Sonar Music Festival 2010 Chems Live June 17Th Spain
Posted 30 March 2010 - 8:46 PM
w00t Spain!
(I know this is not new news, just doing my part in organizing)
w00t Spain!
(I know this is not new news, just doing my part in organizing)
Posted 11 May 2010 - 3:48 PM
im asking because of this:
dirty bpitchcontrol boat party which ends at 10.00 pm. have to book a ticket for the boat party but i think its too dangerous to go on board not knowing the exact timetable on saturday...where the chemies where playing.
dirty bpitchcontrol boat party which ends at 10.00 pm. have to book a ticket for the boat party but i think its too dangerous to go on board not knowing the exact timetable on saturday...where the chemies where playing.
Posted 20 May 2010 - 7:26 PM
timetable's available:
chems start at 3.00 o clock in the morning!
chems start at 3.00 o clock in the morning!
Posted 06 June 2010 - 7:38 PM
Excuse me, "agressive" wasn´t the right word. What I tried to say is that Sonar is, in comparison with other Spanish festivals and events, the most expensive. High prices keep scaring the local public ; the organization knows it and thus, promotes abroad the festival with parties in England, France ...That is, they´re looking for a audience with a greater purchasing power than the Spanish one. In addition, much of the financing of Sonar is public (through the Ministry of Culture and the Generalitat de Catalunya), so it is quite frustrating to pay with my taxes an act and to be unable to attend it.