General Bullshit Chat
Posted 05 March 2007 - 9:14 AM
Good luck with it , Darkie. U know in 2 months all youre hard work will pay off.
Got a job interview today. For a 'Normal' job in promotions. Driving around Holland to promote products. I dont care - i need something normal and some structure for a bit.
Now that i made the discision to go back to Amsterdam , i dont view it in the negative light that i used to see it anymore. I realise this is where i'm gonna live for the rest of my life ( Well , maybe not , but i need to think that way in order to give myself a 100% ) and yesterday as i was walking to the cinema with my cousin , i fell in love with Amsterdam all over again. I'm proud to live here. It's fucking beautifull.
Got a job interview today. For a 'Normal' job in promotions. Driving around Holland to promote products. I dont care - i need something normal and some structure for a bit.
Now that i made the discision to go back to Amsterdam , i dont view it in the negative light that i used to see it anymore. I realise this is where i'm gonna live for the rest of my life ( Well , maybe not , but i need to think that way in order to give myself a 100% ) and yesterday as i was walking to the cinema with my cousin , i fell in love with Amsterdam all over again. I'm proud to live here. It's fucking beautifull.
Posted 06 March 2007 - 7:50 PM
irish fan Escribi�:
Jeanie Escribi�:
then doing a course "How to sound less like a robot'' X-D
ha i used my robot mode to do that post. giot tickets to arcade fire tonight woohoo
nice one Irish Fan - Ill see them at Oxegen this year and I'll remember to wear my Aontroim GAA shirt and do my Knacker pose.
I probably spelled Antrim wrong
Posted 07 March 2007 - 7:31 AM
haha, school...!
doing -- or rather avoiding doing -- a paper on ulysses at the moment. well the first four episodes. my what a dense piece of writing! tricky!
end of term; busy time! I've had a dozen assignments in the last week and a few exams
all in all fun but sleep-deprived
longing for chemical six...
so Jeanie you're back to Amsterdam now then?
doing -- or rather avoiding doing -- a paper on ulysses at the moment. well the first four episodes. my what a dense piece of writing! tricky!
end of term; busy time! I've had a dozen assignments in the last week and a few exams
all in all fun but sleep-deprived
longing for chemical six...
so Jeanie you're back to Amsterdam now then?
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 07 March 2007 - 4:38 PM
Wont happen this week. Got a mofo infection in my head. Dunno the english word , but ive got the biggest headpain , all my head inside is blocked and i'm on antibiotics. Ah well. I think its change in wheater and bacteria's from flying and stuff. Really annoying tho. I was in Ikea to look at stuff for my new room and i had to wear a sunglasses because the light hurts my eyes.
Posted 08 March 2007 - 3:05 AM
That stinks, Jeanie. I hope you're better soon. It was probably the long flight that did it. When I take a long flight, it almost always guarantees some sort illness to follow shortly afterward. All those germs flying around in a pressurized cabin, sitting in close proximity with people who have god knows what illness. When stash and I flew to London last time, we thought we were being smart by taking this stuff called Airbourne which is a vitamin C booster recommended before long flights. It didn't help at all. By the time we came home 5 days later we were both sick with bronchial infections. Of course part of that was probably due to the fact we spent most our time over indulging, walking around in the freezing cold and going on very little sleep. X-D
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 08 March 2007 - 5:34 AM
.... but on a positive note, starting each day in London with half a bottle of cough syrup and then immediately heading to a pub made every day that much more interesting....
(This was before I knew anything about DXM. I just figured if a little was good, a lot would be better. Bwah.)
(This was before I knew anything about DXM. I just figured if a little was good, a lot would be better. Bwah.)
Posted 08 March 2007 - 5:36 AM
Sorry to post again in this thread so soon. But I just realized I've robodosed in three countries, as I've also done some solid cough syrup consumption in California as well. First time I visited 'stash and Whirly in Laguna I got really brutally sick and one night, when I got off the train, I stopped by a gas station and bought a bottle of cough syrup and a bunch of beer. heh.
Oh, and the codeine cough syrup shots after Avalon as well.... I sound like a junkie, but it must be pointed out that all these incidents were several months apart and most of them were unintentional robodosing.
Oh, and the codeine cough syrup shots after Avalon as well.... I sound like a junkie, but it must be pointed out that all these incidents were several months apart and most of them were unintentional robodosing.
Posted 08 March 2007 - 10:09 AM
Hahahahaaha X-D Thats funny X-D
Well i feel much better already. I got strong antibiotics. I'm ready to face the world again! And buy some new clothes for my new job. Haha , i'm gonna go into promoting. But not for a cool thing like a record label , no , i'm gonna do instore cooking demonstrations and stuff. X-D
Ah well , it pays the bills for now , and i have aaaages to find out what i wanna do next , so its all good. For the first time in 4 years i feel quite peacefull. I dont have this hasty feeling off "quick quick i'm off to Paris tomorrow! "and its kinda nice.
Well i feel much better already. I got strong antibiotics. I'm ready to face the world again! And buy some new clothes for my new job. Haha , i'm gonna go into promoting. But not for a cool thing like a record label , no , i'm gonna do instore cooking demonstrations and stuff. X-D
Ah well , it pays the bills for now , and i have aaaages to find out what i wanna do next , so its all good. For the first time in 4 years i feel quite peacefull. I dont have this hasty feeling off "quick quick i'm off to Paris tomorrow! "and its kinda nice.