Drunk drivers/crazy drivers - I was in court a few weeks ago as witness for a young guy who almost knocked down my son and I in a restaurant car park. Got the license plate, called the police. The guy tried outdriving him, and when they got him turns out he's 17, no licence (except to drive a tractor...), no insurance, no tax, dangerous vehicle which got retained, and he got done for all of these plus the dangerous driving. It gave me great pleasure to stand up and give all the evidence - you'll enjoy it, vorpal!

General Bullshit Chat
#6241 graysquire1969
Posted 09 July 2008 - 1:41 PM
#6246 thedeucecake
Posted 10 July 2008 - 7:27 PM
hi, i am looking for info regarding the show July 17th in berlin... i can't seem to verify the show is even happening!!! but i have photo's of the flyers that say 17.7.08 at the zitadelle festival... if anyone knows where i can score some tickets that would be awesome.
Posted 11 July 2008 - 4:07 AM
@alienfrompalentdust, lol at the name.
for images in sigs you put in then your image link then
should look like this
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#6250 inchemwetrust
Posted 13 July 2008 - 9:16 AM
Went to Amoeba today and was kind of shocked that I found 22 copies of DYOH in the used CD section for $6.99! Who would dare sell this awesome album? It's those people who hopped on the late 90's electronica bandwagon and then ditched the Chems!
#6251 whirly
Posted 13 July 2008 - 5:47 PM
I envy you, because you got to go to Amoeba!
The last time I was there, there were a ton of copies of the Setting Sun single. And there was a nice copy of the Reel which prompted a little happy dance from me since I've been searching that out for ages! I'm so glad someone decided to part with that disc so I could take it home and love on it, hahaha. I'm sure those Dig Your Own Holes will find loving homes eventually. :)
#6254 inchemwetrust
Posted 14 July 2008 - 1:42 AM
Your right Pooter! But I did buy a brand spanking new 'Boxer' single for $3.99, since my last one was scratched up and playless. a Japanese version of WATN is tempting to buy, but maybe next time. But I'll tell you what Whirly, stick me in a record store and I'll be having conversations with random customers about music more then actually buying music.
On a serious note, I woke up this morning with a sore right eye because a couple of days ago, I injured my eye. It didn't bother then until now, so I went to a different eye doctor this time and he started putting all these sterile washes in my eye. He must of done this like 7 times or so but I was pissed because I couldn't keep my eye open. He then used a slit lamp to get a better view of my eye and found out that I have a scratched cornea. He said I'll be better in a few more days as he gave me antibiotics.
I'm very humble that it wasn't serious. I couldn't imagine seeing a Chems show with one eye and how my life could of been affected. Close call but very scary.
Posted 14 July 2008 - 7:12 AM
the loss of vision certainly scares me a lot.
I have disposable contacts and sometimes they fall off and get lost in my eye socket. So when I have to search for them in eye socket, I'm practiclly jabbing my fingers into my eyes just to look for these stupid things. God its such a horrible feeling.
I need to get my ass out there and put my vinyl game to work!
I finally took a giant dive into the deep end and got me some top of the line turntables (technics) this weekend which I got a fabulous deal on. Thats right mixmaster Bosco is on his way!
#6258 inchemwetrust
Posted 15 July 2008 - 2:59 AM
Good for you Bosco! I await you first mix bro! speaking of contacts. My entire family wears them or wears glasses (I'm the only one that doesn't wear any of them!) So I kind of dread of putting anything in my eye. Saw the doc again today and he said the antibiotics are working and my eye is getting better!
Hungover! Did you go out again last night :)
can't use the counter stuff (Visine ,Clear eyes)
just got to put this other stuff in the eye every 4 hours, 3 times a day.
#6259 makeskidskill
Posted 15 July 2008 - 8:04 AM
well, I spent the last 5 days or so in the hospital. Not fun, even if they shoot you up with 2mgs of dilaudid every 3 hours. My gastrointestinal thing was acting up again. Probably going to have to have surgery (not until I get back from Hawaii) and get about a foot of my large intestine removed. It's either that or, well, eat nothing but shite food for the rest of my life, and even that's no guarantee, because if it gets worse, they remove my asshole (my best feature) and I get to crap in a bag for the rest of my life. fuck.
Had this fucked up doctor, who came in right when whirly and our son was visiting, and he said 'your calcium levels in your blood were really high, do you drink a lot of milk? no? then it could be cancer' right in front of my 10 year old son. If I hadn't been in agonizing pain, I would have throttled the motherfucker. Then the asshole orders all these xrays and scans and shit, and then he fucking leaves before he looks at them, so I spent the entire night wondering if my body was riddled with tumors. It's not, amazingly. Makes me want to kidnap the motherfuckers loved ones, and leave him a note, 'your family is either having ice cream, or I'm sodomizing and murdering them. I'll tell you tomorrow'