked what i heard. Anybody formilliar with this artist...?
Posted 15 September 2008 - 4:38 PM
Haven't heard Jakob Dylan, but have an awesome time Jeans! My girlfriend's roommate is a HUGE Dylan fan--there are adornments all around her apartment in tribute to the man. Kind of annoying, actually. But I'll have to learn a few of his tunes on piano--I've actually come to love quite a few of them because of her.
@Vorpalstorm--Hit me up anytime. I live in the Richmond in SF if you're ever in Golden Gate Park, and I have a few friends who live in both Emeryville and Oakland. Do you play poker?