^ Holy crap, man!! That's really freaky - damn straight it's a good thing you were at that gig. What a horrifying experience being robbed at gun point!

General Bullshit Chat
#5923 whirly
Posted 20 November 2007 - 4:22 AM
Hahaha... here you go Ben. I do not know at exactly what time I'm on screen, but I was in the scene that took place at that Russian themed Komrades club. Literally, I was on film for 1 second just walking past. It's so random. If you blink you'll miss me, haha.
Damn, took me a long time to find that post stash made and put here in this bullshit thread. :lol: Talk about buried
I'm in the foreground, bottom right and it's a bit blurry. No, I'm not the one with the mullet in the back ground. One thing through the years that hasn't changed is my giant black hair.
Posted 22 November 2007 - 3:36 AM
whirly.....errie! I was thinking about that series of movies for the last few days now. especially the part where cassandra says 'why don't you just go talk to her?' and then garth does the dance to Hendrixs' 'Foxy'. by that you can probably tell what I'm thinking about lately.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#5927 whirly
Posted 25 November 2007 - 12:28 AM
It's All Gone Pete Tong is a great film. It manages to be heartwarming without being overly schmaltzy. If anyone has ever felt the music, or had an intuitive connection with music in general - then you'd enjoy the film. Just watch it and you'll see why.
Coke badger? hahahaha!! Yeah... I've had my run ins with the coke badger, hehe.. hehe.. he... he.. One of those things that must be experienced I suppose!
Posted 25 November 2007 - 9:47 PM
I was pretty bored/frustrated and I found history yes forum history: http://www.thechemic...hp?id=1029&page
was also browsing through this: http://forums.theche.../memberlist.php the old forum is somehow still active which is great :) lol and the old pm system still works! found mt first pm's in there lol and also my first pm to Jeanie it was about the animal track, because I didn't know what it was on that moment. Really cool to see how i got in contact with people :)
#5929 whirly
Posted 26 November 2007 - 4:07 AM
^ Haha!! Jeanie's first posts on the board. So much has happened since then. So many places visited, so many internet cafes posted from, so many people met, so many gigs attended.
Now all you gotta do is search for the thread where Jeanie very reluctantly disclosed what she did for a living and that caused quite a commotion with people asking her to post a pic and so on. She ended up posting this itty bitty pic of her from a modelling shoot wearing this gigantic afro wig. :lol:
Ah Jeanie, you're a part of history!
Posted 26 November 2007 - 7:33 AM
Jeanie is more then just a part of the history on this forum. Shes part of the myth if you may call it that. I will
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 26 November 2007 - 9:45 AM
That's awesome! I was trying to remember when Jeanie joined the board, i think i might've overlooked that topic thinking, "oh she'll be one of those people that drop in with a question and never come back..." glad i was wrong!
oh yeah, Gundhi... where the hell did he go?
Posted 26 November 2007 - 8:02 PM
That took me back for a moment. I first posted here it says on Dec 7th 2004. I'm coming up to my 3rd birthday on the forum. YAH! totally useless though to the rest of you
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#5936 whirly
Posted 27 November 2007 - 11:56 PM
Ugh - best of luck with moving past the roommate phase of life, Biff! I hope you can find a place to call your own. The privacy, peace, quiet and not having to fuss with communal property such as fridge shelves and toilet paper is well worth the extra money paid for your own place.
#5939 whirly
Posted 29 November 2007 - 12:03 AM
Ugh roommates. It sucks that their being loaded means all forms of social grace and simple respect for housemates go out the window!
I feel your pain. I'd sooner live in my car than live with roommates again.
We should swap "nightmarish roomies" stories sometime!!