The first link you have is the unreleased (promo) version. The second one is from the official release and also appeared on Wipeout XL for the original Playstation.

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 13 January 2010 - 9:49 PM
Ableton for all reasons, though I still use anoter app for small editing (eq's, compression, and non-midi stuff), since ableton would crash if each track was running it's components in real time on my computer.
Really fun, I built a modular synth and can use ableton to control parameters. Time consumings though.
#7304 whirly
Posted 14 January 2010 - 12:11 AM
I'm going to NAMM this weekend!!! Guitars and keyboards and synths, oh my! Plus nearly every other musical instrument under the sun.
I lucked out with getting a pass this year, big time. I cannot wait! I'll be sure to take pics of all all the stupendous gear I come across and post it to my Facecrack.
Posted 20 January 2010 - 12:43 PM
Ah, i always love a good weather chat. Especially about tornado´s!
it´s been pretty cold in Amsterdam too, in fact it was frrrreezing, now it´s getting better...i cant wait for spring to start though!
Other than that i have moved, still working, the usual boys drama, good parties, so nothing new...
hope all is well with everyone!
Hugs! x
Posted 20 January 2010 - 9:43 PM
I'm sick. :-(
I sat in the "window nook" of my apartment yesterday wondering if the windows were going to cave in and break from the pounding of the rain and wind outside. It was a little freaky. Oh, there was lightning which struck close by, too. Well, it was within a mile.
Other than that, I'm driving down to Southern California to celebrate my son's birthday this weekend, hang out with some of my friends back home, and hopefully get some tail. Cheers!
Posted 22 January 2010 - 1:35 AM
I always wondered. When you count the time between the lightning and the Thunder, Is it considered Miles or Kilometers. That's right, a measurement question!
I love how my Local Weather tag sticks
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#7314 Skey
Posted 22 January 2010 - 1:24 PM
Why the lighting travels faster than the thunder? Because our eyes are before the ears...
We'll have the final exam on 27th January, so I have to study for it now... I am not afraid of the exam, but there are too much homework to do every night!! I always stay up until 11:00 so I always be sleepy the next day... >:(
I don't think it's helpful to do so much homework, but the Chinese educational system just like this... What do you think...?
Posted 22 January 2010 - 10:54 PM
Jeanie, with your love of weather and what not have you ever consider entering the meteorology field?
Skey, never ending homework sucks. Hang tough.
Posted 27 January 2010 - 12:11 AM
@Whirls: I was going to visit you and Stash while I was down but I ran out of time!! :-(
@Jeans: Sorry about the random Facebook post! Fucking tequila...
Hangover today.
Traveling, hopefully not in the rain, tomorrow.
Can't wait to get some speakers and start using my APC40. Mmmmm....
Going to throw together a demo mix for the Noc Noc (bar in my neighborhood) and see if they'll let me DJ some random Saturday. (yessss!!!!)
Keep the faith and love, people.
@inchemwetrust: Are you planning on Coachella again this year?
#7320 inchemwetrust
Posted 27 January 2010 - 2:21 AM
Pooters gonna drop his first set!
Yes i'm going Poot! I have no desire to be in my city at that time!
Menudo has bailed me out at least half the time in hangovers. Someone told me that pear juice works only if you drink it a few hours before you actually 'drink'!