My time here lately has been sporadic at best, mainly popping up every now and about but not posting with the manic frequency as I once did. Like Jeanie, I had invested so much time here in the past, as though the Chemical Brothers (and everything that came along with their music: the forum, the people) orbited around my life like a satellite. If I couldn't hop a plane to Glastonbury or whereverintheworld to see a gig, I knew I could hop on the forum and in some remote way, live that experience somewhat vicariously through the person posting their share. I divulged a lot of information here myself, and relayed a lot of Chems related and off-topic experiences and feelings, and in many ways used the memories built on here to help carry me through some of the darkest periods of my life so far. Call it escapism, if you will. I owe a lot to the bodies that make up this forum. These names I see every day. I love this place, and love the people that inhabit our corner of the world. Even those folks that, looking back, I locked horns with. Time has a way of softening things up a bit.
Anyway, I have incredible memories that took place as a result of the Chemical Brothers. My first Chemical related meet-up was at Coachella 2001 but it wasn't related to the forum. It was a group of us from the old mailing list. After 3 years of babbling with them through email, I thought it would be fun to actually meet these people in person. And the rest is history.
My first forum meet-up happened in 2005. My husband and I went to London to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary and the timing was such, that I'd be celebrating my birthday on British soil. A forumite named Sneakerbeater was doing a dj set in Woking which happened to be on my birthday, so - how perfect! This was before social networking and Facebooking and Twittering and all of that. I didn't even have a mobile phone at that time. Everything was sort of planned out here on the forum, and surely it all came together on a hope and a prayer. Literally. I don't even think any of us conversed by email beforehand. For all we knew, we were going to meet up with axe murderers and never to be heard from again. On the day, my husband and I took a train out and met iguanapunk and chemicalfan, and we all went to check sneakerbeater's set out together. It remains my most favorite birthday ever in the history of my universe

And nobody was murdered, which was awesome. That was kind of the start of something special. From there on I met so many incredible people - Pooter, mipps, Jeanie Beanie, mcmarsh, Bosco, Biff, Darkstarexodus... so many awesome people with amazing lives that I am blessed to have in my life, off the forum. Even if it is on Facebook or whatever.
Other great memories include getting voicemail messages from Jeanie, mippio and the gang during the opening of a Chems set they were at. And having these online friendships layer over into 'real life'. I've had many a forumite crash on my couch or on my floor. Some have seen my son grow from a little kid into a young man. Time is weird like that. Oh, having the opportunity to meet Tom and Ed, and having Ed meet my son. That wouldn't have happened had the forum not been here.
Sigh. Memories. So many, many good ones. I'm happy to relive them all in my mind's eye and see the friends I've made grow into their lives. It's pretty great, actually.