Whoah! So much to check out. Thank you so much all involved!

Official site overhaul!
Posted 27 April 2007 - 3:08 PM
Here here! Big thank you. Excitement levels about new album on overload!
After a 3 second 404 error message, the website was transformed right before my eyes. It's great and the chronicles portion of the site is very clever! I woke up stash to tell him recipes are available. He's not happy with me. At all! Payback is in the mail, I'm sure, hahaha
Edited... edited!! There's an edit button. Weeeeeeeheeee!! Our prayers have been answered!
Posted 27 April 2007 - 4:51 PM
What's this RSS function?
Btw, this forum still has some slight bugs. So it don't log you out after hitting the log-out button. You need to refresh your browser. And I miss the avatar column with these infos about location and amount of posts.
One note to the live-stream: it was just a coincindence that i was getting aware of the stream links. They are not highlighted and the cursor looks like a text typing one.
The homepage itself is great! Nice chronicle section and favourite links by the brothers! Yay!
Posted 27 April 2007 - 4:58 PM
If you clicked the RSS link (if it worked) it would take you to a basic page with the same text on (displayed in the normal RSS(XML) format) you then could subscribe to the topic so you would be notified about reply’s.
I have my RSS feeds setup in outlook so if a feed has been updated a number comes up saying how many new items have been added, in the same way it says how many new email you have (a blue number inside two blue square brackets)
Posted 27 April 2007 - 9:27 PM
The new site is sweet. Thanks so much to whomever was responsible for this, though the new forum will take some getting used to.
One question--is anyone else having trouble listening to the DJ Sets and other material available for stream on this site? I'm able to listen, but then the stream will just stop mid-song. Are they just having server issues?
Posted 27 April 2007 - 9:29 PM
I've only had time to look at the new forum and I think the update was a really good one. Liking the colors :)
Sure there are some problems with the layout but actually since the site is nicely structured and the forums use a CSS file for a big part of the layout any user can customize the layout to his/her liking by downloading the CSS file, making some edits to it and commanding the internet browser to use the customized file.
But anyhow the default style could still be improved. I think the format for each individual post is a little crowded. The actual post content should be clearly separated from other elements. To this end I think at least the "posted __ minutes ago" part should be before the actual text part and grouped with member name and so forth.
I have to go and check the other parts of the site now :)