Don't Think
Posted 04 February 2012 - 7:09 PM
thing is i'm not the one who walks alone into cinema and i can't persuade someone to join
Posted 04 February 2012 - 7:28 PM
wow, great movie! saw it yesterday in vienna. nice little ravemob as well.
but im very dissapointed too. i mean, chemical brothers music is bass music. but there wasn't any. or not too much. it was so strange. you see thousands of people going mad at fuji rock but with the lackness of bass. no live feeling for me at all. i mean, believe, saturate or star guitar!!!, these tracks have great basslines. but not yesterday. hbhg: lame without bass and only (too) loud treble all movie long. truly: i can experience music at home way better with my own equipment. at the beginning they did something with the sound, but it didn't worked. an of course no 7.1. some guys were screaming for more bass but they didn't do anything. best moments for me were setting sun, EV with golden path lyrics, superflash, flash, flash, flash

nevertheless: great movie. can't wait to hear, see AND feel don't think in 7.1 at home. btw: this new mix of das spiegel is so nice and fits perfect at the end.
millenium city cinema, vienna: massive failure.
Posted 04 February 2012 - 8:10 PM
hubie, on 04 February 2012 - 5:44 AM, said:

nalaknip, on 04 February 2012 - 5:44 AM, said:
Shoud've gave him a 'force' choke!
ThePumisher, on 04 February 2012 - 11:09 AM, said:
I'll hold your hand next time we go into the cinema!

Half the time I went to the see the Chems, I went myself! I have no shame!

Posted 04 February 2012 - 8:46 PM

Posted 04 February 2012 - 8:53 PM
brother_ging, on 04 February 2012 - 8:28 PM, said:
wow, great movie! saw it yesterday in vienna. nice little ravemob as well.
but im very dissapointed too. i mean, chemical brothers music is bass music. but there wasn't any. or not too much. it was so strange. you see thousands of people going mad at fuji rock but with the lackness of bass. no live feeling for me at all. i mean, believe, saturate or star guitar!!!, these tracks have great basslines. but not yesterday. hbhg: lame without bass and only (too) loud treble all movie long. truly: i can experience music at home way better with my own equipment. at the beginning they did something with the sound, but it didn't worked. an of course no 7.1. some guys were screaming for more bass but they didn't do anything. best moments for me were setting sun, EV with golden path lyrics, superflash, flash, flash, flash

nevertheless: great movie. can't wait to hear, see AND feel don't think in 7.1 at home. btw: this new mix of das spiegel is so nice and fits perfect at the end.
millenium city cinema, vienna: massive failure.
I don't think the sound was that bad. Of course it was nowhere as intense as a concert, but these are cinema speakers, they aren't made to handle such music and sounds.
EV with Tom singing along to the Golden Path lyrics, that's such a nice little moment! And yes, the credits with Das Spiegel (Btw, does anyone know why it's called "Das" Spiegel and not "Der" Spiegel?) are perfect.

Posted 04 February 2012 - 9:41 PM
Stefan, on 04 February 2012 - 9:53 PM, said:
ok, then it would have been nice if they show DT in a cinema with "good" speakers or where the staff know hot to setup their gear when showing a chemical brothers concert film and not those silly blockbusters (loud as hell WITH bass btw). of course, movie speakers can not be as good as the live audio setup/experience but in our case the bass was nearly not existent and treble was way too loud. also there was a little delay. dj ears

Posted 05 February 2012 - 1:46 AM
ThePumisher, on 04 February 2012 - 11:09 AM, said:
thing is i'm not the one who walks alone into cinema and i can't persuade someone to join
Aaah... Yes, I know what you mean. Going to the movies alone (I have only done it once) can be a tad awkward!
inchemwetrust, on 04 February 2012 - 12:10 PM, said:

Half the time I went to the see the Chems, I went myself! I have no shame!
That is brave! I don't know if I could go it alone... But... If its the Chems it would be a super tough call to go solo!
Posted 05 February 2012 - 2:20 AM
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
Posted 05 February 2012 - 8:37 AM
inchemwetrust, on 27 January 2012 - 2:22 PM, said:
Shotglass75, on 02 February 2012 - 9:07 AM, said:
nalaknip, on 04 February 2012 - 5:44 AM, said:
Found it!

Posted 05 February 2012 - 11:29 AM

Re going solo I'd never been alone to a cinema before but I thought given the specialist nature of the film it'd be better than watching any old film. I've been to several gigs alone now and I think once the music starts it doesn't really matter. I think the worst thing is missing out because of other people's lack of interest and that always pushes me to do it.
Posted 05 February 2012 - 7:23 PM
I went with a friend last Friday, and was, unusually for a chems related event, pretty calm and sort of unexcited. But once we had taken our seats and the Intro started playing, my heart began pounding. Strangely enough, it always does it when I attend a chems show. Weird, huh? As if I had to go on stage myself...

