does anyone have a phone number for becks fusions? Perhaps there's one printed on the tickets? Would be really grateful if someone could post it here.

TRAFALGAR - ticket updates anyone?
#42 Thandeka
Posted 06 September 2007 - 12:47 PM
Sorry theres no phone number on the tickets or the letter that came with it. Are you sure you validated your tickets the other week?
When i made enquiries about posting address they emailed from this address. In the forum you missed an 'i' out;
if not then try;
Hope that helps, good luck
#50 graysquire1969
Posted 06 September 2007 - 6:57 PM
And another update - spoken with guy from Becks Fusions, who will arrange for tix to be left at ICA in event they don't arrive. Should all work out for you mplatts - if you don't hear from him, respond to this and I can send you his direct number.
#54 mplatts
Posted 07 September 2007 - 1:08 PM
Should be all sorted now - finally managed to get through and they said I can go pick them up from the ICA box office. What a relief!! Can't wait now.
Thanks so much for your help Thandeka and graysquire1969, dunno what I'd have done otherwise!!
Posted 08 September 2007 - 9:41 AM
I am on the case for spares, I know of 2 friends who have 3 between them but dont know at this moment in time if they are taken or not. Both chums are coming to the pub. I'll keep you all posted.
I think the basic rule to tomorrow is, if you dont have a ticket, just take the risk and come to London regardless...cos you WILL get in! Somehow!