Maybe the excitement that got me from that point in time was also fueled by a kind of uncertainty whether my pal would also enjoy what was about to come.
The way Adam created the intro is splendid. The hazes of smoke that made words come and go were really spot on for a concert movie of that kind. So my heartbeat reached critical frequency and were almost bouncing against my nose once Another World kicked in. I don't how you feel about it but I do think it's a very good opener for their further tour since it creates that special thrill through its repeated beat sample which pumps you up. It's also a clever way to get people's arms in the air

During DIA I had a huge grin on my face when this chubby Japanese guy at the food stand happily sung along "get yourself high". That was a priceless moment for me.
So film-wise the second half right into the set, when they turned away from the stage contained the best moments for me. Particularly when they followed all these guys who were stoked by the visuals that were displayed on the soil and other things around the place. I don't know if that was just edited in but it certainly added to the atmosphere and gave the whole thing a quite distinctive touch! It felt like they were trying to say, don't take it too fecking serious and have fun. Another great shot was these guys playing around with those bugs. Made me laugh the very first time I saw that in the trailer and it felt even better in the cinema. What a great crowd there at Fuji!
Generally, I really dug the audience. So euphoric and merged in the festival, which seems quite unique. I can understand why they chose to shoot a movie there!!
Along with these side scenes I felt it was a marvellous idea of Adam to visualize the psychedelic effect such a concert can have on people by going right into this girl's head. For me this was a mature moment were you could see that Adam isn't merely someone who's making videos for them but has a real personal connection to the their music. The ingeniously use of the Clown theme in such an eerie context is true art. This quy's tooth gap still creeps the crap out of me

Speaking of details, bringing this little Robot to life was just brilliant! It appears more often now since their WATN tour and I like that (sort of reminds me of Prodigy's ant theme)!
As awesome as this movie is, I would have a few minor things to complain about, too.
The movie starts off just a tad too fast for my taste. I would have found it kinda cool if they had shown the audience's faces filled with anticipation when they were gathering and then turned right to the stage when they boys showed up (like a 180° camera turn). Furthermore, I was a little surprised that there were only a few moments were you could actually see what they do behind their equipment (the HBHG button explosion was awesome!!!!!, btw, is Rasputin=Superflash sample?). According to some posts here I was expecting some more scenes like that (also my friend said that afterwards). Lastly, even though I know Adam aspired to capture the psychedelic vibe, I thought the fast edited scenes and cuts could have been a little less. Some of the time my eyes tried to focus on something and were immediatly distracted by pulsating layers of visuals, faces and stuff, which made me a tad dizzy at times.
That said, this movie left me impressed and disappointed at the same time bercause I missed out on their fabulous Further tour (which is on par with their CWU tour for me, maybe slightly better). The audience and beauty of Fuji rock rendered me envious that I hadn't have the opportunity to celebrate with these crazy Japanese there. Something I need to do in the future, therefore: T+E, please never cease making music!!!
If I were to sum it up, I'd say: A true masterpiece. My heart kept pounding until the end (no exaggeration!)
It would have been even more epic if there had been the Reel or Sunshine but you can rule that out due to the nature of festivals: not enough time (particularly when a band called Kings of Lame plays beforehand).
As for my friend, when I asked him whether he liked it, he said he was a little mistaken because he thought it was some kind of documentary. But he admitted that he liked a lots of songs that were played. He had a diffuse picture of them and was surprised about how all was presented. I reckon he's got a bigger appreciation for their music now. (he always loved the break in Star Guitar, which I had to make his ringtone

Remarkable work, guys! The bar is set!
(Are you pioneers again now?)
Oh, forgot to mention that I felt like a Skrillex geek waiting for the drop to drop in Das Spiegel, which was a perfect credit-edit

Posted 05 February 2012 - 9:24 PM
Posted 05 February 2012 - 9:51 PM
Csar, on 05 February 2012 - 11:23 AM, said:
that would of been a good idea...show the crowd waiting of sorts!
Csar, on 05 February 2012 - 11:23 AM, said:
I'm still trying to figure out what MO FO, and DANNY do !!!!
@ 6:45

Posted 07 February 2012 - 3:54 AM

I went to the cinema last saturday.
I taped my foot the whole time, but I really wanted to jump, shout, etc.
I couldn't believe that they played some of their old songs.
Seems that some guys that were next to me just knew their last album, they sang all the songs from their last album, but they didn't even know Block Rockin Beats!
I couldn't believe that they started with Tomorrow Never Knows, what a nice surprise!

Posted 07 February 2012 - 5:11 PM
Blu-Ray/CD & DVD/CD will be out on March 27th, Special Edition (10” Book format) with exclusive images will be released on April 10th.
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